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[读书的日子] 准版主moontory和majia20112011吵架的神贴~技术or直觉?

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发表于 2010-11-10 02:52:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
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发表于 2010-11-10 10:17:06 | 只看该作者
Completely nonsense. Top program has top corporate guys who are in no way worse than asset pricing people. Corporate is the main stream of finance. Most asset pricing papers nowadays, meanwhile, has little economic insight.

program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 2:52:14)

发表于 2010-11-10 10:51:26 | 只看该作者
It could also reflect the reality that it is hard to publish in asset pricing, espeically in theory
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 11:30:55 | 只看该作者
我又没说top program里做corporate finance的不强。我只是说做asset pricing的都集中在好学校里。
asset pricing不是mainstream是因为剩下的都做不动了, 跟什么economic insight有嘛关系。没有insight能build a model??

Completely nonsense. Top program has top corporate guys who are in no way worse than asset pricing people. Corporate is the main stream of finance. Most asset pricing papers nowadays, meanwhile, has little economic insight.

program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 2:52:14)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 10:17:06)

发表于 2010-11-10 11:33:28 | 只看该作者
It needs zero insight to build "a" model. You are too inexperienced. A lot of models are completely nonsensical economically, which is just a show-off of those scientists and engineers-turned so-called "finance" guys.

我又没说top program里做corporate finance的不强。我只是说做asset pricing的都集中在好学校里。
asset pricing不是mainstream是因为剩下的都做不动了, 跟什么economic insight有嘛关系。没有insight能build a model??

Completely nonsense. Top program has top corporate guys who are in no way worse than asset pricing people. Corporate is the main stream of finance. Most asset pricing papers nowadays, meanwhile, has little economic insight.

program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 2:52:14)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 10:17:06)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 11:30:55)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 11:34:27 | 只看该作者

It could also reflect the reality that it is hard to publish in asset pricing, espeically in theory
-- by 会员 fzxc613 (2010/11/10 10:51:26)

发表于 2010-11-10 11:39:11 | 只看该作者
是的,一个stephen ross 的学生 跟我说stephen ross 觉得asset pricing的theory已经让他们给做完了,后面的人不用再浪费时间做了。

It could also reflect the reality that it is hard to publish in asset pricing, espeically in theory
-- by 会员 fzxc613 (2010/11/10 10:51:26)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 11:40:52 | 只看该作者
well, I would not be so agressive like you.
you might not wanna hear this, but I can tell you that you are too inexperienced to survive in acdemia unless you are a super star.

It needs zero insight to build "a" model. You are too inexperienced. A lot of models are completely nonsensical economically, which is just a show-off of those scientists and engineers-turned so-called "finance" guys.

我又没说top program里做corporate finance的不强。我只是说做asset pricing的都集中在好学校里。
asset pricing不是mainstream是因为剩下的都做不动了, 跟什么economic insight有嘛关系。没有insight能build a model??

Completely nonsense. Top program has top corporate guys who are in no way worse than asset pricing people. Corporate is the main stream of finance. Most asset pricing papers nowadays, meanwhile, has little economic insight.

program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 2:52:14)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 10:17:06)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 11:30:55)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 11:33:28)

发表于 2010-11-10 11:48:56 | 只看该作者
We shall see who will survive. You think your tiny experience in applied math makes you qualified to express any opinion on my survival? Ridiculous.
well, I would not be so agressive like you.
you might not wanna hear this, but I can tell you that you are too inexperienced to survive in acdemia unless you are a super star.

It needs zero insight to build "a" model. You are too inexperienced. A lot of models are completely nonsensical economically, which is just a show-off of those scientists and engineers-turned so-called "finance" guys.

我又没说top program里做corporate finance的不强。我只是说做asset pricing的都集中在好学校里。
asset pricing不是mainstream是因为剩下的都做不动了, 跟什么economic insight有嘛关系。没有insight能build a model??

Completely nonsense. Top program has top corporate guys who are in no way worse than asset pricing people. Corporate is the main stream of finance. Most asset pricing papers nowadays, meanwhile, has little economic insight.

program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 2:52:14)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 10:17:06)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 11:30:55)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 11:33:28)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 11:40:52)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 11:59:21 | 只看该作者

这位兄弟, 你说大家在这里吵又有什么意义呢。
再说了你又不能说服我, 除非你现在已经是tenured faculty in finance. 如果仅仅是PhD的话就算了。
We shall see who will survive. You think your tiny experience in applied math makes you qualified to express any opinion on my survival? Ridiculous.
well, I would not be so agressive like you.
you might not wanna hear this, but I can tell you that you are too inexperienced to survive in acdemia unless you are a super star.

It needs zero insight to build "a" model. You are too inexperienced. A lot of models are completely nonsensical economically, which is just a show-off of those scientists and engineers-turned so-called "finance" guys.

我又没说top program里做corporate finance的不强。我只是说做asset pricing的都集中在好学校里。
asset pricing不是mainstream是因为剩下的都做不动了, 跟什么economic insight有嘛关系。没有insight能build a model??

Completely nonsense. Top program has top corporate guys who are in no way worse than asset pricing people. Corporate is the main stream of finance. Most asset pricing papers nowadays, meanwhile, has little economic insight.

program 越强, 做asset pricing等theorectical 的人就越多。
越往下走就是corporate finance的天下了。当然牛program也有做corporate finance的。
-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 2:52:14)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 10:17:06)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 11:30:55)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 11:33:28)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 11:40:52)

-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 11:48:56)

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