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[校友答疑] 2016 Baruch MFE 校友答疑(祝贺Baruch MFE获得2016 Rotman International Trading Competition

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发表于 2016-2-20 03:15:25 | 只看该作者
Pomelo_LOL 发表于 2016-2-19 17:07
高级的数学课我学过ODE,PDE,实分析, ...

real analysis, probability, and stochastic calculus are very important materials to know, but if u r not doing derivative related stuff, nobody gives a shit.

u can be a mathematical guru, but for entry levels at least, u need to be able to program. nobody is gonna hire u for u to just sit there and think, because for equal amount of money, they could easily hire a math PhD that is much more competent than you are.
发表于 2016-2-20 09:43:56 | 只看该作者
太羡慕各位baruch mfe的师兄师姐了,请问有什么建议给我们这种小弱弱?怎样才能全面的提高自己?
发表于 2016-2-20 10:34:28 | 只看该作者
lebrongu 发表于 2016-2-20 09:43
太羡慕各位baruch mfe的师兄师姐了,请问有什么建议给我们这种小弱弱?怎样才能全面的提高自己? ...

前面两条回复 感觉已经很到位了 不知道 你具体有什么问题?
 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-21 05:21:24 | 只看该作者
Pomelo_LOL 发表于 2016-2-19 17:07
高级的数学课我学过ODE,PDE,实分析, ...

如果单纯针对面试的话,其实就概率论,微积分,线代,其他的东西到开学了都会学。如果你简历里有什么time series, regression, machine learning 那就自己补一下。不需要新学很多数学吧。感兴趣可以提前看看stochastic calculus. 如果是quant trading 的话,就是 stat, cs. 但你现在主要准备面试比较重要。
发表于 2016-2-21 15:42:45 | 只看该作者
多谢各位学长学姐,今天收到了refresher seminars的信息,感觉好多要看,得开始准备啦。期待与各位在纽约见面。
发表于 2016-2-25 22:11:46 | 只看该作者
请问各位前辈,我本科是金融,不会编程,想申请QMM,但是我数理背景很弱,G680,雅思7.5 有希望吗?
发表于 2016-2-26 04:47:58 | 只看该作者
good morning everyone,
First, thank you guys for posting replies here.

So let me briefly introduce myself.

I went to Canada in high school, and i am now in the top math school in canada. Doing Math Finance undergrad + actuarial science major. Now I have finished 3A, and doing internship. I will be doing 3B 4A 4B consecutively. So I will graduate May 2017.
As you can see, I will apply for class of 2017.

GPA: low 90's. So that should translate to 3.9/4.0 in the 4.0 scale.
GRE: 168 + 158 + 4.5. IELTS: 8, Took in high school
Internship: Citigroup backoffice + public trust fund (buyside) portfolio management internship + A NASDAQ listed software development company testing position. All three positions are in Canada.
Coding: Python, VBA from work experience. Matlab, and R from coursework. C++ from Baruch certificate. With distinction.
Actuarial Science: P and FM passed.
What else? I hold a scholarship that is among the highest in school...
Will do CFA level 1 in 4th year...

This is a basic overview of my application portfolio..

Thx for reading up to this point, here are the questions I have:
1. what is the chance of me being accepted by top MFe programs, for example Baruch, CMU, Berkeley, and so on?
2. If I get admitted by multiple, what would you guys recommend? In specific, what would you recommend in terms of Baruch vs Berkeley..
3. What would be the outlook after graduation? In terms of job placement, here is a rumor that I hear a lot:
   The average salary that these MFe programs posts on their websites are pulled up by those ppl who have worked for a few years.. For example, ppl who have worked at Goldman for 5 years and then come to MFe. after they graduate, they might become a director right away.. Then the who statistics is pulled by these ppl.. which means,, you won't be able to make the average....
What do you guys think in terms of this theory? Does it make sense to you?
Also, I would appreciate it very much if you guys can offer your insights in terms of 1st year compensation.

3. In terms of costs, how much money should be enough for the whole program? 100k? or 120k? Please feel free to comment.

That's all I have.

Thank you guys again. and I appreciate your work and effort!

发表于 2016-2-26 13:37:47 | 只看该作者
y658zhan 发表于 2016-2-26 04:47
good morning everyone,
First, thank you guys for posting replies here.

Your background looks great, I think you will be fine if you have a good preparation for interview. Well, I can answer the 3rd question about compensation.
1.This definitely isn't the situation for Baruch. Well, Berkeley might have this problem, I know many MFEs in Berkeley have phd degree which will make the salary higher than students who just graduate from undergraduate university.
2.When you go to the job market, your salary is relative fixed. If you go to MFE program after your undergraduate study and you got a quant position in big banks, your base salary is around 100k plus sign on bonus. It doesn't matter which MFE program you are in. So the big deal is which company you can get in, the start salary is not that important!
3. people who worked at Goldman for 5 years won't pursue a MFE degree full time. Baruch do have students who currently work in Goldman and other big banks, but they are all part time students. Their employment statistics won't appear in Baruch's report, I don't know the situation in Berkeley. So the placement result is real, and this happens for every student in Baruch.
4. About choice between Baruch and Berkeley, zhangzheng90 might be the right person to answer. But I want to say the MFE programs have changed a lot. Berkeley used to be a very good program, but now I will definitely recommend Baruch if you want a quant position in Wall Street. Berkeley love to say they used to be Top1, but now Baruch definitely is the best one, you will find out this truth when you are hunting jobs.
发表于 2016-2-26 21:52:46 | 只看该作者
passues 发表于 2016-2-26 13:37
Your background looks great, I think you will be fine if you have a good preparation for interview. ...

Thanks for the quick response Passues.

Sorry for not typing Chinese and somehow force you to talk in English.. its just cuz that I am using computer at office and no chinese input...

Anyways, Going down to the business. I have some new thoughts about what you said.

1. You mentioned that Baruch has a great employment outlook. Is that specific to NYC market? or to the global market? As we know, baruch has good reputation in the industry..However, Im not sure if that is the case for HK market, or asia in general. b/c baruch as a whole school is not that well-known, as opposed to Berkeley or columbia... So hows the employment for asia, I always wonna go back to china, so I kinda pay attention to asia job market..

2. Is Dan the main reason that baruch have very good job stat? I heard this guy is so delicated to make students happy..haha

3. Looking forward to zhangzheng90's reply on UCB VS Baruch...

4. As for the total cost for Baruch program, how much is it? a> how much is the living expense in NYC 2>I know the tuition is like 36K. So how much in total?

5. Thank you guys again.... Will watch out this site for replies.....

发表于 2016-2-28 01:17:46 | 只看该作者
y658zhan 发表于 2016-2-26 21:52
Thanks for the quick response Passues.

Sorry for not typing Chinese and somehow force you to talk ...

1. Baruch MFE每年毕业生当中留在纽约工作的在九成以上,去其他地方工作的人太少(我认识一个Baruch MFE学长在纽约某大行时候后毕业去了某知名Hedge Fund在香港的分部),所以很难根据这些个例来判断Baruch MFE在纽约之外的影响力。其实我当初也担心过你说的这一点,不过过来之后就明白了如果能够在纽约这边的大行或者大fund做过实习或者full time的话,拿公司的名声回国找工作要比拿学校的名声回国找工作容易很多。

2. Dan当然是主要找工作的渠道。所有大行还是需要自己去网申,Dan能做的主要是帮你push一下HR。大行以外的公司不少是Dan推的,不过也有同学通过自己网申找到纽约fund的实习。另外Baruch MFE还有很多在业界工作兼职教书的教授,他们有的时候也能提供就业机会。总而言之,Dan在找工作方面确实非常非常给力,而除了Dan以外还有很多找工作的渠道。


4. 学费确实是在36K左右,当然不排除会有小幅上涨的可能,不过相比其它项目已经是非常良心了。生活费方面一般来说住宿是大头,每月从700-2000+不等,中位数大约在1200-1300。日常生活其它的必要花销的话,我猜你是滑铁卢的学生,那这部分应该在滑铁卢的1.5倍左右。必要花销以外的吃喝玩乐购物的花销那就因人而异上不封顶了。
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