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[备考日记] 请监督!!!我也来发个备战日记流水帐,611考.监督!!!!!监督有木有!!!!!

发表于 2011-4-19 09:43:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式









PS: 时间安排灵活,复习的时候允许走神,但是不能走太久.超过半分钟就去洗个冷水脸.豁出去了!!!!!豁出去了有木有!!!!
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-19 09:44:49 | 只看该作者





读:阅读..万恶的各种 单词,长的短的..没事就背单词!!!!!!!背单词有木有!!!!!!!单词是砖,阅读是房子,没有砖头哪来房子!!!!!!!!!!!房子有木有!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!各种技巧有木有!!!!!!!!!虽然能投机,但是每个单词要是都认识可以节约多少时间,节约多少脑细胞!!!!!!!!!!!!脑细胞有木有!!!!!!!!!!

写:每天写一篇300个字那个作文,另外一个听力作文也要准备开始了!!!!!一切都要开始了!!!!!!!!!开始了有木有!!!!!!!各种从句,各种长单词,以及各种短但是能赚分的单词,单词有木有!!!!!句型有木有!!!!!!!! 模板要看,不能写成散文!!!!!!!!!同学你不是朱自清,不是鲁迅,你是在考托福!!!!!!!!!!!!托福有木有!!!!!!!!!!!!考试就是考试有木有!!!!!!!!!!有木有!!!!!!!!!!!!!


发表于 2011-4-19 11:21:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-19 12:51:14 | 只看该作者



由于上午在CD看帖子折腾了一会.然后就去背了2个小时单词. 笑来老师说得好,暂时不要把自己当人看,21天可以背几千个托福必备单词,你不背,这21天也就过了;你背了,将是脱胎换骨.脱胎换骨有木有!!!!!!!!!!!! 以后不背的后果,托福成绩很低,没有奖的几率,申不到好学校,低薪水,没前途,泡不到妞,泡到了不久也要跑,孤独一身,不孝有三,无后为大..各种悲惨有木有!!!!!!!!!

一切作息时间调整得跟考试当天一样!!!7点起,吃饭,然后开始折腾...11点半的时候用10分钟吃2个巧克力,抽只烟,只能抽5毫克的中南海!!!清淡点有木有!!!考试的时候再买包软云奢侈下,顺便口味重也能提神!!!!!!!!提神打鸡血有木有!!!!!!! 2点钟才能吃饭,一切向考试看齐!

上午看了单词,就总结下单词: remote不只有电视机遥控板的意思,是遥远,遥远,形容词有木有!!!



心得: 有空去看背景资料,美国历史,世界历史乱七八糟的历史..看了对自己的常识也有帮助..当然对做题也很有帮助,如果先知道了背景再做,理论上来说知识型问题可以不看原文..
         然后就是单词短语,学了一个: in contrast to,以后写作文不用different这种土鳖词汇了!!!

听力: OG上的...听了一编,做了就没动,最后错了一个..期间听第2遍完善了笔记,第三遍看着原文听的,最后错的那个跟自己无知的坚持有很大关系.
         心得:细心,还是细心...注意力要在说话人的main idea,不要自己猜,这不是是非判断题,她说什么就是什么...不能把她说的丢在一边,自己凭空想象..哪怕他的价值观人生观哲学观跟我不一样,她在考试,她就是老大,我只是个follower..


Subject: Do you travel alone or with a companion?


Most of the people prefer to travel with a companion or a group with a tour guide, however, in personally, I prefer to travel alone always. People who travelling in a group, have certain reasons about that, such as the issue of safety, schedule, language or culture understanding. But in contrast to me, to be in a flexible journey and an exciting adventure is the most essential point.

The fun of the trip is to travel the most attractive environment you wonder, however, a people with another companion will be influenced by each other sometimes which can not be avoided. Even two closed friends, they would have an argument according to the different places they want to go. Thus, the best solution is to go anywhere each of them want, which is better to go separately in the initiate.

Furthermore, I will not only be ruled with the set trip-way, but also change the timing as far as I want in anytime, and anywhere. As if there is a charming whether I 'm enjoying, the time would be expanded for 2 more weeks, which will only lead me to settle my tent 14 days more. I can entirely join the nature and to be a member of it, when I'm lying down to enjoy the magnificent sunshine, jogging with the tender wind blow, or meeting someone else interesting in chance.

To travel in the journey, is to feel the freedom that we can not enjoy easily in the everyday's 8 hours. Therefore, in my point of view, to set the heart free without any disturbance, is the essential reason I insist to travel alone. Also, that was and would be a wonderful experience in my life, that I can keep as an unforgettable memory.
发表于 2011-4-19 19:58:47 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-19 21:29:51 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 phzhh (2011/4/19 19:58:47)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-20 07:45:39 | 只看该作者




听力: OG一个听力错2个..我擦! 笔记要记重点..重点的意思是主干...不是细节




Subject: Do you like a new movie theater being built in your neighborhood?


Obviously, it's an absolutely perfect idea that a movie theater would be built in my neighborhood. Daily entertainment and night life will be full of variety as long as the this project is completed. However, my community was crowded by numerous shopping centers and night clubs long ago, the project that to build a movie theater was that people here were always requiring and wondering for, as well as it would not only provide us one more entertainment, but also effect the regional economic.

A better way to invite friends is to attend at a new movie theater, rather than be tired and boring in the shopping malls every time. Movie theater is a convenience place people can go any hours of the day, even overnight. In addition, instead of the noisy and chaos night clubs where was flooded of alcohol or cigarettes, pushing and squeezing of the crowd, it's a peace and calm corner people can bring a cup of Pepsi and popcorn, to enjoy the personal time.

Another excellent benefit of being built a movie theater here, is the great opportunity for attracting the investors. It's more than a single project that construct an independent building for movies. At the same time, the whole region where would be crowded by stylish restaurants, cafe shops, music shops and one more parking, will be highly blossomed. This is an idea market to achieve the profitable development, that the foresighted investors will be concerning of.

Moreover, personally, a movie theater has the ability to provide me the chance(s) meet the famous movie stars or directors which I never expect, which I would be crazy about. All in general, to build a new theater in my neighborhood is the best choice for all the communities, and I believe that will going well.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 12:50:54 | 只看该作者


上午,单词背了,朗读读了...做了编OG阅读,错了3个,你妹!!冷静!!!!   一个是单词不认识导致,一个是粗心,还有一个也是粗心..咋这么粗心!冷静!



Subject: Choose friends who are different from you or similar to you?


A friend, is a forever subject and a precious fortune in our life. A person who will be the real friend of you can share the widely common topics and pleasant conversations. For me, I'd like to have the friends are not only similar personality with me, but also have some different experiences. As the result of that, more interesting topics and more fresh news can come through the conversation of us, without any embrace situation.

When a potential friend comes to me, he might have the same hobby with me, or at least, the similar interested field that he/she is fond of. For example, my desire is music, while I'm playing some musical instruments. I would like to have more friends, whoever like rock n' roll or classic music, even a latin dancer which I'm willing to admire. Therefore, the same hobby as art performance can provide us a definitely enjoyment while we are spending the time together.

In addition, it's necessary to consider that how similar one must be to me for be to be with. Some friends of me are seemed quite different from me, however, they are still my closed friend can share even a tiny point. I met a friend from US in the badminton playground. We have very different life style or profession field. However, both of us are the vivid player coming every night together, with the full of passion in the playground. It makes our foreign relationship for approximately 2 more years.

In conclusion, the difficulty to search for a completely same friend to me is impossible, though to get a closed friend who has the similar interested field is the most essential factor.

发表于 2011-4-21 18:05:56 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-22 13:04:25 | 只看该作者


听力..重听了昨天很悲摧的2个段子,发现专用名字记住发音就行了,关键还是在v 和n的关系,以及语气



Subject 1: People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


To compare with decades ago in China, much more people chose to attend the universities as well as the government are providing numerous vacancies for the high-school graduates. As a result of being graduated from the university, basically people would have one more diploma as Bachelor's Degree, however, as I concerned, the reasons of attending universities are listing below, new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge, etc.

Subject 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Parents are the best teachers.” Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Who created you to this world? Who taught you the first pronunciation? And who taught you how to take the first step? Obviously, your parents did. The parents are the closest relationship for us, with full of love and care. Thus, an arbitrary decision is taken out that some people think the parents are the BEST teacher, which I can hardly agree.


Subject 3: Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Answer: As the increasing of social pressure, people have created some easier food which could be done within a short time, or even be delivered home, to instead of being preparing more than 2hours by ourselves. The food such as KFC, Madonna’s or Pizza Hut is seems to make our life more convenience. But in the other hand, as I'm considering about, this case may course some negative effects.

Subject 4: It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Answer: In the initial stage, reading numerous books is the essential factor people can not lack of. However, the knowledge people gain from the own experience can enhance the theories from the books. Thus, as the old Chinese phrase goes, "Travel is a better way than to read" shows that experiences are more important than the theories, which I definitely agree with.

Subject 5: A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

Answer: The consistent peaceful was broken up in my community, as the announcement of building a large factory nearby. It's absolutely unacceptable to do such a funny project here, which is like to set one time bomb in the place people around. We hope the government can consider to change this decision as following factors.

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