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[备考日记] 11.17--mydoggie备考IBT,2天,就只有2天了:(

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发表于 2006-10-13 09:29:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 13:32:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 18:52:00 | 只看该作者



Quiz 3错了一个 Exercise1.5.A 一个; 1.5.C一个 ;1.6.A一个;Quiz 5 两个,郁闷啊,第五题看了答案依然觉得有点困惑;Quiz6 一个


 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-16 16:58:00 | 只看该作者


错误率大大增加:( 虽然review之后觉得大部分还是可以避免的

现在delta上阅读还有1.9&1.10 Quiz 9&10,听力还有Quiz9没有做,估计明天就可以结束reading和listening的部分了。阅读中的paraphrase部分也有些难度,倒是summarize没有想象中的难,只要弄清楚major idea和minor idea基本就不会错。



今天听了听American Accent Training,打算以后在路上消磨时间的口语兼听力材料。里面的presenter说,掌握三种语言的叫trilingual,两种语言的叫bilingual,只会一种的叫American,赫赫,由此可见American喜欢幽默和自嘲,同时也很有自信,某种程度上有些自大吧。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-17 14:43:00 | 只看该作者



阅读和听力先放放,等理顺了口语和写作,再重新看delta,我觉得delta上阅读和听力的材料还是很有用处的,再看一边对写作也会有好处:) 像今天做的一篇阅读,讲education和experience的,似乎ets特别喜欢这个topic,这篇阅读有不少内容是可以借鉴的。里面提到一个专家John Dewey,在新概念里面也见过,决定稍微背背他的理论。

发表于 2006-10-19 11:00:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-19 11:04:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-19 14:01:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-20 16:45:00 | 只看该作者






 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-20 16:46:00 | 只看该作者


4.6 Independent Writing: Prewriting


(A) or D : Teachers are responsible for motivating students to learn.

There are always students who claim that they have no interest in studying. Some people consider that their teachers should take the responsibility, while others hold an opposite opinion. From my point of view, good teachers should motivate their students to learn.


Although interest is one powerful motive (to learn)
                for learning, good teacher has the ability to cultivate one's interest. I still remember my geography teacher in middle school, who always used various methods to teach. Once, he let us (drawning) drawing the map of China; and then, cutting it into pieces along the border of each province; finally, putting them together as a complete map again. After this process, we memorized the shape and the name of each Chinese province easily. So, good teacher own the capacity to make his/her class vivid and attractive, (consequently)
                conseqently promoting the students' willing to learn.


Not only the guid guide of academic study, teacher is also a life tutor. He/She needs to tell their students why to study as much as what to learn. When a child knows what he/she study studies for, he/she will have surprisingly high desire to learn. If a teacher simply forces his/her students to write down every words he/she has said and work the homework mechanically, he/she should take a full responsibility of the students' tiresome of learning.


In sum, teachers should master a high teaching skill to motivate their students; also, teachers should know how to conduct students to learn by defining the purpose of studying.(245)


Exercise 4.6.A

1. (A)&D Children should not have to work or help with household tasks; their only responsibility should be to study.

Study, as many people think, is equal to go to school, while a much wider categories should be included, such as, learning to respect other person, getting to know how to live independently, promoting communication skills, and etc. For such purposes, children should definitely take some social jobs and help their parents to do some housework.


Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that children should at least do some housework like cleaning and cooking. When I was a child, my mother always let me wash the vegetables while preparing for cooking and help her leaning(clean) the kitchen after the meal,(;) even she could complete all the work easier and faster alone. However, adequate household work benifit(benefit) both my parents and me a lot afterwards. When I grow up and start to live outside (delete my) home, my parents have never worried about me because they know that I can take care of myself without any difficulty. Moreover, I learn to respect my parent because I totally understand how much they have devoted to the family.


Besides housework, social jobs are also helpful that they are precious experience for both a child's growth and academic study. Taking a parttime(part time) job is the first step to the real sociaty(society) for teenager. They learn to get along with various types of peoples, consequently, improving their communication skills. Sometimes, children have a chance to work on a job related to their major, this will greatly enhence(enhance) their understanding of the lecture or text book. A marketing student could learn a lot from field market research job; an engineer student could be benefit from working in a factory; also, science student would find intelligence work very useful for their further study.


Again, going to school for academic studies is not the only job for children, I think they should also work or help with household. As a result, parents will surprisingly find out that their children become more intelligent and mature. (327)


2. A&D Broad university education in which students learn about many different subjects, or, specialized university education in which students learn only about a specific field of study.

People are always talking about generalist and specilist(specialist), some of them think that university should provide many different subjects for a broad eduction(education); while others consider that emphasizing on a specific field of study is more important. I agree with the latter.


It is true that ancient time scholars could get brilliant achievement in more than one fields, such as Aristode(Aristotle), however, this condition rarely happens on morden(modern) scientists. The knowledge accumulated by our ancestors multiples day by day; since a man's energy is limited, he could hardly manage one specific field, no matter to say several. Too much subjects would merely distract one's attention, afterwards, he/she will be good at no subject at all.


Students who put all the energy in one specific branch will finally be rewarded. Concentration is useful because students could put all their attention in one direction, they could read a lot and distribute their time more efficiently, and consequently they could conduct some in-depth study. Scientists are prone to achieve success if they devote all their life in one territory, for example, a Chinese mathematist(mathematician), Chenjingrun, published thesis on a famous insolable(insolvable) puzzle using up all his intelligence and energy in the subject of mathematics.


Granted, some may argue that multi-discipline knowledge is required for student with one certain major. For instance, an engineer student need to learn some knowledge of marketing which will be useful for his/her future study or job. Under such condition, marketing class is needed, but, what a student need to master is a general understanding with some specific topics highly related to his/her own field.


Since university provide a developed education to prominent students, concentrating on certain subjects is more efficient. Students could therefore invest their limited energy into one specified field to achieve success.(295)


3. A&D : You should not believe everything that you read in the newspaper

Newspaper, as many people think, conveys information from outside world just as it is like. On the contrary, newspaper is not a non-profit institution, which edited by normal human being. As a result, always, newspaper provides the public with incomplete informations information, distorted "fact", no matter unconsciously or intentedly intendedly. For such reasons, I can hardly believe what I read in the newspaper.


Information bureau, journalists, and newspaper editors always claim that they hold an impersonal attitude and look at the world with pristine eyes. Unfortunately, two factors weigh heavily against their good will; one is the fluence influence from advertize advertise sponsors, the other the pressure of the current government. As the developing of AD industry, advertize advertise almost appear on every corner of the newspaper. Sometimes, there are additional flyers come with the newspaper; or, the reader may find a huge picture of a brand or commodity taken up a whole paper; even worse, advertizer advertiser may let the editor make up articles for their sales purpose. For instance, some articles boast the unbelievable effect of a new medicine on newspaper,; they even use some fake examples to support their point. Since the financial support from the advertiser is indispensable for most newspapers, they have to write something based upon anything but fact.


Besides, news report is monitored and controled controlled by current government. The report must meet the favor of the governer governor. Under such pressure, a journalist can hardly write articles or reports impartially. When the flood was rampant in the south region of China, there was only one voice from the news release, that the government helped their citizen to get over the disaster with little words mentioned the adversary circumstance and unfortunate tragedy.


What will be like, you may wander, if the newspaper becomes an independent nonprofit institution? The situation will remain the same. The journalist would describe an event from his/her point of view, no matter intendedly or unconsciously. Even in the column of sports, editors always put too much attention on several prominent or their favorate favorite players, consequently, they simply overlook the others or give inaccurate judgenment judgment without necessary caution.


Whatever, we should not be too critical to the press, that the pressman is no saint. The most important is that to judge what you read in the newspaper, never believe in black and white characters. (386)
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