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[备考日记] kissin的iBT笔记本

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-11 01:55:00 | 只看该作者

5/9 至 10/9 总结:

模拟delta做了三套, langman MINI 两套

五天计划中断了两天,延长至六天,只完成了4天应做的任务。 失败!发现自己需要恶补口语的3456和综合写作,


综合写作:同口语, 更加要联系阅读中的对应驳斥点, 在阅读的时候抓重点,进行预测




下午:做longman 迷你,阅读,听力



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 2:00:02编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-13 11:48:00 | 只看该作者

两天的弄得精疲力竭,真是夹缝中不知怎么做人了!又被涮了!!!真黑, 一肚子委屈! 凭什么自己一腔热血换个冷眼相对,凭什么??? 因为我还努力得不够,damn it !!!

坚持!觉得虽然成效不明显,状态却空前高涨,没有摇滚没有美网现在有世界杯,顺便说一下,昨天中国赢得漂亮!本人干掉longman迷你三套,简单!但是跟考试比简单多了--可恶,现在转战巴朗,这个星期解决万巴朗七套题,TM的,星期三今天才,一天两套家longman+ 一天一套写作文


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-13 11:59:10编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-13 12:23:00 | 只看该作者





[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-13 16:42:45编辑过]
发表于 2007-9-13 15:37:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢 MM的鼓励,我也来顶一下。 关于词汇题,网上有老托的词汇题总汇,背背那个好很多,你要是懒得找,给个邮箱我给你发。

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-14 17:14:00 | 只看该作者


死活的也要拼下来, 居然最后一句放弃了,开头最后绝对考点,走神, Pay all my attetion till the end ~ 即使看来没有终点--BUT...... Keep moving to  follow the lecture...... KEEP MOVING! ATTENTION! Definnitely!!!

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-14 17:21:42编辑过]
发表于 2007-9-14 23:17:00 | 只看该作者




 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-15 00:44:00 | 只看该作者
      There are numerous giants have made uncountable contributions to China's modern society development. The one which played an essential role during this contemporary period, a brilliant leader in the shaping of modern China, the Architect of China's Reform and Opening-up, Deng Xiaoping, thoroughly deserved building a status to honor one of the greatest people in my country.
       First, he has a persevering personality. During his life, Deng underwent "three downs and three ups". The most famous "down and up" occurred the "cultural revolution" been launched than Deng and Liu became its chief targets, Deng fell out of favor and was criticized and purged from his office, and then his son fought for him but become disable. However, he returned in 1974 as vice premier, vice chairman of Communist Party. Again he was dismissed in 1976, but in the same year after Mao's death, he was restored once more to power, this was the third "down and up". In fact of such unjust attacks and frustrations, he never blamed everyone and everything, never lost hope and had no hesitation to stand by what was right for the party and the nation. He said: I am the son of Chinese people. He put the future and fortune of the country at most important position, and didn't care for personal honor and benefit. Never compromise when confronted with difficulties is the base of his success as a great leader.
       Second, he has a foresight of the future. When "cultural revolution" was finally brought to an end, the situation, however, was dismaying. Hundreds of problems were crying for solution, the Left thinking was deeply rooted and the economy was on the brink of collapse. In 1978 he encouraged discussion on the criterion of truth, with the result that the rigid bonds that had constricted people's thinking for so long were broken. People began to seriously examine the current situation and to tackle the problems they discovered. This great movement to emancipate people's minds led to the convocation of the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee. Subsequently, he defined the ambitious the three steps” goals of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This ushered in a new era of reform and opening to the outside world and set China on the road to socialist modernization.
       And also, he has a strong innovation. Deng was the first to propose and insist that China undertake reform, adopt an open policy and invigorate the economy. On the basis of equality and mutual benefit, he declared that China should vigorously expand its economic co-operation with foreign countries, absorb their capital and introduce their advanced technologies and managerial skills, so as to accelerate the development of its own economy. . He also urged that some regions and some people be allowed to become prosperous first through hard work, so that others would follow their example. Chinese developments and experiences of more twenty years have proved that Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up policy is quite correct. The opening environment, abundant opportunities, and peaceful situation make a much better place for Chinese people to make great efforts to create more productions and enjoy a better life.
        Essentially we need to  build a statue for Deng Xiaoping to remind people to appreciating his contribution for people's life in our country, and to learn from him what characteristics should a successful leader have, such as persevering personality, foresight of the future and the creative thought and capability. 
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[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-15 0:45:09编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-15 11:59:00 | 只看该作者


Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, pr clean water. Choose one resource that is disapearing and explain why it needs to be saved?
  Natural resources have been used by humna beings for a long time. This had not become a severe problem until the 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution started. Since then, the process of industrialization and urbanlization began and humna populations started exponential growth. As a result, innumerable basic natural resources are disapearing rapidly. The depletion of the natural resources is increasingly endangering the survival of the human race. Innumerable natural resources are vanishing rapidly. We must take effective measures to protect these invaluable natural resources to maintain humnan lives of next generations on the earth. The vital resources we need to protect is forests.
 First, forests, as an essential resources that provides humna beings with enormous economic,environmental and social benefits, are vanishing at an alarming rate. Huge areas of forests are vut down to meet hman needs. Logging companies logged down forests to get timber and paper producats. Farmers cut down trees for wood fuel or clear forests are to make way for farmland. Stastistics show that over the past threedecades, 5 million squre kilometer-or 20 percent of the world's tropical forests-have been cleaned.
 Second, forests have used by human beings since the prehistroric times, are vanishing rapidly form the earth. We must take effevtive measures to safeguard forests to achieve the sustainable  achievement and preserve the balance of the ecosystem. Forests are a vital resource which offers tremendous benefits to humnan beings. However, as a result of human needs, they are disappearing rapidly. Millions of acreas of forests are cleared to meet human needs. People cut down trees to seek construction materials, energy source, paper products, and make way for farmlands. Take China for the country's steel output, Chinese people cut down forests to use as wood fuel for the innumerable makeshift"backyard furnaces".
  It is a scientific fact that forests bring huge benefits to human beings and play an essential role in maintaining the balance of ecosystem. Therefore, it is a hugh priority for us to safeguard forests. Forests provide humna beings with timber and papre products, even disposable chopsticks. Besides tramendous economic benefits, forests provide clean air by consuming huge amounts of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. And by decreasing the amount of carben dioxide, which is responbsible for globle warming, forests reduce the effects of globle warming. Forests provide natural habitats for many species, especially tropical rainforests where millions of species thrive. If forests are cut down, many species will lost their natural habitats and probably will disappear as a result. The extiction of a large number of species in a short period of time take its toll on the balance of the current ecosystem.
   Due to humna activities, forests, which are an essential natiral resource, are vanishing at an alarming rate. The situation presents human race with a serious problem and has had negative, perhaps disastrous impacts on the interest of human beings and the balance of the ecosystem. Therefore, it is high time for us to take action to preserve forests.

发表于 2007-9-17 14:39:00 | 只看该作者

lz,很有斗志。 向你致敬。 加油。

作文写得也好, 感觉进步很大啊 。


 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-18 00:58:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢ndwenjun MM 的鼓励!真是让我幻想了一番,哈哈~



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 1:09:15编辑过]
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