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Shall I quit IVEY?

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发表于 2005-9-24 11:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
Well, Canadian Business Schools at the graduate level just are not that great. The ranking of Ivey has been slipping like crazy (They have been having issues getting high quality applicants). The only reason the ranking for Rotman and Schulich is going up is because their dean is good at marketing, not because they offer surperior education (most students/faculty will attest to that statement). I'll put it in simple terms: in Canada, we don't have crappy schools, but we do not have outstanding ones either. So, if you believe you'll be able to get into one of the top American schools (top 25), I would seriously recommend you to pursue ur degree in the US. If you land in stop the top 100s,then you may want to finish ur degree at Ivey first.
发表于 2005-9-24 23:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

The only reason I wrote top 100 instead of top 50, which was the number i was going to write, was because there are the odd times that the three schools will have its rankings drop below 50. If you are curious, I did my undergrad at one of the above mentioned business schools. This opinion is reflective of many in the grad program, as well as the opinions from the students attending the other schools.

plus, i am not saying they cannot attract top applicants, but they have found it increasingly difficult to do so. I have met some of the brightest finance students from rotman, but there has been complaints among some that the admission office has been letting in more people who are not really qualified to attend the program.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-24 23:22:14编辑过]
发表于 2005-9-25 03:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

I agree, at the end of the day, work experience is what counts. The point I would like to mention though, rankings can provide hints as to the class room envrionment, and the educational experience. In most cases, it is hard to deny that the private schools in the US have usually have smaller classes, and that one can establish better connections (there is a reason why there are many people who want to attend Harvard instead of Michigan). Plus, some people will not cease to complain until they are attending the so called "#1" institution. For such people, perhaps they will be happier attending another institution.  

As for the whole ranking mess, I don't want to go there. There has been this emphasis on rankings by some deans that have triggered negative consequences.

By the way, I was quite satisfied with the education I got. But with all these people promoting the strength of business schools in Canada (perhaps not in this discussion thread, but certainly true among other discussions), I wanted to balance things out.

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