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[学校信息] 求择校定位!北美商学院MBA

发表于 2018-8-17 13:24:12 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you! So as I generally say, positioning and strategy is much more involved than simply having a few details about someone's background, so I can really only provide helpful info on how you should choose your schools. You are in a competitive demographic, so for top US schools, you'll want to be at least at 730. You should choose schools based on your goals and what you want to do, as well as your values and principles and match to programs then. There is no such thing as a safety school, at least in the top 20 in the US. You have two approaches you can take: go high risk/aggressive and only apply to top schools. If you don't get in, you reapply and are ok with that. The other is to diversify and apply to a mix of top schools, schools lower ranked, and schools outside the top 20. This is probably a better approach, but it depends on your GMAT. Good luck!

Jon Frank
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