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发表于 2007-10-20 10:20:00 | 显示全部楼层

I don't know about this Nanyang University. But I can share my experience with you. Hopefully it'll be helpful to you.

I'm doing PhD in Finance in Canada. This is my first year in this program. I've heard a lot about the difficulties about this program before. But I didn't realize how hard it is untill I am actually doing it. For the past a month and a half, I spent almost 15 hours studying everyday, and I still feel that I am behind the schedule.  So if you decide to do PhD, be fully prepared first.

About the rearch assistant, it is actually very good experiece to you. Since you'll expect doing a lot of reseach in the future anyway, just think of it as some practice. And you'll learn a lot of empirical techniques from it.  So there is really nothing to worry about. The only thing is that you have to devote some time on it every week.

 hD is hard to get, PhD in Management is the hardest. Welcome aboard and good luck!

发表于 2007-10-20 11:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用yession在2007-10-20 10:46:00的发言:

I don't know about this Nanyang University. But I can share my experience with you. Hopefully it'll be helpful to you.

I'm doing PhD in Finance in Canada. This is my first year in this program. I've heard a lot about the difficulties about this program before. But I didn't realize how hard it is untill I am actually doing it. For the past a month and a half, I spent almost 15 hours studying everyday, and I still feel that I am behind the schedule.  So if you decide to do PhD, be fully prepared first.

About the rearch assistant, it is actually very good experiece to you. Since you'll expect doing a lot of reseach in the future anyway, just think of it as some practice. And you'll learn a lot of empirical techniques from it.  So there is really nothing to worry about. The only thing is that you have to devote some time on it every week.

 hD is hard to get, PhD in Management is the hardest. Welcome aboard and good luck!


Yes, you are right.

But actually, I am not exaggerating, either. My case is kindof special, which makes it even harder. Because I don't have any background in Finance, I need to catch up with a lot of stuff that other students don't have to do. It takes a lot of time.

Anyway, I hope all these pains we suffer today will be paid off in the future. 

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-20 11:17:25编辑过]
发表于 2007-10-22 05:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用cgchengang在2007-10-20 23:23:00的发言:


还想请教一下,对于managementstrategy) 方面的PhD,学习过程中对于数学的要求高吗?我本科和硕士阶段都没学过高数,统计方面也只了解最基础的知识,所以对于数学这方面非常的担心,像我这种文科转商科的,是不是到时数学方面相当的够呛啊.不知道如果被录取的话,是不是要自学高等数学等科目呢?



发表于 2007-10-22 11:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用cgchengang在2007-10-22 10:02:00的发言:

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you down. All I am saying is that it is not an easy job, especially for someone like us, who doesn't have enough background. But on the other hand, I always believe that everybody has some unknown potentiality to develop, and further you study, further you will realize it. If you don't try it, you'll never know what you are capable of, right? So make the right decision for yourself and go for it.

Trust me, if I can do it, anybody can, including you. Good luck.

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