
标题: OG 12 114有一些疑问,望有NN解释下 [打印本页]

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-29 17:00
标题: OG 12 114有一些疑问,望有NN解释下
The original building and loan associations were organized as limited life funds, whose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions, then taking turns drawing on the funds for home mortgages.
(A) subscriptions, then taking turns drawing
(B) subscriptions, and then taking turns drawing
(C)subscriptions and then took turns drawing
(D) subscriptions and then took turns, they drew
(E)  subscriptions and then drew, taking turns

对于这道题目本身我没有什么问题但是对于whose 的修饰对象我表示困惑了。一种理解是funds 的含义是基金会所以whose就近修饰的是funds,逻辑上也说得通;第二种解释是funds是基金但是whose 跳跃修饰了association;另一种理解是associations和funds 其实是相同的,所以不管修饰的是谁其实结果是一样的,但是我记得有一条原则:修饰的对象不能跳过谓语动词修饰,所以我认为这里只能理解为whose 修饰的是funds,并且这里的funds做的事基金会解释。


作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-29 21:41


gmat中定语从句一般不会跳跃指代,唯一能跳跃指代的情况是:1) 定语从句的动词和前面紧挨着的名词单复数不匹配; 2) 定语从句的指代词(which, that, who, whose, whom)和前面紧挨着的名词不匹配,只有这2种情况才能跳跃指代。因为只有这种情况指代才没有歧义。

1) 单复数不匹配
Eg: New hardy varieties of rice show promise of producing high yields without the costly irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer that were required by earlier high- yielding varieties. 跳跃原因:that were是复数,前面fertilizer是单数,不能指代,只能往前跳跃指代 irrigation and application

2) 指代不匹配
Eg: She participated in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, which were televised nationwide. 跳跃原因:which不能指代人,而且were复数,所以指代hearings无歧义

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-29 22:17
popup 发表于 2014-9-29 21:41

你的理解是对的,whose就是指代的前面紧挨着的名词funds,fund作名词除了基金外,可以解释 ...

作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-29 22:22
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-29 22:17

作者: enkyklios    时间: 2014-9-29 23:50
popup 发表于 2014-9-29 22:22

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 08:26
popup 发表于 2014-9-29 21:41

你的理解是对的,whose就是指代的前面紧挨着的名词funds,fund作名词除了基金外,可以解释 ...

是不是还有一种情况是要根据语义来判断的,比如 说
1,The commission proposed that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be obtained through a local bond issue.
此处which修饰的是park,这是根据语义判定出来development不能be open to the public 因而没有歧义。
2,Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D.69, during the reign of Vespasian, and was completed the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.
这里which 修饰的是 Roman Colosseum,没有你说的以上两种情况但是根据语义判定construction不可能was known as the Flavian Amphitheater,因而没有歧义

貌似说着说着有点思路混乱了,我觉着吧我不太清楚GMAT怎么考修饰歧义了。是不是可以这么说,当我理解修饰的时候有两种理解方式就可以判定歧义了?比如说:the decoration of the park, which is beautiful(貌似例子有点怂。。。)我可以说是decoration beautiful也可以说是park beautiful,所以就有歧义了?

另外,像这个句子Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D.69, during the reign of Vespasian, and was completed the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles. 我以前认为Construction of the Roman Colosseum侧重点是construction所以which 理应跳跃修饰construction,但是逻辑上修饰的应该是park所以判定他为错句。但是我后来想想,其实跳跃不跳跃都没有严格规定的,只要逻辑上没有歧义,其实是没有问题的,不知道我的想法正确吗?

作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 10:53
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 08:26
是不是还有一种情况是要根据语义来判断的,比如 说
1,The commission prop ...

其实没有你想的复杂,在gmat语法里定语从句的which/that 99%是指代它前面紧挨着的名词。只要你读完句子发现不存在:which/that后的动词和前面紧挨着的名词单复数不匹配,或者人/物属性不匹配 (就是我前面讲的2种情况),你就放心的用which和that指代它前面紧挨的名词就行了。所有的gmat的语法真题如果要跳跃指代,一定会在句子里给出线索,要么就是which/that后的动词单复数和前面紧挨着的名词单复数不匹配,要么是which/that前面是个人,或者who, whom前面是个物。因为没有这样的线索,指代就会有歧义,正确选项就不严谨。

对于你说的句子:Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheate, began...

因为was和Roman Colosseum不存在单复数不匹配,which和Roman Colosseum也不存在指代属性不匹配,所以which只能指代 Roman Colosseum,不能指代Construction。所有的定语从句里面,which/that都是优先指代它前面紧挨的名词,只有指代不了(就是我说的这2种情况)的时候,才会被迫跳跃指代再前面的名词。

另外,如果你gmat语法感觉没方向,并且你又有时间,建议你看下Manhattan SC,CD论坛有电子版下载,看完以后你就会知道什么样的语法现象是gmac允许的,什么样的情况是gmac认为一定错的,很多人给我反馈说看了这本书有很大收获。

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 14:28
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 10:53
其实没有你想的复杂,在gmat语法里定语从句的which/that 99%是指代它前面紧挨着的名词。只要你读完句子发 ...

1. 我感觉我做语法的时候经常很钻牛角尖,经常会想的特别多。which 的情况,还有",ing"的情况,我一直纠结在优先作状语的“优先”上,我觉得不能不考虑作定语的情况,后来做多了其实发现基本上考虑做状语就好了,OG上作定语的例子也只有一题,这一题也只是因为逗号前面只有一个名词。今天你给我讲了which,我觉得一下子明朗了许多。谢谢啦!

2.还有一个问题,Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheate, began...如你所说,没有存在你以上提的两个问题所以不需要跳跃指代,因而就近修饰的就是
the Roman Colosseum,那么如果,我是说如果我在逻辑上理解出来which 应该修饰的是construction,那么这个选项就是错误的?


作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 14:48
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 14:28
1. 我感觉我做语法的时候经常很钻牛角尖,经常会想的特别多。which 的情况,还有",ing"的情况,我一直纠 ...


对于你的问题,如果你在逻辑上理解出来which 应该修饰的是construction,那么这个句子就不是一个好的选项,一般就不要选了,除非5个选项都是这样的形式。

Manhattan看原文的比较好,整理版的毕竟是别人的整理,或许有理解错误,或许有理解偏差。好友已经接受 ~

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 15:04
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 14:48

对于你的问题,如果你在逻辑上理 ...


In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars.

A most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle  
B most of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling  
C most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling  
D mostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle  
E mostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling  答案选C
that is to say,如果你把插入语拿掉,原句就变成In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets circling other stars.

原句改写为:In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets; most of them are at least as large as Jupiter, circling other stars.

他还补充说“circling的修饰往前找最近的主语,就是most of them。没有歧义。”

Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.
A. saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang
B. saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs were hanging
C. saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging
D. seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging
E. seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs have hung
这里的with arms and legs hanging显然是修饰monkey的,所以是不是就如他所说的和分词相同,with 也是找最近的主语修饰?
作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 16:17
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 15:04

2.我还有一个问题想问你,麻烦你看一下了(有点长的说~~ ...

问题1:most of them XXX 这个成分确实是独立主格,但它是作为插入语插入的,所以去掉这个插入语后,"circling XXX" 其实是修饰80 massive planets。

问题2:对于ing分词、“, ing分词"、ed分词到底应该修饰句子哪个部位,这个在gmat里是有明确说明的,我在另外一个帖子里有总结: ... 8738&fromuid=335688

另外,这些分词修饰什么位置的概念在Manhattan SC里也有说明。

问题3:with arms and legs XXX这个结构是独立主格,记住", with引导的独立主格"只能修饰前面的主语,表示伴随,不能就近修饰紧挨着的宾语,所以这句里with部分只能修饰monkey,不能修饰branches。

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 16:33
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 16:17
问题1:most of them XXX 这个成分确实是独立主格。但其实这个概念不重要,即使你理解为插入语,", circli ...



问题三:其实我想弱弱的说一句 我想修饰的是visitors 因为visitors是前面句子的主语。。。所以我就产生了疑问到底是修饰前面句子的主语呢,还是紧邻修饰名词?
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 16:45
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 16:17
问题1:most of them XXX 这个成分确实是独立主格。但其实这个概念不重要,即使你理解为插入语,", circli ...


The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs less than 11 ounces. be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, weighing the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, and it weighs the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, which is as long as a handheld computer and weighs the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, weighing

我想不看其他错误点,借B和E选项问问ing 的理解

B The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, weighing less than 11 ounces.
weighing修饰前面句子的主语作状语,也就是修饰which,而这个which 因为没有你上一个帖子说的两个问题所以紧邻修饰world,所以weighing 修饰的就是world,所以错误。

E The electronics company has unveiled what it claims the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, weighing less than 11 ounces.
weighing 修饰紧邻句子的the length 所以也是错的。


作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 16:54
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 16:33
问题一:其实我理解的插入语去掉的时候同时把两边的逗号都去掉了,所以ing形式紧邻了planets....所以我也 ...

这个确实有点tricky,我个人感觉是修饰邻近的主谓结构。moneys sleeping on the branches就是一个主谓结构,因为展开就是monkeys are sleeping on the branches,这个是visitors看到的内容。

Visitors have seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging like socks on a clothesline.


作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 17:01
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 16:45
刚才我看了你的总结,很开森~和我现在的理解没有出入,一般的问题我都能解决,就是有一个问题,当主句和修 ...

作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 17:29
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 16:45
刚才我看了你的总结,很开森~和我现在的理解没有出入,一般的问题我都能解决,就是有一个问题,当主句和修 ...

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 17:45
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 16:54
这个确实有点tricky,我个人感觉是修饰邻近的主谓结构。moneys sleeping on the branches就是一个主谓结构 ...

恩恩 明白了~
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 17:45
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 17:01

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 17:48
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 17:29
但我要提醒一下,修饰语位置歧义的严重度永远次于语法错误。也就是说,在做gmat语法题的时候,永远是先把 ...

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-30 20:20
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 16:17
问题1:most of them XXX 这个成分确实是独立主格。但其实这个概念不重要,即使你理解为插入语,", circli ...

神 我又困惑了鸟~~发了一个帖子~~是关于修饰的,跟你给我讲的插入语问题有点出入~我迷茫了~链接在下面有空给我答疑呗~大爱你
作者: popup    时间: 2014-9-30 22:38
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-9-30 20:20
神 我又困惑了鸟~~发了一个帖子~~是关于修饰的,跟你给我讲的插入语问题有点出入~我迷茫了~链接在下面有 ...



astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling other stars. 这句话的插入语没有动词,所以circling只能修饰planets,而如果插入语是一个完整的句子,那么circling就有2种可能的修饰了。大牛Ron(账号名RonPurewal)对这道题有一个解释,我刚才查了查,我觉得可能对你会有帮助:

所以你贴的另一个题:XXX through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of taste bud... 这里called the taste pore不是完整的句子,所以located只能修饰opening。大牛Ron对这个题也有他的解释:

对了,这里顺便介绍一个学习SC的好方法,建议你做sc prep语法笔记的时候,如果碰到任何题不知道为什么对,或者不知道为什么错,就直接把这道题的题干在google里search,然后找到是来自
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-1 08:01
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 22:38

我又去研究了一阵,发现我前面关于插入语的部分和你说错了, ...



作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-1 08:45
popup 发表于 2014-9-30 22:38

我又去研究了一阵,发现我前面关于插入语的部分和你说错了, ...

我刚刚看了你贴给我的链接,正好出现了我上一个帖子求贴的例子,对于RON的回答里面我有个问题想问,下面是一个人的问题和RON 的回答
In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars.

A.most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle

B.most of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling

C.most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling

D.mostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle

E.mostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling

I understand yr answer. Any how, why this sentence use "most of them" rather than "most of which are at leasta s large as Jupiter, circling "
if you use that version, then you're introducing a certain amount of ambiguity into the attribution of the modifier "...circling...".
namely, because you've introduced a modifier that's a CLAUSE, you have now opened up the possibility that the modifier modifies that clause, rather than the original phrase it's intended to modify.
this would be bad, because, in this second interpretation, "circling..." would actually be taken to modify just the majority of planets that are at least as large as Jupiter, rather than all the planets in question as intended.

in other words, if you introduce that sort of construction, there are now 2 ways to interpret the sentence:
(1) the intended interpretation: the modifier, which is set off by commas, is to be neglected in the interpretation of the sentence, and "circling" is to be taken as if it followed "planets" immediately, without a comma (because that's the way it would be if the modifier were removed - neither of the commas would be there anymore).
(2) the modifier is to be taken as "comma + -ing", a construction that modifies the preceding clause. this is the source of the aforementioned ambiguity.


the original version of (c) is better, because it doesn't possess this ambiguity: (2) is no longer possible, because we can't interpret the modifier as "comma + -ing". if we tried, we'd be stuck in a quandary, because the preceding words are a phrase, not a clause.
interpretation (1), however, still stands: it's a modifier that, in essence, directly follows "planets" and therefore modifies that particular noun.

1.RON的意思是说如果改成了most of which are as large as or larger than jupiter, circling other planets.circling 修饰的就有两种情况,临近的句子主语most of which 或者是80 planets,因而存在歧义,这两种情况是不分谁优谁劣的吧?只要是这种情况不管逻辑含义上应该修饰的是谁都会有另外一种理解存在歧义,因而这种句子一般都是歧义句,不知道我理解的对不对。

2. 我还有一点困惑的地方就是, most of which are as large as or larger than 是一个完整的句子吗?这样说的话,凭什么逗号后面可以加一个完整句子而不加连词?例如:i have some books,they are perfect,这样是错的因为逗号后面加了完整句子而没有连词。应该改成i have some books, and they are perfect.或者i have some books ,which are perfect。 如果按照RON所说,which are perfect 也是完整句子的话,怎么说的通??


3.最后一点,不知道你有没有注意我刚才上个帖子里的一句话“修饰词(包括which,逗号加现在分词形式,过去分词形式)对于前面插入部分的修饰有两种方式” 我想想觉得不对了,因为不是说which和过去分词形式是就近指代么?前面是不完整的句子需要跳跃?
作者: joycezhang001    时间: 2014-10-1 10:31
我也有个疑问。请问大家第一遍做sc prep08的正确率都是多少。正常的正确率呢。我错一半的。。。不晓得该是怎么样
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-1 10:43
joycezhang001 发表于 2014-10-1 10:31
我也有个疑问。请问大家第一遍做sc prep08的正确率都是多少。正常的正确率呢。我错一半的。。。不晓得该是 ...

我现在做的事prep sc语法笔记 错的蛮惨的 跟做OG差很多的说。。。
作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-1 22:04
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-1 08:45
我刚刚看了你贴给我的链接,正好出现了我上一个帖子求贴的例子,对于RON的回答里面我有个问题想问,下面是 ...

1. 你的理解正确

2. Ron说的which are perfect是完整句子的意思是说这个句子有完整的主语和谓语,但这个句子并不能单独存在,因为从来没有一个独立句是用关系代词which做主语的,关系代词which必须挂在另一个句子后面。简单讲,所有that/which等关系代词引导的定语从句都不能独立成句,因为他们只是对另一个句子中的某个名词的补充而已。

3. 对于"名词,插入语, ed修饰词/which" 这样的结构我还是不发表建议吧,我怕误导你,你再问问大牛们看看哈~

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-2 06:48
popup 发表于 2014-10-1 22:04
1. 你的理解正确

2. Ron说的which are perfect是完整句子的意思是说这个句子有完整的主语和谓语,但这个 ...


2.也就是说which are perfect 不能独立存在,他并不是一个完整的句子但是从句法上说他是有完整主谓语,所以可以看做是一个完整的句子修饰?

作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-2 12:31
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-2 06:48

2.也就是说which are perfect 不能独立存在,他并不是一个完整的句子但是从句法上说他 ...


作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-2 12:56
popup 发表于 2014-10-2 12:31


作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-3 09:05
popup 发表于 2014-10-2 12:31


POP 我想问你个问题,可能有点钻牛角尖但是我还是想说~
1.就是关于平行并列的问题,很简单呢的例子 the drug is used both by children and by adults 这是一个太正确不过的例子,我也可以判断。可是我今天仔细想想,有些情况下并列的一些词在没有歧义的情况下不是可以省略吗?比如说the machine is used to sweep the floor,mop the ..,and ...这里的to 可以省略因为没有歧义。

那么我觉得如果把上文改成 the drug is used both by children and adults ,没有歧义。我就是想说什么时候并列的成分可以省略呢?谢谢~

2.到底平行并列要多平行才好?either to do...or for doing...这样算不并列,可是我觉得在逻辑上两者后面都是表示目的,语法上都是介宾做状语,并列一定要介词相同么?
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-3 09:53
popup 发表于 2014-10-2 12:31


亲 我刚才看RON 的解释的时候貌似看出了一些端倪 好像并列是分两种情况的吧 一种是:and or but 这种一个单词的 另一种是either or  ,both and 这种两个单词的,具体的我记不清了 好像Manhattan第几章上有写,你记得是第几章么~
作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-3 11:14
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-3 09:05
POP 我想问你个问题,可能有点钻牛角尖但是我还是想说~
1.就是关于平行并列的问题,很简单呢的例子 the dr ...


1. to do A, to do B, to do C, and to do D
2. to do A, do B, do C, and do D

either or, not only but also这种强调平行并列的词,我个人觉得最好要结构也一致,我好想没有发现他们在gmat语法题里结构不一致的正确选项。所谓结构一致,就是前面用for,后面也用for,而不是to do
作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-3 11:18
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-3 09:53
亲 我刚才看RON 的解释的时候貌似看出了一些端倪 好像并列是分两种情况的吧 一种是:and or but 这种一个 ...

我记得Manhattan语法的第4章是parallelism,第11章是parallelism Extra。
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-3 11:28
popup 发表于 2014-10-3 11:18
我记得Manhattan语法的第4章是parallelism,第11章是parallelism Extra。

我发现那些and or but 之类的对于平行的要求没有那么高 to in for 之类的介词只要understand 了就可以省略,f反而那些both and ,either or之类的对平行并列的要求很高,介词也要保持一致

估计是在第11章 我去看看~~
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-3 13:07
popup 发表于 2014-10-1 22:04
1. 你的理解正确

2. Ron说的which are perfect是完整句子的意思是说这个句子有完整的主语和谓语,但这个 ...

POP你还记得上次讨论过的 “主谓宾,插入语,which/-ed”的问题吗?我今天看Manhattan第六章的时候发现一点线索贴给你看,Manhattan第六章例题
Mary buys cookies made with SugarFree, an artificial sweetener, which tastes as sweet as the corn
syrup that her brother loves but where there are fewer calories than in an equivalent amount of corn syrup.

An artificial sweetener. CORRECT. This appositive noun phrase modifies SugarFree.

Which tastes... brother loves CORRECT. This clause modifies SugarFree. Normally a relative clause should touch the noun that it modifies, but we are generally allowed to place an appositive between a relative clause and the modified noun.
Where there are... corn syrup INCORRECT. This relative clause is wrong for two reasons.
(1) The relative pronoun where must modify places. SugarFree, the intended antecedent, is not a geographic place.
(2) The relative clause where there... corn syrup is meant to be parallel to the relative clause which
tastes... brother loves. When relative clauses are parallel, they should start with the same relative pronoun.
Correction: Mary buys cookies made with SugarFree, an artificial sweetener, which tastes as sweet as the corn syrup that her brother loves but which contains fewer calories than does an equivalent amount of corn syrup.

你看红字部分,他说“,which”可以允许紧邻名词的中间有一个同位语这时候可以跳跃,也就是说除了你上次将的两点使得which 被迫跳跃之外还有这种情况。我认为这可以延伸开去,也就是说“主谓宾,插入语,which”,像你上次说的,如果插入语不完整的话可以跳跃修饰,至于完整的话应该还是紧邻修饰吧。你觉得呢?关于-ed、、、我还是不确定。想听听你的想法
作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-3 14:34
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-3 13:07
POP你还记得上次讨论过的 “主谓宾,插入语,which/-ed”的问题吗?我今天看Manhattan第六章的时候发现一 ...

嗯,因为同位语只是对前面的名词解释,而且同位语本身还是名词,和要解释的名词其实是一回事,所以在我看来which指代同位语和指代同位语前的名词没啥区别哈~ anyway,当然也可以像你这样的理解哈~ 你学到的很仔细,挺好的~
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-3 17:02
popup 发表于 2014-10-3 14:34
嗯,因为同位语只是对前面的名词解释,而且同位语本身还是名词,和要解释的名词其实是一回事,所以在我看 ...

说的也是啊 同位语和前面的是一回事=== 那你这么说的话对于 主谓宾,插入语,which/ed 我又觉得不一定了~
作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-3 17:27
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-3 17:02
说的也是啊 同位语和前面的是一回事=== 那你这么说的话对于 主谓宾,插入语,which/ed 我又觉得不一定了~ ...

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-3 18:10
popup 发表于 2014-10-3 17:27

1.可是Manhattan里没有讲到 ”主谓宾,插入语,which/ed", 我觉得插入语的结构跟同位语还是不一样的===不过看看你给我贴的这句话XXX through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of taste bud... located修饰的是opening ,这样的话应该是适用你说的原则的吧

2.那啥我今天看了时态那部分 ,为毛所有都说主动优于被动 Manhattan说In fact, if you must resort to guessing between an activeand a passive choice, with absolutely nothing else to go on, pick passive. You probably missed an error
somewhere else in the active choice!=====

Thomas is more interested in video games than his girlfriend.
This sentence is ambiguous.
Correction (a): Thomas is more interested in video games than his girlfriend is.
Correction (b): Thomas is more interested in video games than (he is) in his girlfriend.
In the latter version, the words he is are optional because the parallelism between in video games and in
his girlfriend makes the meaning clear.是不是意味着如果文中的意思确实要表达的是b这种情况,那么就是没有歧义的,因为不加助动词默认为宾语比较?

作者: popup    时间: 2014-10-4 23:23
sunyuwei 发表于 2014-10-3 18:10
1.可是Manhattan里没有讲到 ”主谓宾,插入语,which/ed", 我觉得插入语的结构跟同位语还是不一样的===不 ...

1. 这个规则我自己也说不好,哈哈~

2. 个人感觉不要仅仅用主动被动来排除选项,如果2个选项其他都一样,仅仅是一个主动,一个被动,也未必一定是主动对或是被动对,要看句意。我个人觉得:如果句子中的动作执行者非常清楚是谁,而且被动的表达比主动更啰嗦时,就选主动;如果句子中的动作执行者不知道是谁的,只是强调这个动作被执行,不关心执行者的,就选被动。

3. 比较级的部分是补出还是省略的宗旨是:有没有歧义。如果省略后会造成歧义的,那么就不能省略。对于Correction (a),如果省去了句尾的is,就可能引起歧义,不知道是Thomas和女友间的比较,还是video games和女友间的比较,而且没有is,往往指的是后者(宾语比较);对于Correction (b),即使省去了he is,也不会产生歧义,因为比较词than左右都有in在,使得句子确定了是video games和女友间的比较,这样he is加不加都无所谓了。
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-10-5 06:47
popup 发表于 2014-10-4 23:23
1. 这个规则我自己也说不好,哈哈~

2. 个人感觉不要仅仅用主动被动来排除选项,如果2个选项其他都一样, ...



其实我的问题是如果我现在句子是a 这样的表达,但是我想表达的是b这样的含义,是不是可以不省略?因为你也说了撒,往往指的是宾语比较。===

4.有空帮我看看这两个贴吧哈,谢谢撒 这个帖子是aeoluseros以前的一个问题,我看了还是有疑问,你说歧义的含义到底是逻辑上语法上有冲突还是逻辑上的多指代~好模糊啊,求解释~~~

5.亲你这么晚还没睡啊~你和GMAT say goodbye 了吗?

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