
标题: GWD-23-Q23搜了很多帖子,对于but 的用法没有得到定论,望NN解答 [打印本页]

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-27 14:04
标题: GWD-23-Q23搜了很多帖子,对于but 的用法没有得到定论,望NN解答
After several years of rapid growth, the healthy care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.
A. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to
B. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and fell months behind in its payment to
C. but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its paying
D. but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
E. but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying

这道题目里面,proved是系动词所以并不是说省略了 the company was,而是省略了主语,可是之前看到有说 ...,but...这样的结构和and 一样是不能省略主语的,搜了很多帖子没有得到定论,我现在的理解是首先,连词必须连接两个完整的句子,所以连词后面的句子谓语是绝对不能省略的,因为没有谓语就不构成完整的句子,但是如果主语一致就可以将主语省略掉(包括and 也是一样)。这点很容易忽略啊,如果不省略就构成awkward。

作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-27 21:11
作者: sunyuwei    时间: 2014-9-28 22:01
作者: 我不爱养宠物    时间: 2014-11-6 09:52

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