
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—41系列】【41-11】科技 mHealth [打印本页]

作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-9-9 20:47
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—41系列】【41-11】科技 mHealth
内容:cherry6891   编辑: cherry6891  

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Part I: Speaker
Facebook Users Gird for Mobile Ads
Ads could hit Facebook mobile apps as soon as March. Will users mind on the small screen? Larry Greenemeier reports
Feb 9, 2012
Facebook's pages are packed with information—your news feed, info about who's online and advertisements that use personal information to deliver highly targeted sales pitches. Members accept these ads on a PC screen, but what about on smaller mobile devices?

About half of Facebook's 850 million members access the site via mobile gadgets. And the company admitted in its recent $5 billion initial public offering that it needs to make more money from mobile. That effort could come in the form of mobile ads starting as early as March, according to the Financial Times.

Details are scarce but you can already find similar ads alongside your news feed on Facebook's Web page. A mobile version might be embedded in your news feed. Or it could show up on its own page, and you would have to touch your phone's screen to get past it to your news feed.

Facebook will find out in a hurry whether its members mind the intrusion. Its service is already free—so it may not be easy to justify ads on the precious real estate of your phone's small screen.
[Rephrase 1  1'15'']
作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-9-9 20:47
Part II: Speed
The Real Promise of Mobile Health Apps
Mobile devices have the potential to become powerful medical tools
Jul 1, 2012 |By Francis Collins
As a volunteer in a trial of mobile health technology, I can attest that it's incredibly cool to pick up your iPhone, fire up an application to monitor your heart rate and rhythm, and then beam your ECG reading to a cardiologist halfway around the globe. As a physician-scientist, I also know that cool technology is not necessarily synonymous with good science or sound health practices and that therein lies a challenge.

The use of cell phones and wireless sensors to gather and access health data has grown quickly in recent years. Popular mHealth apps are used for counting calories, gauging nutrition, tracking workouts, calculating body mass index and quitting smoking. These worthy efforts pale next to the potential of mHealth to aid in medical research and health care.

Mobile devices offer remarkably attractive low-cost, real-time ways to assess disease, movement, images, behavior, social interactions, environmental toxins, metabolites and a host of other physiological variables. Many mHealth technologies could be put to highly innovative uses in biomedical research; at the same time, biomedical research could help build the foundation of evidence that so many mHealth applications currently lack.

Because mobile devices are miniaturized and require little energy to operate, they have the power to bring the research laboratory to the patient in ways never before possible. For instance, clinical trial participants can avoid the inconvenience of visiting research facilities, writing down their daily activities or wearing clunky monitors. Scientists would also get higher-quality data because written diaries and questionnaires about exercise, diet, pain, and so forth, are notoriously unreliable. Real-time continuous biological, behavioral and environmental data can greatly improve understanding of the underlying cause of disease. Combining mHealth data with GPS data could also lead to early detection and warning systems for outbreaks of illnesses related to environmental exposures or infectious agents.

Wireless sensors could help scientists keep track of sleep patterns at home, instead of their having to rely on lab-based studies or self-reporting. Doctors could monitor blood pressure during daily activities, which is when it matters most, rather than in a clinic. Washable tattoos embedded with nanosensors could take blood glucose and sodium readings for transmission via a smartphone.[361 words]

To make all this happen, health researchers, technology developers and software designers must pull together to find ways of evaluating new technologies. The National Institutes of Health is working to build the interdisciplinary research capacity needed to establish an evidence base for the benefits and risks associated with mHealth technologies.

Maintaining privacy and security of health data is a challenge that calls for research. How do we protect trial participants and ordinary consumers without adversely affecting research and quality of care? Who will set rules for privacy of mHealth data? Who will provide protections if privacy is breached?

We must also learn how people are actually using mHealth in their everyday lives. I suspect that, right now, the majority of users are much like me, treating their new apps as gee-whiz toys rather than as valuable tools for improving their health. I am convinced, however, that the real potential of mHealth lies with much more committed users, such as the children with type 1 diabetes who took part in a yearlong, case-control study of wireless technologies to monitor and manage blood glucose levels. That study, published in Diabetes Care, showed that youngsters who used the automated system had significantly better glycemic control and diabetes self-management skills than those who did not. Now that's an mHealth moment worth getting excited about.[220 words]

Inside the Technology That Can Turn Your Smartphone into a Personal Doctor
The fantastic tricorder device that “Bones” used to scan aliens on “Star Trek” is nearly at hand—in your cellphone
By Ariel Sabar
Smithsonian Magazine | Subscribe
May 2014
Episode one of “Star Trek,” Stardate 1513.1. Chief medical officer Leonard “Bones” McCoy beams onto a desolate planet, M-113, with orders to perform a routine physical on Prof. Robert Crater, an ill-tempered archaeologist who wishes McCoy would just go away.
“Doubtless the good surgeon will enjoy prodding and poking us with his arcane machinery,” Crater snipes.
Think again, Crater: Prodding and poking is so last millennium.

Dr. McCoy packs a medical “tricorder.” Wand the body with this hand-held computer, and seconds later it coughs up the particulars of a patient’s condition.

“The machine is capable of almost anything,” McCoy says. As he sweeps the device across Crater’s chest and back, it purrs like a blissed-out electronic cat. In the 23rd century—as pictured by television writers in the late 1960s—that purr was a sign that a very sophisticated machine was working.

The tricorder-like devices in the UCLA engineering labs of Aydogan Ozcan don’t purr. Nor do they cause the shoulder strain of the cassette recorder-size clunkers of Trekkie lore. But in other respects, they’re the closest thing yet to the real McCoy.

Ozcan’s sleek gizmos, which fit onto the back of a smartphone, count thousands of red and white blood cells in seconds; screen urine for signs of kidney disease; spot viruses like HIV and influenza in a smear of blood; and test water for bacteria, parasites and toxic chemicals. Another phone attachment, the iTube, scanned for microscopic specks of allergy-causing peanut in what one of Ozcan’s journal articles last year described as “3 different kinds of Mrs. Fields Cookies.”

When I visited Ozcan on the UCLA campus, a dozen of the devices were arrayed like museum pieces in an illuminated glass display case in a corner of his laboratory. The ones in the original “Star Trek” series resembled antediluvian Walkmen. Ozcan’s devices are the size of a lipstick case or matchbox.

“This is honestly one of our first hacks,” he told me with a touch of nostalgia, pulling out a six-year-old Nokia phone that he’d somehow retooled into a lens-free digital microscope. He says “hack” because he takes technology already in our pockets—the smartphone, another gadget anticipated by “Star Trek’s” inaugural episode—and cheaply reworks it into lightweight, automated versions of the bulky instruments found in medical laboratories.

At the rate he’s going, Ozcan, who at 35 already holds the title of UCLA chancellor’s professor, may soon hack the whole clinical lab. He wants nothing less than to make it small and cheap enough—and so idiot- and klutz-proof—that we can carry it in our pocket like loose change.[433 words]
I’d visited Ozcan during a week in January when temperatures tripped into the 80s. So when one of his postdocs, Qingshan Wei, a 32-year-old with stylish clip-on shades, asked if I wanted to scope out the waves in Marina del Rey, I raised no objection.

Our “scope” was a Samsung Galaxy with an attachment that turned the phone’s camera into a mercury detection system. The toxic metal can build up in fish, and water tests can serve as an early warning system. “We want to detect mercury in water before it goes into the food chain,” Wei told me.

We splashed barefoot into shin-deep surf, and Wei pipetted seawater into a small plastic box on the back of the phone. Inside were a pair of LEDs that fired red and green beams of light through the water sample and onto the phone’s camera chip. An app scrutinized the subtle shifts in color intensity, and four seconds later, results flashed on the screen.

Two months earlier, mercury levels at this very spot had been worrisome. Today, the phone told us, the water was safe.

Similar tests performed by a full-scale environmental laboratory are very expensive, Wei told me. They also require schlepping the sample to the lab, for a complicated analysis called inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. “For this,” Wei said, nodding at the mercury tester, which cost $37 and was made by a 3-D printer, “we write a smart application. You just sample, click open the application, follow the instructions and click ‘analyze this.’”

The brains of the system are Ozcan’s algorithms, which turn the phone’s humdrum camera into a powerful optical instrument that sees what the eye can’t, then tells us how worried to be. His devices—because they piggyback on GPS-enabled smartphones—no sooner test a sample than they can send time- and location-stamped results to your doctor, an environmental agency or, say, Google Maps. Supply the technology to enough of the world’s three billion mobile subscribers, and you’ve got battalions of citizen scientists beaming up health and environmental data from across the globe in real time.

Ozcan’s software funnels the data into a continually updating map where epidemiologists, public health officials and your uncle Murray could follow the spread of a disease or chemical spill live, the way our smartphones already use our speed and location to crowd-source data for mobile traffic apps. Ozcan’s goal: to chart the world’s invisible threats—the pollutants in water, the allergens in food, the pathogens in air—as panoramically as traffic or weather.[421 words]

Will Any Health App Ever Really Succeed?
There are wildly successful apps for mapping, sending e-mail, and catapulting birds. Why aren’t there any for health care?
By Rachel Metz on September 24, 2013
Geoffrey Clapp thinks a mobile app can make health care better—so much so, in fact, that his upcoming app is called just that: Better.
The app is being tested at the Mayo Clinic, which is an investor in Clapp’s startup, and is slated to launch in October. It aims to let people use a smartphone to reach a doctor, find a diagnosis, or keep track of their medical records. Storing personal medical data and using health-tracking features will be free, but users will be charged monthly fees for instant access to nurses and health coaches.

Better, also the name of the company, is among a slew of health and fitness companies concentrating on the mobile Internet market. So far, however, health apps have failed to take off. To the disappointment of “e-health” advocates who hope to see such apps transform the medical landscape, the number of Americans using technology to track their health or fitness didn’t change between 2010 and early 2013, according to data from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Business models have been elusive, too. Google launched the Web application Google Health in 2008 as a way for people to corral their health records online, but it was not widely adopted, and it shut down last year. Patients battling health problems complain that phone app developers have yet to develop truly useful products.

One of Better’s basic goals is giving people easy access to their health records by smartphone, something that’s becoming possible as hospitals shift from paper to electronic records. Such information may be useful to have on hand not only when dealing with a serious disease but also at unexpected times, such as when an administrator asks for a child’s vaccination report on the first day of school. Clapp thinks easy and quick access to medical information will cut down on health-care costs by advising people, for instance, when a visit to the emergency room is called for or when seeing their regular doctor will suffice.  

Paul Limburg, a Mayo Clinic doctor who is working with Better, says the app addresses some patients’ complaints that health care is too confusing and sometimes hard to access. The Minnesota health center has already made more than 75 health-related apps available.[375 words]

[The remaining]
Better, which Clapp says will be available first on the iPhone, will include a version of Mayo’s online symptom checker, as well as access to location-based data like local pollen counts and lists of healthy restaurants in your area. The app will also give Mayo Clinic patients direct access to their health records. Because it supports other standards for transmitting patient data, such as Blue Button, it could work with other hospital systems as well.

To generate revenue, Clapp says, the app will offer access to paid services: customers may be able to push a button to speak by phone to a trained nurse, or get help coördinating tests and doctor appointments at the Mayo Clinic. Clapp wouldn’t disclose the pricing scheme, but he said an average customer might pay around $125 per month for what he called “medical concierge services.”

Laurence Baker, a professor of health research and policy at Stanford University, says that while there’s “tremendous potential” in organizing patient medical records, it may be difficult to get parties such as insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals to share the data, and to get patients to use and trust apps that include such information.

Clapp says that Better still needs to iron out some legal details to secure patient records electronically and ensure compliance with different states’ rules (for example, some states allow telemedicine across state lines only via videoconference, while others allow the practice over audio). But about 500 patients, doctors, and nurses are already testing the app, he says, using it to track pregnancy, diabetes, hypertension, or their children’s health.[263 words]

作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-9-9 20:47
Part III: Obstacle
Mobile Health’s Growing Pains
Full of promise, mobile health still needs to wow patients and nail down its payoff.
By Nanette Byrnes on July 21, 2014
[Paraphrase 7]
Among technologists, mobile health is thriving. Since the start of 2013, more than $750 million in venture capital has been invested in companies that do everything from turn your smartphone into a blood pressure gauge to snapping medical–quality images of the inner ear. Apple, Qualcomm, Microsoft, and other corporate giants are creating mobile health products and investing in startups.

The idea is straightforward: the increasing number of smartphones means that small, inexpensive sensors, low-energy Bluetooth, and analytic software make it possible for patients and doctors to capture all kinds of data to improve care. Patients can play a more active role in their own health. Doctors and nurses can make house calls without ever leaving the office.

One crucial group, however, remains unsold: the patients. Though one in 10 Americans owns the type of tracking device made by Nike, Fitbit, and Jawbone to monitor steps taken, quality of sleep, or calorie intake, more than half of those devices are no longer in use, according to Endeavour Partners, a consulting firm.  Of the 100,000-plus mobile health applications available for smartphones, very few have been downloaded even 500 times. More than two-thirds of people who downloaded one have stopped using it, according to a 2012 study done for the global accounting firm PWC.

“There are unrealistic expectations for when and how mobile health is going to come together,” says Patty Mechael, former executive director of the mHealth Alliance, which helped develop early standards for mobile health technologies. In the U.S. “we are somewhere between the peak of the hype cycle and the trough of disillusionment,” she says.

Enthusiasm has been slow to build in part because the technology is often still not perfect, with seemingly simple functions like step counters lacking precision. Another problem is motivation. Many people simply don’t seem to like using these apps and devices. It is clear, though, that a well-designed mobile health system can help if patients use it.

At the Center for Connected Health at Partners HealthCare, a health-care network that includes Boston’s two leading hospitals, Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General, a number of mobile programs have been shown to offer strong payoffs both in quality and cost.

One recent study tested whether mobile phones could help increase activity among patients with diabetes. It’s an important way to combat the disease’s progression, but it’s something traditional programs have had little success achieving. Of a group of 130 patients with diabetes, half were given Fitbit activity monitors. By combining feedback from the Fitbit with existing patient records, an algorithm determined which text messages would be sent to the patients. Those falling behind on their goals got messages of encouragement; some messages included information about nearby Zumba classes or jogging paths, based on location data picked up from the patients’ mobile devices. On rainy days, the program might send a note about ways to exercise indoors.

Doctors received progress updates via a stoplight system displayed on the patient’s electronic medical record. Green meant the patient was doing well. Yellow was caution. Red signaled the patient was not responding to the text messages.

After six months, the average patient was walking about a mile farther each day. In addition, the patients’ blood sugar control improved significantly—better results than might be expected with some FDA-approved drugs, says Kamal Jethwani, a doctor who ran the study as the center’s leader of research and program evaluation.

For Partners, the program is successful on two counts: patients are healthier, and the cost of caring for them is lower. The payoff for better managing a chronic disease like diabetes comes over many years, but in Jethwani’s study, a number of patients have already had drops in blood sugar that equate to savings of $1,000 to $1,200 in doctor visits and other treatments. That’s a strong return on a program that costs $300 per patient to run, notes Jethwani.

These are the kinds of results that have enthusiasts convinced that mobile technology can not only fundamentally overhaul how health care is delivered, but also offer sufficient financial benefit to convince insurers and patients to pay for it.

John M. Halamka, a professor at Harvard Medical School and chief information officer of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, expects this kind of technology-enabled monitoring to become standard practice within the next few years. One sign that a heart patient may be about to have a problem is rapid weight gain, he notes. A smart scale that picks up on that could trigger a quick intervention from the doctor and avoid a visit to the ER.

At the University of California, San Francisco, which recently announced an initiative to begin testing the effectiveness of mobile devices in health care, one of the biggest technological achievements to date was simply starting to get doctors to move beyond pagers. Now doctors access patient messages via a mobile or Web application, and the message automatically becomes part of a conversation. Under the new system, the whole care team is aware of what is happening, and the doctor has the patient’s history available when fielding questions. A program is being tested that would take this to the next level, allowing care providers to send messages to patients.

Getting mobile health technology right can be tricky, however. Fitbit makes some of the most popular activity trackers, but in February the company voluntarily recalled its top-of-the-line $129 Fitbit Force after users complained of skin irritation from the wristband. More serious technological problems have sidelined devices aimed at difficult tasks like measuring blood glucose levels without drawing blood, a desirable feature for people with diabetes.

For all the challenges in mobile health, one issue that dominates many discussions about the technology may fade rather quickly. Privacy concerns have yet to come up in the Partners trial, says Jethwani. “I’ve never heard any patient say, ‘How do you know so much about me?’ or ‘Why do you know so much?’” he says. “Instead, they say ‘Now that you know all this about me, can you give me more useful information?’” [1007 words]

作者: TINGYI-2014    时间: 2014-9-9 21:45
Go back from a long holiday.
3' The Facebook will invest more on the mobile ads to increase the income. but the service is more freely. whether the effects will reach the goal?
The health apps on the smart phone  is leading to a big change both in the study of the disease and the treatment.

作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-9-10 00:03
THX Cherry~ Have a nice dream
users on mobile device
ads&feedback&news on mobile
outcome unknow

increasing focus
users are not satisfied with the performance
why fail
practice on patients and with doctors
other issues & challenges for doctors

作者: mozhiwanjia    时间: 2014-9-10 00:20
掌管 6        00:10:27.02        00:39:08.61
掌管 5        00:10:01.88        00:28:41.59
掌管 4        00:05:23.39        00:18:39.71
掌管 3        00:04:25.53        00:13:16.31
掌管 2        00:04:54.32        00:08:50.78
掌管 1        00:03:56.45        00:03:56.45

作者: Cassidy大洁洁    时间: 2014-9-10 03:44

gadget: a small mechanical device or tool
intrusion: an action of intruding (intruding: [intrude] enter with disruptive or adverse effect)

Time 2 - 00:02:22
cell phone apps are applicable for health purpose.  便宜又即时。examples
mobile devices’use in biomedical research could be great. examples
attest: provide or serve as clear evidence
pale: seem less impressive or important
notoriously: famous or well known

Time 3 - 00:01:14
to make all possible, more effort is needed.
some challenge: privacy? quality? protection? how people use?
interdisciplinary: of or relating to more than one branch of knowledge
gee-whiz: characterized by or causing naive astonishment or wonder, in particular at new technology

Time 4 - 00:03:15
( TДT)这是讲的啥!!
desolate: (of a place) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness. [bleak: lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements]; [dismal: depressing]
prod: poke with a finger, foot or pointed object
tricorder: 这是啥
nostalgia: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past

Time 5 - 00:03:22
( TДT)what!?
humdrum: lacking excitement or variety
piggyback on: use existing work or an existing product as a basis or support
battalion: a large, organized group of people pursuing a common aim or sharing a major undertaking

Time 6 - 00:02:05
Better aims to provide users with easy access to doctor, diagnosis, medical records, etc.
Many of health apps failed.
be slated: (verb) schedule, plan
a slew of: a large number or quantity of something
take off: become successful or popular
elusive: difficult to find, catch, or achieve

The remaining - 00:01:36
Better will be available on iPhone, allow access to local data.
average $125 per month for services such as speak with nurse or make appointments
challenge: difficult to get parties to share data
more effort needed

Many companies are trying to make mobile health products.
the idea
Many people have devices but few of them use those devices
problem: enthusiasm & motivation
Mobile programs, details
Two successes of the program: healthier patients, lower cost
challenges: technological problems
Concerns on privacy may fade
trough: a point of low activity, achievement, or satisfaction
disillusionment: a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be
作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-9-10 09:01
小蘑菇开始打怪 发表于 2014-9-10 00:03
THX Cherry~ Have a nice dream

Thx,I did have last night

Introduce the function of phone with body check apps and what u can do with it
Technology developer and software designer work together to  evaluate technology. But maintaining privacy and security problem of health data is a challenge.Mobile health technology will help people with diseases such as diabetes
The tricorder(手持分析仪)in the movie 'start terk' (星际迷航)come true in the lab of UCLA
It can count the blood cells, analysis the urine of sign of k disease and so on
Mercury test system which is a combination of test attachment with a phone can be used to check the water pollution.
Principal of machine:Several camera can keep record of eyes can not see and transfer date to lad
Ozcan's equipment can be used in epidemiologist and public official aspect
G look forward the better mobile health app in several aspect
Encourage more people to use and change the way they manage health
Better business model
Easier access to patients record
Better profits & iron out legal detail to get patient records

Mhealth market attract a lot of attention of venture capital and big company
However, the frequency of use mobile health equipment is less and less after several times according to the  experience of F
Mhealth really helped patients with diabetes to manage the blood sugar.
Even so many problem but the potential is tremendous

作者: psychoarya    时间: 2014-9-10 13:11
time2+time3 3:56
The author is both a volunteer in a trial of mobile health technology and a physician-scientist. He implies thai mobile health still needs to face up to a challenge.
Then the author lists some benefits of mobile health.
A successful mobile health needs the efforts of a lot of different professionals. They must pull together to create one.
two things need to do:
protect the privacy of the users;
study how people use mobile health, a study shows that mobile health is especially good for youngsters.

time4+time5 7:00
The author uses Star Trek as a introduction to the topic- the transition from smartphone to a personal doctor.
The author visited Ozcan who created a lot of devices. And he/she lists some functions of those devices.
a specific example: use an improved Samsung Galaxy to detect the degree of toxic chemical in water. the cost is greatly lower and more convenient than the traditional method.
The goal of Ozcan- to almost “detect” everything in the world.

time6+the rest 4:56
Better is a company who is trying to make a mobile health app. The app has a range of functions, such as keep up with medical records, find out the nearby healthy restaurants, and talk to a trained nurse, etc. To earn profit, Better creates some paid services.
However, other companies such as Google failed to run a health app successfully.

obstacle 7:00
A lot of money in venture has been invested in companies that create health apps.
the cruel reality faced by the apps
a program to see whether the combination of Fitbit and patients’ electronic records.
the result is positive. and other programs show that some patients’ blood pressure drop because of the health app.
many challenges in mobile health have been faded, but the problem about privacy popped up.

作者: taohui2014    时间: 2014-9-10 13:48
掌管 7        00:08:01.34        00:26:24.84
掌管 6        00:02:07.85        00:18:23.49
掌管 5        00:02:49.95        00:16:15.63
掌管 4        00:03:20.96        00:13:25.68
掌管 3        00:04:07.60        00:10:04.72
掌管 2        00:01:50.26        00:05:57.11
掌管 1        00:04:06.85        00:04:06.85

作者: 油桃F    时间: 2014-9-10 15:40
Ads on fb use personally info to deliver to target market. Now there are many people using mobile gadgets and to initialize mobile ads needs more money. You can see the same ads on the wed page.

[Time 2] 2'41
MHealth apps and wireless sensors have become popular and doctors can use them to implement some lab-trials.

[Time 3] 1'41
Health researchers, tech developers and engineers should joint together to develop mHealth tech. But how to control security and privacy of a person who uses the tech is still a problem. And most people recognize mHealth as a toy but not a health tool. The study shows that mHealth can help patients a lot.

[Time 4] 3'41
O's device is just like McCoy which can do almost anything. The scientists in UCLA aim to put this device into people's pocket.

[Time 5] 3'04
The author and a researcher used the app to test mercury amount in a river. The approach is quicker and less expensive than methods used before. The brain of the app is its algorithm.

[Time 6] 2'23
Intro of an app named Better. It is hard for health app to take off. Better has already address users' complaints.

Current situation of mobile health products.
A recent study and some other teat show successful result.
The challenge in mobile health.
作者: 古月小破烂    时间: 2014-9-10 15:40
time2 2’40
    the use of smartphone to help people do the thing about health.
time3 1’25
    discuss about how to let people use mHealth as daily useful tool
time4 2’49
    look for one medical machine in the past to fit smartphone?
time5 2’57
    use of smartphone in environment area, and also many other area.
time6 2’29
     not many people use these apps as useful health tool. These apps deed to be more useful.
the remaining
     the possibility of use these apps, including the revenue, the influence to some specific department, and some legal details

obstacle 6’27
     the situation of mobile health, and the detail use about it.
作者: planetandlucas    时间: 2014-9-10 22:46
Time 2: The article introduces that mobile health apps can help people monitor health situation. (2:10)

Time 3: The artilce shows how different people can work together to build mobile device to work for heatlh. What is more, paragraphes discusses about
how privacy health data can be protected. (1:22)

Time 4: The article explains that how technology can make your smartphone become a personal doctor. (2:14)

Time 5: The article continues to introduces how mobile device can assist medical service. (2:12)

Time 6: The article intorduces the development of apps on the medical serice. In the most situation, apps in medical service fail to make their function. (2:20)

Obstacle: The article introduces that mobile health is developing and it do help people control medical situation. However, in the meanwhile, the mobile health also come across many difficulties.  These mobile health devices are not easy to be accepted by patients and customers. Therefore, many of them are abandoned and the motivation of invention of new mobile health equipment is affected.(5:54)
作者: 黑糖话梅糖    时间: 2014-9-10 22:54
face book is putting ads on the mobile devices.
the reasons for the development of the mobile health apps and the application and advantages of these apps.
the efforts needed and challenge faced by the mobile health apps and how to use these apps better.
technical rational of these apps.
mobile test
a health mobile apps called better.
the thriving of the development of health mobile apps and the obstacles that hinder the development.
作者: dxfy3572    时间: 2014-9-10 23:25
main:the benefits of mobile health data equipment
Technology in mobile phone app and wireless sensory with health data is developing in high speed recent years, which provide so much supplymentary data to biomedical study and strategy and move basic healthy check out of hospital and lab,so convenient.

main:challenges in development
Privacy and security of user's health data is the main challenge.
Committed users are the group who would actually benefit from the tech, as the majority is just in the stage of making fun with apps.

intro:A tiny pda-like equipment in StarTrek which can collect almost every kind of human health data
Now Scientist in UCLA make it true, and they have created a series of mobile equipments which aim at tinier and lighter.

They also use smartphone camera functions to monitoring envrionment quality:mercury level in ocean water to reveal it is safe or not to eat fish from it.
Phone can monitoring the whole environment circumenstance so they aim at charting the invisible threats.

Main feature and operation of Better the app.
A dilema of health care app these years:difficult in extension and blur business model.
Basic goal of Better:health data storage to cope with unexpexted time that doctor can make conclusion quicklier.
stengthen:data is more clear than comunication between doctor and patient.
Information and services given by Better:transmiting patient data to hospital,which generates revenue.
Other pro view:difficult in enlarging sharing and increasing trust.
hopes and way to go.


phnomenon:mobile health is thriving-------supoorting ideathe unsolved element:the patient-----try but not use as habit
unrealistic-----enthusiasm and motivation

turning:though,well designed mobile system can help-----experiment on diabetes using monible system which push suitable exercise informantion to patients from time to time--not only healthier,but also cheaper.
supporting:monitoring in heart paitient and how it benefit doctors.

flaw:uncomfortable wristband and privacy.

作者: 喵喵不是包子脸    时间: 2014-9-11 02:31
Mobile phone gives both doctors and patients a chance to easily know that if people have a health body.
This health APP also have some problem.Frist of all,how to make sure that the dates would not be known by others.Furthermore,some people just treat it as a tool.
Because mobile phone is easy to carry.It is covenient for people to use Apps to record some dates.
The APP can be used in many aspects.Moreover,it is very cheap.
A nwe app called “better”may help people slove their health problem.But maybe it is not easy for people to access it.
Better will be available on iPhone.It will offer access to paid service.
作者: cyndichiang    时间: 2014-9-11 07:36
Time2 1'41''
TIme3 0'59''
Mhealth apps do have positive effects for patients and doctors
Concerns about the privacy data of patients

Time4 2'16''
Time5 1'54''
Inside health tech may turn your smartphone into your personnal doctor
functions and cases of this tech: e.g. toxic substances in water and food

Time6 2'35''
Some one thought that mhealth apps will be better
charge for the service monthly for the instant access to nurses and doctors
Mhealth apps cut the cost of traditional doctor-visiting process

Obstacle: 3'47''
Mhealth is thriving: single reason: making diagnosis more convenient
Although there is precision problem,many mhealth apps is updating; eg: diabates patients
for ethusiatist, two main advantages:  patients are healthier, and the cost of caring for them is lower
There are still many obstacles: complaints about skin irritation ,or privacy concerns
作者: wensd1111    时间: 2014-9-11 08:34
1 A 02:35
2 A 01:25
3 A 03:04
4 A 02:36
5 A 02:25
6 A 01:36
7 A 06:16
health app become popular recently, many money invest in the sector.
related devices are rarely used in the us, the reason might be that the product or service is not perfect.
two example about the good return products, one is diate regulator device, another is heart attack device. maybe the critical problem si the information could get.
作者: Chadesiel    时间: 2014-9-11 10:34
T2 1'26
Scientists are struggling to find out the source of Ebola and doubt that fruit bats may be the source

T3 2'02
Scientists are trying to find out the animal source through a fieldwork but they started late. They are afraid that many environmental factors
may have affected the result

T4 2‘06
The best way to avoid exposure to Ebola may be to steer clear of bats during the birthing season.

T5 1'52
Someone has solved a case of mistaken identity involving an insect pest threatening the coconut industry in the Philipines

T6 2'28
Some scientists thought that the real culprit is not the A.destructor but the A. rigidus.

Kendal is now a beacon that is drawing more and more technology companies.

作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-9-11 11:46
ZOEYZHANG114 发表于 2014-9-10 09:24
thank you for the long articles....happy holiday.

happy holiday to you too! why don't you write something down in the seat you've taken?
作者: wangweiyi5332    时间: 2014-9-11 12:45
Native Speaker
Facebook can deliver many ads into your phone screen , although this technology has already been used in PC. Facebook is investing a great deal of money in this business. people may not mind the intrusion because the service that facebook offer is already for free.
Timer2 3:35
we can download an APP to have our healthy data such as  heart rate and rhythm. The use of cell phones and wireless sensors  to gather and access health data has grown quickly in recent years. Mobile devices offer greatly attractive low-cost and are quite easy to opearate, they have the potential to bring a electronic doctor to home. For instance, electronic devices have transfer health date anywhere and anytime, it is convinient to know parients totally.  
Timer3 1:58
technology developers and application designer should pull together to estimate the new techonology in order to have a evidence base for benefits and risks that those electronic devices may bring about.
Privacy is also an issue that both developers and doctors should concer with. How to protect patients if their privacy was leaked out.  electronic devices are pretty usefull for most of their users, especially for children who have diseases of diabetes. Those children who have been monitored by automated system have better glycemic control and diabetes self-management skills than those who have not. \
Timer4 3:20  
Introduce some small devices that medical company invented, whose devices can do a lot of things for us, like  count thousands of red and white blood cells in seconds; screen urine for signs of kidney disease; spot viruses like HIV and influenza in a smear of blood; and test water for bacteria, parasites and toxic chemicals.
mobile health is thriving. small mobile devices are inexpensive sensors, low energy so they made it possible for patients and doctocts to gain all kinds of data to improve care. But among users who have downloaded the Apps, they use them no longer. A study has showed that after patients use those monitoring devices for some time, the blood sugar control improved significantly . The mobile hearlth device is successful on two counts: partients become healthier and  the cost of caring for them is low.
作者: 梦里柔荑    时间: 2014-9-11 16:54
Time 2  03:59.32
Iphone has a new facility health app. This software can help research better monitor patients’ daily behavior and provide more data to the research.
Time 3  01:50.75
It is difficult to protect the privacy of consumers when the app provide data for research. But the users of mhealth app have a better management of themselves than people who do not use it.
Time 4  05:30
Doctor created a device that can get detail information of the body when he scan it around a man. The doctor’s goal is to make the device cheaper and smaller.
Time 5 03:49.01
A scientist made an app that can detect some micro material we can not see with our eyes. This app installed on the phone can conveniently collect global data about pollution. The scientist hope the app become more and more convenient and cheap.
Time 6  05:09.65
Many people have a high expectation that the health app will reform the medical method, but this reform does not appear. But this app also has many benefits.
Remaining 02:05.39
The app opens some paying facilities that patients can call to the nurse for instruction of health. But its is important that we should notice sharing information via app is illegal in some countries.
Time 7    09:10.47
The app does not has such a good market as people expected, many people do not choose to use it or stop using after a while. It shows that the app still exists some questions. But it indeed has many benefits, it not only provide information,but also decrease cost of patients visiting doctors. The app has some challenges which should be overcome, but we don not need to worry about the trouble of privacy.

作者: joseph520    时间: 2014-9-11 20:03
Timer2 361
The mhealth apps bring the biology science research to a new stage.
Nowadays, there are more and more apps designed to record biology features such as cardiac.
This kind of data are more privilege to traditional research data conducted from lab. It is not only more convenient, but also more reliable.
The apps make the cost of accumulating these kind of data drop significantly.
The combination of the data between daily record and GPS tech can serve the research with more purpose.
Timer3 220
risk and benefits.
The potential risk of privacy breach.
The way to treat these software: not the toys, but an effective tool to record the information. The research shows that the data collect from more self managed patient are more helpful for them than those who don’t.
Timer4 433
Describe the tool used in star trek. That tool can be used for everything regarding health. Everything from counting white cells to allergy detection.
In the lab of UCLA, the prof is trying to hack everything into small staff from our daily life. Such as Walkman, or Nokia phone. Now the cellphone is the one to be hacked. He is aiming to utilize the small stuff to help us in our daily life.
Timer5 421
The experience provided by postdoc.
The author and the postdoc went to a place, using a small device to detect the mercury in the water and get the result. The huge advantage from cost perspective, and a new way to utilize this technology not only detect the water, but also share with the global system just like google maps does.
The goal of the prof is to use this idea to detect those unseen stuff in the water, in the air...
Timer6 375
The company named “better” is designing a new app to bring the user to the doctor.
This raise the topic of the success of e-health apps. The data is disappointing, the number of people using devices to record their health data are not increasing from 2010 to early 2013. (a program launched by Google is also shut down recently). People complain that there is really no successful apps for ehealth application.
Better is trying to change this fact, they find the reason the complaint arise, and try to solve it.
Obstacle 1007
Moblie-health apps are thriving.
The smartphone make it easier to collect the health related data. But in reality, the utilization is not promising. Half of the apps are stopped to be used. According to consulting firm.
Two drawbacks: lack of precision, and no motivation for patients.
But some program give pay off. A program on tracking diabetes found that those who use the apps, interacting with doctor, perform better in controlling their sugar rate. In addition, some program regarding chronicle disease perform better.
The success is from two perspective: first, it helps patient. Second, it reduce the cost. The same program, which save patient 1000-2000, cost 300 dollars.
UCSF also initiate the moble device, encouraging doctor to utilize the mobile device. They are waiting to move to next level.
However, the tech is tricky.
But each problem is going to be fade away, such as privacy issue, there is no one concerned on the leaking of their health data now.

作者: zhl2007    时间: 2014-9-12 10:38
02:13 mobile health apps help to  to offer health related data to the lab in a convenient way
01:03 mHealth should be managed well in order to be useful for the research issue
02:12 what Ozcan can do to inspect the health condition
02:17 the experimental test in Ozcan and its goal
03:37 最后两个合在一起了 a new app concerned with health issue will be carried out called Better and there are still many problems waited to be solved in order to reach success
07:00 health apps really give financial benefits and offer convenience to patients and doctors. However, there are still unsolved problems concerned with inspection issues and information provided and more things should be done in order to make more people use apps.

作者: AgendaChen    时间: 2014-9-12 15:50
Even though people have already accepted the ads of Facebook on their PC screen, we don't know whether they mind these ads on their mobilephone.

There is not only advantage but also disadvantage in the popular mHealth apps. The advantage is that we can use such apps to monitor the situation of patients, gather useful health data for researches and early detect and warn systems for outbreaks of illness. And the disadvantage is that by using these apps, the privicy and security of our health data may be divulged.

At first, the author makes an analogy between tricorder in episode one of Star Trek and devices invented by Ozcan in UCLA engineering labs. And then the author begins to introduce these devices, such as what are they used to and the history of them. Second, the author recalls the moment when he visited Ozcan during a week in January. He specifically introduce a device of Ozcan, a mercury detection, which is less expensive and easier than similar tests to detect the dense of mercury in the water. At last, the author mentions some other use of Ozcan's devices in the daily life.

A company invents a apps named Better. Even though so many obstacles, such as the security of collecting health data, the trust of users, and the elusive business model, are on the way, the company still be confident that it can generate revenue through this app. And then, the author mentions how the company will make money and shares the concern of Baker about this app.

In the beginning of the passage, the author mentions some problems that the health apps face. After that, he illustrates one app used to increase activity among patients with diatbetes as a successful example. Then he concludes that the mobile tech can not only overhaul the disease but also lower the fees for which patients have to pay. The health apps also have an effect on doctors. At last, the author mentions the concern of privicy of patients' health data.
作者: Going    时间: 2014-9-13 09:16
谢谢cherry, 我喜欢手机有这个功能:)

Speaker: Facebook make money by ads in both web page and mobile. Though mobile ads in a little difficult, it has figured out the way to show ads.

Time 2: 2’28
Time 3: forget
Time 4: 2:52
Time 5: 2:41
Time 6: forget..

Obstacle: 5:50

Time 2: mHealth technology on mobile is good for owner and research. Researchers can easily get accurate and comprehensive data.

Time 3: Such a good technology needs three aspects to work together to design. How to protect the data privacy and security is problem and make many people unwilling to join. Here give us a sample for a child joining this project. the child is better than those who do not join the program.

Time 4: Small phone can do the health check.

Time 5: How one Samsun mobile detect data under water.

Time 6: Health better app try to better manage people’s health. But people are not willing to join and give out many complaints. But the future is promising in helping people.

Obstacle: Mobile with health monitoring function is under development. Compared to the existing health monitoring tools, data cannot be fully used. With health data collected timely and accurately, people will benefit a lot. Though there is no perfect design for health monitoring tools, it will be perfect to meet people’s needs.

作者: chenlang4869    时间: 2014-9-13 10:15
time2 2'49
The new mHealth tech has brought a great innovation to the mecidal science. The researchers or clinics can obtain high-quality data from the little health-devices.
time3 1'42
The privacy and security of the health-data of participants are challenges to the tech. Also , the author hold that many people just treat the healthy app as a toy rather than a efficient way of organising their health problem.
time4 3'14
UCLA professor has created little devices that can be put on the back of smart phones and tract personal health data.
time5 2'53
Ozan show the author how a little device can see what a person can not see and how the device can analyse the sample quickly. The device can really help people avoid the health threats in the dailylife and also help provide latest data of the disease or spread of epidemics. The Ozan's goal is to chart a global map of invisible disease.
time6 and remain 4'6
A health app tech company Better is creating an app to enable people who use it to get access to doctors, keep tract of their body problems and store health data. However, the estimate booming of use of such kind of app has not appeared during the last 3 years. The patients complain that the tech company should creat something really useful. And now the Better is doing its best to iron out the legal details and improve its app functions.

Obstacles 7'47
The health-app do not popularize among people as previously thought. Tech inprecision may be one reason, and people do not like this kind of app could be another main reason. Some study shows that great use of health app combining with devices not only can bring overhaul health problem for people but also provide sufficient financial benefits. However, the challenge still exists in the tech. Besides, the privacy problem may not be such serious for many.
作者: kun5850    时间: 2014-9-13 11:08
作者: Starlun    时间: 2014-9-13 17:55
作者: Ginni    时间: 2014-9-14 10:26


health apps
作者: wdybrian    时间: 2014-9-14 22:53
The applications for mobile phone are becoming more and more popular.
It's convenient to deal with activities of health care.

The mHealth technologies need to be evaluated and guided.
Now many people do not use it actually on health control. It is promising in diabete control.

More applications are available for smartphones for health care.

Ozcan produced a smart application that can detect toxic mattters in water.
The goal of Ozcan is to chart invisible threats more easily.

The company "Better" developed varied health-related apps.
It is the trend that more people will use mobile phone apps on their health care.

Risks in using apps for both patients and doctors.
The way to generate revenue.
But it's still promising.

More big tech companies have invested more fund on products for health care.
Peolpe are not likly to use them oftenly.
Factors lead to the reason why people are not likely use them.
作者: louisa33    时间: 2014-9-19 12:10
掌管 6        00:03:53.19        00:11:00.89
掌管 5        00:01:16.83        00:07:07.70
掌管 4        00:01:48.69        00:05:50.86
掌管 3        00:01:35.63        00:04:02.17
掌管 2        00:00:53.83        00:02:26.53
掌管 1        00:01:32.70        00:01:32.70

作者: oscarlaw    时间: 2014-9-21 21:38
he use of cell phones and wireless sensors to gather and access health data could provide potential of mHealth to aid in medical research and health care.
Maintaining privacy and security of health data is a challenge that calls for research.
作者: lzhang06    时间: 2014-9-24 15:09
Time2 3m35s
The use of mhealthy apps can improve medicasl research.
The function of apps covers greate ranges.
With the apps,doctors can precisely track the data, and patients conveniently record the data.

Time3 1m54s
Several institutes work together to research mhealthy apps.
Privacy issues and law hools challenge the expansion of apps.
many users have not weigh the function of cellphone. A experiment shows that
the eariler the users monitor healthy data, the better management and control of their diease.

Time4 3m40s
A doctor check the CMO of one company by use of a medical robots, which picted in a 4--years-ago fiction
In the lab, two cellphones  work, one monitor the healthy data and environment variables, another
read the artucles.
light weight robot function like a doctor .
The cheaper and smaller SZ will come true.

change the cell phone to a water pollution dector.
In the experiment, change the carmmer to a dector, optimal divice with led in it.
Compared with complex and expensive lab experiments, the cellphone can quickly analyze the data.
In the near future, global cellphone subcribers will consist a citizen healthy network,
check food allege and water polluction will be as easily as weather and traffic data in future.

Time 6 3m04s
Health Apps face some disadvantages. People complaint that apps are not useful.
The business modle of Better.
However, better, a new apps, store cinical information and easy access to health care.
The lower the costs of health care.

Time7 8m
the future of health apps.
large companies invest capial in medical apps .
the duration of users. 1/10 Americans have halth dectors, but half of  users drop the use.
So users pool become the challenge of health apps in smart phones
Compared with traditional medical diverce,
As users can freely acept headical treat, especially diabets, program can send messages to dofferent
patients, and docotrs can receive feedback easily.
Also in financial and insuance, health apps help users save money.
Professors in university elaluate the programs,
Some problems still exists in apps, S company recall some service in their apps.
people will change their attitudes about information disclose.
作者: 巫汤汤    时间: 2014-9-24 22:24
作者: lemongrass17    时间: 2014-9-25 10:38
Recommend an application called m-Health.
Background:it is challenging to develop the mobile health tech.
           The use of cell phone and wireless sensors grows quickly in recent years.
Support:interaction between biomedical research and mHealth applications.
        The advantages of mHealth applications.
The issue of privacy is not a problem.
Background:interdisciplinary research is under construction.
Counterpoint:a challenge:privacy
Support:committed users
Conclusion:now that’s an mHealth moment worth getting excited about.

The tricorder-like devices  in Ozcan’s lab.
Background:a movie
Point:the devices in Ozcan’s lab don not purr.
Support:my experience in Ozcan’s lab.
The prospect of O’s device
Support:example:turn the smartphone into a mercury detector.
        Apply the tech into health field
        O’s goal:chart the world’s invisible threats as panoramically as traffic or weather.
So far,health apps has failed to take off .
Background:”Better” is being tested.
Conclusion:health apps has failed
Support:the number of users did not change
         Business models have been elusive
implication:the goal of Better
             One of the complaints made by users :the access.

Discuss current situation of mobile health products.
Background: corporations are investing in developing mobile health products.
Support:the advantages of mobile health products
        The situation of the mobile health products:many patients stopped using it
        The reasons why patients are stopping:precision,motivation
        A study showed the advantages of mobile health products.
        Studies expecting the mobile health products
        Getting mobile health products right can be tricky:complaints from patients.
        The issue of privacy did not appear.
作者: neverland1021    时间: 2014-9-25 23:42

2'22[361 words]
health apps can not only help the patients but also collect data for doctors.
typical example: mheath app can do track workout, count one's calories, help quit smoking etc. but it can do more

1'27[220 words]
software engineer, medical and technology expertise should work together to develop the health related apps.
some concerns have been raised:
the author worries that the health app is treated as toys rather than a valuable and professional tools to benefit the users。
but the author is convinced that the health app can play a significant role in our future lives, indeed, it has been functioned well in diabetes area.

2'50[433 words]
UCLA professor, purr, small enough to carry, 23rd century,
An scientific fiction which points out the medical technology both in direct and indirect way in 23rd century,
Indirect way: the routine physical examination, wand with the computer to show the specific information about the patients,
Direct way: the machine can do anything. The detailed way that the device does; an instruments used to be bulky but “now” could be put into the pocket.

2'42[421 words]
the telephoned can be used to watch Mercury,
The cellphone can be used to scope out the mercury in the water and the whole process from taking sample to funneling to the map continually to analysis.
1)Scope out the suspicious water sample: pipette the water
2)App chip to scrutinize the water sample
3)after 4 seconds, the cellphone green light flashed => water is save
4)piggyback on smart phone Google maps
5)funnel the data to a continually updating may to analysis by some expertise
Goal: when we mention the cellphone, we know it can scrutinize the quality of water naturally.

2‘18.[375 words]
a health app called Better can be used to collect the patients' data and send these data to doctor for diagnosis.
Question: can a health app be really helpful?
Google health failed after launched one year later
One doctor says the Better app does solve some problems such as patients' complaint and help patients have access to doctors more easier.

6'57[1007 words]
MI: the development of health app and benefits from health app
the participants involved:
1) some technology giants(apple, microsoft, etc) begin to study and develop how can connect the smartphone users and health service
2) investment have been initiated to this area.
3) Patients attitude: unsold, not popular so far. no motivation to use it, and the result is not precise

the health app's success depends on two factors:1)uses can be more healthier;2)the cost is less
benefits: take the diabetes(chronic disease)as an example, satisfy above two conditions
development: initiate to test the efficiency of mobile device in health care.

privacy concern: right now no one seems to care this point.

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