
标题: OG13-SC-87求讨论 [打印本页]

作者: liliannechang    时间: 2012-10-7 09:12
标题: OG13-SC-87求讨论
87. According to scientists who monitored its path, an expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, which brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocking out a communications satellite

A. an expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, whichbrightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocking ànot parallel

The two verbs should be in the same verb form for parallel construction.
that修饰the magnetic field,the field surrounds Earth, 逻辑错,应是storm surrounds Earth expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun was what recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, andit the brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocked ambiguous

it按照语法应指an expanding cloud, 但逻辑上应指代storm expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, brighteningthe Northern Lights and also possibly knocking cloudàbrightening, 逻辑错,应该是cloudà stormà brighten

D. a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, recently triggered by an expanding cloud of energized particles, brightened the Northern Lights and it possibly knocked

E. a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth was recently triggered by an expanding cloud of energized particles, brightening the Northern Lights and it possibly knocked

注:OGThe timing and logical relationships among the events described in this sentence are of utmost importance.

The scientists monitored a cloud ejected from the Sun. The cloud triggered a large storm, whose consequence were the brightening of the Northern Lights and the possible knocking out of a satellite. The latter two events are in a conjunction, so they should be represented by similar verb forms.

作者: wyw1018    时间: 2012-10-7 09:36
D里面不管逻辑意思是否合理,但从语法讲and it 的it应该去掉。
E里面brightening和后面it pssoiby knocked 不平行。
而且D E里面把修饰energized particles 的修饰语ejected from the sun给去掉了。
作者: DUKB24    时间: 2012-10-7 09:43


which vs ving(adverbial modifier)

which does not fit in this context here
作者: liliannechang    时间: 2012-10-7 09:48
作者: liliannechang    时间: 2012-10-7 09:55
C选项中,brightening修饰的是cloud吧,OG上说The cloud triggered a large storm, whose consequences were the brightening of the Northern Lights and the possible knocking out of a satellite. 觉得逻辑错误啊。怎么解释,NN?
作者: DUKB24    时间: 2012-10-7 10:17
C选项中,brightening修饰的是cloud吧,OG上说The cloud triggered a large storm, whose consequences were the brightening of the Northern Lights and the possible knocking out of a satellite. 觉得逻辑错误啊。怎么解释,NN?
-- by 会员 liliannechang (2012/10/7 9:55:52)


you do not understand the use of “comma+ving” as adverbial modifier;the explanation given by OG is obscured here

the "comma + ing" modifiershould only be used when:
it MODIFIES THE ENTIRE ACTION of the preceding clause, and it APPLIESTO THE SUBJECT of that clause;


one of the following is true:
(1) the "ing" action is SIMULTANEOUS with, and SUBORDINATEto, the main action;
- i ran down the sidewalk, flapping my arms wildly
(2) the "ing" action is a DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE ofthe main action.
- i got a 100 on the most recent exam, bringing my average up to 91

since COMMA + -ING clauses are automatically attributed to the SUBJECTof the preceding clause, this modifies the moon.
as it clearly should, in context.

also note that it applies not only to that subject, but to the entireaction of that clause (this is what makes it "adverbial").

here,brighten is actually modifying the preceding clause, indicating the consequence of the clause .an expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth”
作者: DUKB24    时间: 2012-10-7 10:19

作者: liliannechang    时间: 2012-10-7 10:32
作者: iambigchan    时间: 2012-11-16 05:14
DU大牛,v-ing 的相关帖子我都看了,不过还是想请教一下,

it MODIFIES THE ENTIRE ACTION of the preceding clause, and it APPLIESTO THE SUBJECT of that clause;

跟simultaneous action是一样的吗?


作者: yakev6    时间: 2012-11-30 00:51
从三个动词trigger, brighten, knock,之间的关系不看看出,后两者应该是trigger的间接后果,应该用svo, ving的形式,且后两者平行。
DE 丢失信息,把ejected from the sun这个修饰语丢了,改变含义。
作者: yiqing2012    时间: 2012-11-30 15:24
DU大牛,v-ing 的相关帖子我都看了,不过还是想请教一下,

it MODIFIES THE ENTIRE ACTION of the preceding clause, and it APPLIESTO THE SUBJECT of that clause;

跟simultaneous action是一样的吗?


-- by 会员 iambigchan (2012/11/16 5:14:10)

作者: none123    时间: 2013-3-10 21:51
作者: muxiadai    时间: 2013-11-11 22:03
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-1-13 23:32
muxiadai 发表于 2013-11-11 22:03
麻烦大家能不能解释一下可以由DE的主句主语是storm,而因为如果代词优先于主句出现则优先指代主句主语所以i ...



在讲求clear and exact原则的GMAT,两个问题一定要高度敏感:
作者: 羊驼月月在奋斗    时间: 2014-5-3 21:16
DUKB24 发表于 2012-10-7 10:17
C选项中,brightening修饰的是cloud吧,OG上说The cloud triggered a large storm, whose consequences  ...

作者: 进击的巩小含    时间: 2014-11-6 21:19
liliannechang 发表于 2012-10-7 09:55
C选项中,brightening修饰的是cloud吧,OG上说The cloud triggered a large storm, whose consequences wer ...

but i do not understand why "it" in B is ambigous?
Doesn't it refer to the subject of the main clause "cloud"?
作者: Hendy    时间: 2015-1-1 21:28
醒醒Shine 发表于 2014-1-13 23:32

说的对,其实到最后SC CR RC上升到境界和高度的时候都是考语义。
作者: mmmmmignon    时间: 2015-1-27 18:40
a large storm, triggered by ...., brightened and knocked.....
这的brightened和knocked 动作发出者是a large storm.

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