
标题: OG2 [打印本页]

作者: 心晴    时间: 2004-10-13 08:30
标题: OG2

2. Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size.

(A)           have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size

(B)           have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colorado

(C)           has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado

(D)           has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado's

(E)           has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado's size

In choice C, the best answer, an area about the size of Colorado clearly describes a rough equivalence between the area of Colorado and the area overseen by the companies. In A and B, the plural verb have does not agree with the singular subject number. Choice A is also wordy, since that is can be deleted without loss of clarity. The absence of an area in B and E impairs clarity: the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun such as area that is logically equivalent to the number of acres given. In D and E up to is unidiomatic; the correct expres­sion is from x to y. In D, the size of Colorado's is unidiomatic, since of Colorado forms a complete possessive.

双重所有格错/ 同位结构补出概括性名词更清楚/ 习语

The answer is C,that's OK! 我想问的是,什么时候that可以被去掉不影响句子清晰的?我记得定语从句的that不是不能省么?这里为什么说“Choice A is also wordy, since that is can be deleted without loss of clarity

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-10-13 09:01
作者: 心晴    时间: 2004-10-13 09:27
以下是引用jnlvo在2004-10-13 9:01:00的发言:

作者: OasisWater    时间: 2004-10-13 09:49


不过还是需要逻辑判断的,如果是名词+that +情态动词+be+分词/介词大多数不要使用上面大额原则,否则意思改变;

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-13 9:50:20编辑过]

作者: vikkigmat    时间: 2004-10-19 10:53

The absence of an area in B and E impairs clarity: the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun such as area that is logically equivalent to the number of acres given.

这句话我完全不懂,为什么不能省略 an area?

作者: hougang    时间: 2004-11-10 16:40
以下是引用OasisWater在2004-10-13 9:49:00的发言:


不过还是需要逻辑判断的,如果是名词+that +情态动词+be+分词/介词大多数不要使用上面大额原则,否则意思改变;


作者: beautywawa    时间: 2004-12-1 22:27
以下是引用vikkigmat在2004-10-19 10:53:00的发言:

The absence of an area in B and E impairs clarity: the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun such as area that is logically equivalent to the number of acres given.

这句话我完全不懂,为什么不能省略 an area?

     the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun


作者: zhbeaner    时间: 2005-2-26 11:36
选项E中, ABOUT不是在修饰 SIZE吗? 而且 SIZE 对 THE NUMBER 不是更好?
作者: colacat    时间: 2005-2-26 11:49

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-5 12:46:30编辑过]

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-2 23:42

an area到底是做谁的同位语啊??

2. Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size.

(A)           have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size

(B)           have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colorado

(C)          has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado

(D)           has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado's

(E)           has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado's size


the number...has grown from 48 to 59, an area...


作者: violetyang83    时间: 2005-4-3 00:46

59 million代表的一个范围,后面跟同位结构an area。。。


作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-3 10:10

谢谢楼上,昨天又想了想,an area会不会是acre的同位语???

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-4 09:39
作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-4 22:30

up   ......

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-5 11:33
作者: colacat    时间: 2005-4-5 12:51

更正一下,重新看这个题目, 我觉的 an area about the size of Colorado 做独立主格理解可能跟贴切些

因为独立主格本来就可以认为是状语从句的简化,所以C 就可以还原成

Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, while an area is about the size of Colorado .

作者: chenmoon    时间: 2005-4-19 00:12

OG的解释:an area about the size of Colorado clearly describes a rough equivalence between the area of Colorado and the area overseen by the companies. 看起来,应该是把这两部分作比较。但是在题干里感觉an area about the size of Colorado是59million的同位语。。。不知道对不对?NN指教。

作者: rakesun    时间: 2005-4-19 01:36

我认为,an area做59 million的同位语,这里应该是概括性同位语,该种同位结构要求用的词必须能够对前面的解释对象起到概括作用。比如。。。,a information。。;。。。。,a practice。。。

另外that引导宾语从句时不可省,但引导定语从句时,我的感觉是that be能省就省,这样句子更简洁。

作者: yan_w_wu    时间: 2005-4-19 08:53
以下是引用chenmoon在2005-4-19 0:12:00的发言:

OG的解释:an area about the size of Colorado clearly describes a rough equivalence between the area of Colorado and the area overseen by the companies. 看起来,应该是把这两部分作比较。但是在题干里感觉an area about the size of Colorado是59million的同位语。。。不知道对不对?NN指教。

我觉得两个都没有错。 og的解释是从句子意思上说的,同位语结构是从语法上分析的,不只对不对

作者: judydongxueni    时间: 2005-5-10 23:20
什么时候that可以被去掉不影响句子清晰的?我记得定语从句的that不是不能省么?这里为什么说“Choice A is also wordy, since that is can be deleted without loss of clarity”能不能把这种语法现象解释一下?
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-5-11 08:54

定语从句的that: 省略

宾语从句的that: 不省

作者: akelee    时间: 2005-7-18 01:46


A 选项比独立结构比起来多余了..

作者: foreinter    时间: 2005-7-24 08:36
作者: fuyun    时间: 2005-9-6 22:45

1定语从句中:可以省略that be

这个题中就是省略了that is

2如果that & which在从句中作宾语,可以省略that & which

作者: 宫堡鸡丁    时间: 2005-9-9 10:55


想问一下 an area 到底是哪个的同位语 是59millions 还是acres ?

作者: 宫堡鸡丁    时间: 2005-9-9 17:22
up up~~
作者: foreinter    时间: 2005-9-21 17:25


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-21 17:29:32编辑过]

作者: bigfoolbird    时间: 2005-9-21 18:21
作者: titatita    时间: 2005-11-14 14:14


an area到底是哪个词得同位语

作者: lixxs3    时间: 2005-11-17 10:16

我觉得E更好点,about 表示大约的意思啊, 郎文字典里的解释如下:

about adv.
a little more or less than a particular number, amount, or size
synonym roughly

I live about 10 miles away.a tiny computer about as big as a postcard

这里的about Colorado's size 是说明59million的啊.


作者: hitlzc    时间: 2005-12-5 10:09
以下是引用lixxs3在2005-11-17 10:16:00的发言:

我觉得E更好点,about 表示大约的意思啊, 郎文字典里的解释如下:

about adv.
a little more or less than a particular number, amount, or size
synonym roughly

I live about 10 miles away.a tiny computer about as big as a postcard

这里的about Colorado's size 是说明59million的啊.



OG里不是说:The absence of an area in B and E impairs clarity: the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun such as area that is logically equivalent to the number of acres given.


作者: jamiw75    时间: 2006-1-14 18:30
以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-5-11 8:54:00的发言:

定语从句的that: 省略

宾语从句的that: 不省

I think:

1. I am talking about the book (that is ) sold by XDF.

定语从句, that +be : "that" can be omitted though "that" is not 宾语 in 从句.

After "taht" is omiited, it changes to "FengCI or BeiDong Tai"  for noun.

2. I am talking about the book (that) she mentioned yesterday.

宾语从句,"that" can be omitted

3. I am talking about the book that fell on the table.

定语从句,"that" can NOT be omiited, if omitted, 从句 will has no o.

作者: juliet01192000    时间: 2006-2-22 12:49


1 that做定从中主语,不可省。

there is a girl that(who) has green hair.

2 that做定从中宾语,可省,也可不省。

there is a book (that) you have not read.

3 有that be/which be引导的定从,能省就省。

there is a book (that was) borrowed by  mary yesterday.

作者: dreamingbird    时间: 2006-3-2 12:19
about the size of Colorado 是介词短语做定语,比重句更简洁, which is my idea. Suddenly, I cannot type in Chinese. Sorry for that.
作者: billytang1980    时间: 2006-3-3 09:42
area 是 acres的同位语,跳跃修饰这个单词。
作者: hughes0305    时间: 2006-7-28 12:00

(C) has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado

nearly 59 million, (which is) an area about the size of Colorado. Therefore, an area refers to "nearly 59 million acres".

nearly 59 million, (which is) an area about the size of Colorado. Therefore, an area refers to "nearly 59 million acres".

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-28 12:02:41编辑过]

作者: duran2sarah    时间: 2006-11-18 14:09

Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area is about the size of Colorado .

The absence of an area in B and E impairs clarity: the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun such as area that is logically equivalent to the number of acres given.

an area是作为the number of acres的同位语,在这里area的意思是面积,例:an area of 100 sq. meters 面积100平方米 (金山词霸).这样OG的解释也就迎刃而解了。

作者: yangluoya    时间: 2007-7-10 17:24

an area...并不是同谓语,而是独立主格结构:


作者: elinaqu    时间: 2007-8-4 22:19



作者: crowkiller    时间: 2007-8-5 00:20



作者: elinaqu    时间: 2007-8-5 23:10

谢谢, killer

作者: elaineyin819    时间: 2007-8-27 12:43

我认为an area about the size of Colorado 是一个由概括性名词引导的独立主格结构(名词+介词短语); 之所以说是概括性名词是因为它不指代前面句子的任何一个词(名词无需要有指代功能), 而是对前面句子内容的概括总结. 如果不加An area, 就变成from 48 million to nearly 59 million is about the size of Colorado

作者: freedomzhx    时间: 2008-2-26 23:04
以下是引用vikkigmat在2004-10-19 10:53:00的发言:

The absence of an area in B and E impairs clarity: the phrase beginning with about must modify a noun such as area that is logically equivalent to the number of acres given.

这句话我完全不懂,为什么不能省略 an area?


这里面涉及到about是副词还是介词。我的理解是如果an area省略,则about一定是副词,意思为大概,几乎,差不多,那么about the size of Corolado将作为the number of acres的同位语。但是,实际上这两者之间并不是同位语的关系,而是一个比拟的关系,因此,about the size of Corolado做同位语是不合适的。

如果an area不省略,则an area about the size of Corolado则做为同位语,实际上可以简化为an area做为同位语,about the size of Corolado部分作为介词短语修饰an area。这样理解似乎就好多了。

作者: woaiqiuqiu    时间: 2008-4-10 19:22
作者: 百草园Tracy    时间: 2008-10-1 20:20
作者: 百草园Tracy    时间: 2008-10-1 20:21
作者: teddycyd    时间: 2008-10-1 21:15

an area about the size of Colorado这里做的是同位语


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