阅读, 貌似是全中了吧。 18.Changes of the status of women during 1300-1700 22.GIS(Geographic Information System) 第四十五篇美国贸易保护主义 第三十八篇" 国内竞争对于公司国际竞 争的作用"
逻辑 天啊。。。楼主失忆了 1。蜂鸟采蜜的出现了。削弱题。 楼主确定选他们可以闻道nectar的味道 2。说美国的医疗体系是对recession immune 的。这是因为人们即使工资降低了,他们有病也还是得看。闻削弱。貌似选a,说有一些治疗效果不acute的药还是治疗方法可以不用看(楼主的理解是,人们在经济危机时只会选择非看不可的,像这种效果不明显的,就不看了。) 3。美元下跌了,这导致什么inflation.因为美元的疲软使得进口商品涨价了。但是分析师却认为这个不是导致inflation 的重要因素,因为进口商品在市场上只占10%,不足以影响大局。闻assumption. 逻辑又想起来一个 说现在很多研究项目都是“run-on project”(好像是这个词)。意思是,一个项目一直在进行,但是永远不会有结果。但是项目经理不会让这些项目停下来。这是为什么呢?因为很多项目的manager的的工作表现都是由他们的完成的project来评价的。公司的高层认为一个项目有结果前就终止是不好的。所以项目经理就会在明知道项目永远都不可能有结果的情况下还是会维持项目的运行。问一下哪个策略可以有效地避免这种情况。 楼主选地好像是给manager bonus based on 他们做的项目的数量和提前终止的项目的数量。。。。作者: 茜海星梦 时间: 2012-5-19 19:35
哈哈 恭喜lz作者: Taylor小熊 时间: 2012-5-19 19:43
记忆力~~~作者: 乖宝宝猪 时间: 2012-5-19 19:44
恭喜lz~~~~ 可不可以补充下18和38的阅读和题目~~ 感觉jj不是很全作者: zhangdanqing 时间: 2012-5-19 20:32
lz我也朝着jj流的方向发展了!向你看齐!!作者: BerylChen 时间: 2012-5-19 21:57
明天考,希望有LZ的运气!!!700+!!!作者: kaidi 时间: 2012-5-20 00:04
加油加油哇~~~~放松心态,随意点,你可以的~~~~~作者: kaidi 时间: 2012-5-20 01:43
18.Changes of the status of women during 1300-1700 Theory: the status of European women had dropped from 1300 to 1700. The women experienced from the "golden age" to the exploitation. Though the theory has not been entirely unchallenged, yet the theory still has some influences. There were three issues which showed that such transformation did happen: women’s wage, the industry women worked in, and another one. And there were data to support the point of the theory. However, the author challenged the data with three flaws: the number of the investigated women, the scope of the investigated women, and another one. Thus, the author argues that the theory was superficial, and the data only explain the situation to a minority. The theory could not state that there had been such transformation in women’s status. Q1: what happened during 1300 to 1700 regarding the status of women? Stay the same, while deteriorated in some aspects. 我觉得这个挺全。而且这个问题确实考了。答案也是这个。作者: zhongweina 时间: 2012-5-20 10:24
haohaohao作者: jiangyibq 时间: 2012-5-22 11:27