补充一下。。其实是有such that连用的情况的呢。。。
such that连用时的用法:
(1) A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set. (such向前指代a rule of … sets )
(2) Her interest with him is such that she governs him absolutely. (such指代her interest)
(3) The format of the meeting was such that everyone could ask a question. (such指代the format of the meeting) 会议安排好可让每个人都能提一个问题。
(4) choose x and y such that x + y = 10 (such向前指代x and y)
不过考点一般就是设在such +n(adj+n)that与so。。that的区分和使用。。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/10 17:22:15)