标题: ,and的用法。可以连接两个非句子的并列?大家进来看prep07原题! [打印本页] 作者: 单调唱 时间: 2012-5-1 14:21 标题: ,and的用法。可以连接两个非句子的并列?大家进来看prep07原题! 133. (31827-!-item-!-188;#058&006534) A recently published report indicates that the salaries of teachers continue to lag far behind other college-educated professionals, because they make an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less a year by the time they reach the age of 50.
(A) other college-educated professionals, because they make an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less (B) other college-educated professionals, by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers, to almost $24,000 216 (C) what other college-educated professionals are paid--making an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less (D) those of other college-educated professionals--by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers to almost $24,000 less (E) those of other college-educated professionals--by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers, and by almost $24,000
没人理呀。。。我电脑换了,屏幕莫名其妙花了。。。难道是我天天长时间用电脑的缘故么作者: 秋晨小仔 时间: 2012-5-2 19:20
顶顶作者: weidehou 时间: 2012-5-3 17:41
别的都错了不久选这个了....一个逗号,有没有在这儿都没大影响作者: wangjieava23 时间: 2012-5-3 19:44
A and B 和 A, and B 都是可以接受的表达。 不过,更普遍的是:A, B, and C