
标题: OG223 再次深入 such as [打印本页]

作者: aaaaaaaa    时间: 2004-6-24 21:34
标题: OG223 再次深入 such as

223. As business grows more complex, students majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly successful in the job market.

(A)  majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly

(B)  who major in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are becoming more and more

(C)  who majored in specialized areas such as those of finance and marketing are being increas­ingly

(D) who major in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming more and more

(E)  having majored in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are being increasingly

fruit such as apple,banana。。。。such  as 前的名词和后面的名词是同一类词,是总体和个体的区别,  但是OG 223 的 area 和 maketing是两个性质的词语,只能说 area of maketing ,能说 fruit of apple 吗???

为什么c 中的such as those of finance and marketing  不对??

作者: rt316    时间: 2004-6-24 23:18
词与词之间的关系在不同场合表现是不同的,在这个句子中area和marketing/finance之间的关系并非如你所说是两个性质的,area指领域,而marketing市场营销/finance金融都是这个领域的(business area)。从这个角度看,C中的those就缺乏合理的指代对象。
作者: irenelj78    时间: 2004-8-13 03:21

such as 与 like 的区别。

我查剑桥词典的时候怎末看到对like的解释是such as???而且还举例:

1.She looks best in bright,vibrant colors,like red and pink.

2.I prefer clothes which are made out of natual materials like cotton and wool.

此题og解释说like makes  a comparison ; such as introduce examples该怎末理解呢?


作者: agk99    时间: 2004-8-13 03:34

to aaaaaaa

不選C還有一個理由,就是who majored 的動詞時態與未劃線的"grows"不一致,違背基本文法

to ireanli78

like 要用在比較句型,也就是前後要同類比較,這點你可以在og的91, 267得到印證;至於such as 顧名思義就是舉例,I have many hobbies, such as reading, seeing a movie, and playing the basketball,這裡的reading....絕對和hobbies不同類,充其量只能把reading...視為hobbies 的一種...


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-13 4:11:25编辑过]

作者: irenelj78    时间: 2004-8-13 04:09




1.She looks best in bright,vibrant colors,like red and pink.

2.I prefer clothes which are made out of natual materials like cotton and wool.

作者: irenelj78    时间: 2004-8-13 05:52
我明白了,分享一下牛人的解释:GMAT中举例从来不用like,都是用such as.---已经成规则了...GMAT语法自成规则,相对比普通语法严格点....如:consider A as B, consider A to be B...在Toefl都是对的,在GMAT中就是错的!只有consider A B是对的---like/such as也同理

作者: zhuzhu1973    时间: 2005-1-28 01:28
being 与becoming有何区别?
作者: zhuzhu1973    时间: 2005-1-29 00:06
作者: anyname    时间: 2005-2-14 09:38

being 状态感强,表现状,becoming 动态感强,表变化。比较以下句子:

He is a student.和 He becomes a student.
He is being strong. 和 He is becoming strong.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-14 9:40:37编辑过]

作者: 番茄笑了    时间: 2005-8-16 08:57
以下是引用anyname在2005-2-14 9:38:00的发言:

being 状态感强,表现状,becoming 动态感强,表变化。比较以下句子:

He is a student.和 He becomes a student.
He is being strong. 和 He is becoming strong.

作者: maoliu    时间: 2005-9-18 23:06

那么B选项中,AS,,,,和SUCH AS一样都可用来举例??且这里ARE BECOMING MORE AND MORE...是修饰SPECIALIZED AERA还是finance and marketing?

作者: brissa    时间: 2005-9-23 23:16
以下是引用aaaaaaaa在2004-6-24 21:34:00的发言:

223. As business grows more complex, students majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly successful in the job market.

(A)  majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly

(B)  who major in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are becoming more and more

(C)  who majored in specialized areas such as those of finance and marketing are being increas­ingly

(D) who major in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming more and more

(E)  having majored in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are being increasingly

fruit such as apple,banana。。。。such  as 前的名词和后面的名词是同一类词,是总体和个体的区别,  但是OG 223 的 area 和 maketing是两个性质的词语,只能说 area of maketing ,能说 fruit of apple 吗???

为什么c 中的such as those of finance and marketing  不对??

好像还没人回答划黄线处的问题,我也正在迷惑呢。og说是unnecessary verbiage,但我理解是those指代students,所以应该是句子歧异,而不是什么“废话”。对吗?

作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-11-4 21:39

specialized areas such as those of finance and marketing



2、those of A and B这个结构从GMAT来说是否岐义,不管是中文还是英文

显然为了消除2的问题,B用了such specialized areas as finance and marketing.

作者: brent_zhang    时间: 2006-1-12 10:42
以下是引用rt316在2004-6-24 23:18:00的发言:
词与词之间的关系在不同场合表现是不同的,在这个句子中area和marketing/finance之间的关系并非如你所说是两个性质的,area指领域,而marketing市场营销/finance金融都是这个领域的(business area)。从这个角度看,C中的those就缺乏合理的指代对象。


作者: FionaLiang    时间: 2006-4-12 22:57
以下是引用anyname在2005-2-14 9:38:00的发言:

being 状态感强,表现状,becoming 动态感强,表变化。比较以下句子:

He is a student.和 He becomes a student.
He is being strong. 和 He is becoming strong.

sb. is/are being ......有这种用法吗(突然觉得很混乱)

为什么要说“He is being strong. ”

为什么不直接说“He is strong. ”   


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-12 22:56:56编辑过]

作者: yore101    时间: 2007-9-11 11:14
以下是引用FionaLiang在2006-4-12 22:57:00的发言:

sb. is/are being ......有这种用法吗(突然觉得很混乱)

为什么要说“He is being strong. ”

为什么不直接说“He is strong. ”  


觉得系表结构本就是表状态的,而且没有见过be+being+adj.的结构啊!?这种表达仅仅只是less precise?

作者: kaizizhao    时间: 2007-11-15 21:02


作者: dusty6662002    时间: 2007-11-16 16:39

在GMAT 语法中 举例只能用such as

作者: lichabrend    时间: 2008-6-28 19:00
作者: heritta    时间: 2009-2-16 22:49

123.As business grows more complex, students majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly successful in the job market.

(D) who major in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming more and moreB

错选了D,我是把句子当做比较来理解的。those指代students,like those of finance and marketing,students majoring in specialized areas have been successful in the job market


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-16 22:49:52编辑过]

作者: yinl    时间: 2009-7-10 05:03
以下是引用anyname在2005-2-14 9:38:00的发言:

being 状态感强,表现状,becoming 动态感强,表变化。比较以下句子:

He is a student.和 He becomes a student.
He is being strong. 和 He is becoming strong.

sb. is/are being ......有这种用法吗(突然觉得很混乱)

为什么要说“He is being strong. ”

为什么不直接说“He is strong. ”



作者: soul饭    时间: 2011-3-10 10:13
To heritta

个人认为不能把those理解为指代students,如果 those 指代的是students,句子的意思就变为:

studens major in specialized area像那些在金融和市场领域的学生一样。。。

但是具体的what specialized area就没能解释了。从而改变了原来的句子结构,使句意变得模糊了。

作者: rq2gtr    时间: 2014-8-28 10:51
别的不说,就 those of finance and those of marketing, 所以C不平行

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