标题: 關於句子連接的幾個問題! 重要觀念釐清 [打印本页] 作者: fly12404 时间: 2010-8-26 10:28 标题: 關於句子連接的幾個問題! 重要觀念釐清 1. because引導的原因有兩個 想請問以下哪幾種連接正確 Because S + V and S + V , S +V...... or Because S + V and because S + V , S +V...... or Because S+ V, and S+V , S+V... 2. 連接三句子 連接方法是? S+V, S+V, and S+V or S+V, and S +V, and S+V 3. V + that .. 三that子句連接 ( ex. he said that...) He said that S+V , that S+v , and that S+V or He said that S+V and that S+V and that S+V 4. 連接的省略 He is tall but I short. or He is tall but I am short.
感謝回答 相信一定也能造福很多後人的 : )
有點搞混了 ..><作者: 舟楫 时间: 2010-8-26 10:43
我个人的不太肯定的看法是 1because A and B,和because A and because B 2连接三个,有三个元素,肯定是A,B and c。如果是because的话,就是because A,B and C。B和C前如果要加because也可以,但要么BC都加,要么都不加。 3V+that,经常考V+that and that。我只见过这种情况,其他的没遇到过不好说 4He is tall but I am short.这句对。but后可加谓语也可加句子。但He is tall but I short.应该不行,but后应该不能省略谓语
仅供参考作者: fly12404 时间: 2010-8-26 19:25
請大夥再多分享點意見吧: )作者: wangxiwei 时间: 2010-8-26 19:31
Because S + V and S + V , S +V...... S+V, and S +V, and S+V He said that S+V , that S+v , and that S+V He is tall, but I am short