标题: 已搜索,未解惑:从OG12SC 87题看出去。。 [打印本页] 作者: stucash 时间: 2010-1-20 02:15 标题: 已搜索,未解惑:从OG12SC 87题看出去。。 In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices; their wines have been priced to sell, and they are.
(A) have been priced to sell, and they are
(B) are priced to sell, and they have
(C) are priced to sell, and they do
(D) are being priced to sell, and have
(E) had been priced to sell, and they have
例1: their wines have been priced to sell, and their beverages __________ as well .
their wines have been priced to sell, and they _________.
their wines have been priced to sell, but their beverages ___________.
例2:Quinn failed to do th homework, but her brother did it.
Quinn failed to do the homework, but her brother didn't.
Quinn didn't fail to do the homework, but her brother did so.
我知道我太贪心了。。。作者: 红尘道士 时间: 2010-1-20 07:05
例2,我想理解句子的关键是but转折,可能这有点象中文里面的 1.中国队大败美国队 2.中国队大胜美国队作者: 红尘道士 时间: 2010-1-20 07:07
例1的答案是不是 例1: their wines have been priced to sell, and their beverages have been priced to sell as well .
their wines have been priced to sell, and they do.
their wines have been priced to sell, but their beverages have not been priced to sell. 是不是中间还有些词可以省略的作者: aeoluseros 时间: 2010-1-20 07:46
umm...其实这个是跟代词指代一样的,通过逻辑意思来判断。正如ls所说,可以通过but来判断did指代的究竟是什么. 另外外加平行的一些规则: their wines have been priced to sell, but their beverages have not. 通过Have not来表明省略的是been priced就行了。 或者their wines have been priced to sell, but their beverages do not. 通过do not来表明省略的是do sell里面的sell就行。作者: stucash 时间: 2010-1-21 01:10
其实我也有发现,所以我把but放上来就是想起一个对比的作用的。版主和红尘兄都说得很对。 但我们在看and的情况,就不是很好分辨了。 their wines have been priced to sell, and their beverages have been priced to sell as well; their wines have been priced to sell, and they do; 这两个句子,都是并列关系,但对象不同;但版主指出通过平行也能够给出信号;如版主给出的两个例子。 但向上面这两个句子的话,关系相同,但最后因为平行的部分不一样所以强调的部分不同;按版主的来说,是不是也可以通过平行强调同样的部分?比如, their wines have been priced to sell, and their beverages have (been priced to sell) as well; their wines have been priced to sell, and they have (been priced to sell); 这样也行吧?只是强调的动作不同了。
至此我也明白了,如果有如上句子的结构,有两个或许更多动作在其中,通过关系连词和平行法则可以使句子强调的动作完全改变;知道是强调哪个动作,再根据那个动作的时态,语态,形式等来做平行,那问题就迎刃而解了。作者: stucash 时间: 2010-1-21 01:12
忘说了,红尘兄,是的,某些可以省略的,版主和我的例子都有指出来。:)作者: aeoluseros 时间: 2010-1-29 17:14
you bet作者: 维小C 时间: 2010-5-22 03:20
完全晕了。。。膜拜lz。。。考虑这么深入作者: ccz988721 时间: 2010-8-16 12:11
N的,顶~~~作者: yexuu 时间: 2010-9-12 14:46
恩,同意ls几位的看法,对于这个问题可以有两个方式,一种是直接地指代最后的那个动作,另一种是第二层动作,比如fail和have。另外,我觉得关于sell的问题,比如畅销书的翻译是best seller,就是说书是seller,那么sell的主语可以是东西,而且我看老友记中常常有这样的表达方式,something could sell itself,所以sell这个词好像没有太强烈的主动或被动的概念。作者: qingbo 时间: 2010-9-12 17:23
我想请问下,ABDE如果改成以下形式是不是也是对的? A: their wines have been priced to sell, and they do B: their wines are priced to sell, and they do D: their wines are being priced to sell, and they do E: their wines have been priced to sell, and they do
因为参考ETS的意思,do 暗示了前面有个动词 sell, 而且是一般现在时态
那如上所该,岂不就应该是正确的?作者: yexuu 时间: 2010-9-12 23:15
又仔细地看了一遍og的解释,似乎and前后的时态要保持一致,所以ls改的ADE还是不对的。读着也有点怪,their wines have been priced to sell, and they do。所以这么说来,have作为助动词和一般的比如fail to do是不同的,只能用have done来指代?我也不是很确定了,期待nn解答