
标题: OG 12 -93 [打印本页]

作者: zhongyaya    时间: 2009-10-31 22:58
标题: OG 12 -93

Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were last  year.

(A) Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were

(B) Heating-oil prices are expected to rise higher this year over last because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

(C) Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year's because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

(D) It is the expectation that heating-oil prices will be higher for this year over last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil now than what they were

(E) It is expected that heating-oil prices will rise higher this year than last year's because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

这应该是今年的价格和去年的价格的比较,所以不是应该是last year's吗?为什么A是对的?答案上解释E时说last year's 没有和this year平行,这点也很不理解。希望有人能帮着解答下

作者: ARCHER420    时间: 2009-10-31 23:08

rise higher,冗余。排除B E.

C 语法错误。expectation不能higher

D 强调句式,但than what they were是冗余。另外are paying和Now搭配也啰嗦了,现在进行时描述的本来就是现在的情况。

A。 they were, were正好对应are paying的助动词are。如果前面写refiners pay....那么后面应该出现than they did。这里都是动作pay的比较。

作者: zhongyaya    时间: 2009-10-31 23:31

谢谢你啦~但是还是有些个小疑问~2楼提到expectation 不能用high修饰,我查了下字典,expectation 是可以用high来修饰的,下面这个事例句。

Women who have
high expectations

of marriage are often disappointed.


Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last


作者: ARCHER420    时间: 2009-11-1 00:26

我的意思是expection高了没有用,价格才是那个选项的核心。没说清楚,我懒得改了。1st than比较的是prices

作者: 羊的2009    时间: 2009-11-1 00:37

A、是refiners are ...more ...than they(指代refiners) are 平行

C、 this year than last year's ,一个是时间,一个是 last year's ,不可比

作者: joyviva    时间: 2009-11-1 00:39
其实你再认真看看,(C) Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year 不管expectations如何,to be higher 说的肯定是前面最近的price阿,并没有修饰expectation
作者: zhongyaya    时间: 2009-11-1 22:17
作者: ruirui_hsu    时间: 2011-3-1 14:30
作者: ttc12345    时间: 2011-3-1 16:05
C) Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year's because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

我觉得expectation are for heating-oil prices 好拗口啊
是不是应该改成expectations for heating-oil prices are to be higher.....

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