标题: prep2-164和prep2-9 请教as...as的用法 [打印本页]
作者: snowlemon 时间: 2009-3-2 13:25
标题: prep2-164和prep2-9 请教as...as的用法
164. (25432-!-item-!-188;#058&001434)
Mixed with an equal part of water, ethylene glycol, a compound commonly used as an automotive antifreeze, is effective at temperatures as low as –30 degrees Fahrenheit.
A. temperatures as low
B. temperatures so low
C. as low temperatures
D. as few
E. as little
答案没有问题,问题是c,大家的解释是 中间一般是用adj或者是adv, 不会用 adj+n的形式
9. (24819-!-item-!-188;#058&001693)
The Environmental Protection Agency frequently puts mandatory controls on toxic substances that present as little risk as one in a million chances to cause cancer.
(A) as little risk as one in a million chances to cause
(B) as little risk as one chance in a million of causing
(C) as little risk as one chance in a million that it will cause
(D) a risk as little as one chance in a million for causing
(E) a risk as little as one chance in a million for it to cause
答案b, 这个明显是肯定了as+adj+n+as的结构
这个 中间的用法?as+adj+n+as的结构 是对的?还是这题主要考虑到risk of doing的用法才选的b?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-2 13:26:25编辑过]
作者: AlienX 时间: 2009-3-2 13:31
as adj+n as是可以的
作者: snowlemon 时间: 2009-3-2 13:34
以下是引用AlienX在2009-3-2 13:31:00的发言:
as adj+n as是可以的
作者: alohabrian 时间: 2009-3-2 14:21
1, as...as第一个as是一个adv,第二个as是一个模糊的介于 prep-conj-relative pronoun之间的词。
prep + adv是错的: prep2-164不能选C。
2. as....as之间是可以加 adj+noun的,不过好像只限于几种形式:张振邦说的:(请大家补充)
as+不定冠词+单数可数+as I haven't seen as old a car as this for years.
as+零冠词+不可数名词+as 好像可以对应 prep2-9,不确定,请指正。
as+零冠词+复数可数名词+as I don't smoke as expenesive cigarettes as those. 好像可以对应 prep2-164
可以看到,上面的形式都是 对冠词和名词的可数性作要求,没说不能加形容词。
3. prep2-9,
我觉得实在 比较 parrelism以及idiom,
rike of
chance to/of
考虑到平行,还是都用 of吧,所以选C。
另外我觉得如果 D和E改成 a risk as little as one chance in a million of causing 似乎也就对了。
一家直言,请大家指正。 我对 as...as的用法,理解的也不透彻。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-2 14:45:43编辑过]
作者: AlienX 时间: 2009-3-2 14:59
如4th說, correct idiom是risk of doing something
作者: songlovegt 时间: 2009-3-2 20:53
正好也做到这个题,同意 alohabrian
如果 D和E改成 a risk as little as one chance in a million of causing 似乎也就对了
这里的比较对象 risk 和 one chance in a million, 结构要求比较对等,看来 GMAT 认可这两种结构
n.1 + as + adj. + as + n.2 (n1, n2 两个比较对象)
as + adj. + n. 1 + as + n.2
作者: snowlemon 时间: 2009-3-2 22:25
作者: alohabrian 时间: 2009-3-2 22:49
作者: ivymxy 时间: 2009-3-20 15:38
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