标题: [求助]请教大全157 [打印本页]
作者: dreadpower 时间: 2004-1-2 22:01
标题: [求助]请教大全157
157.Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning; furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting.
(B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother
(C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered
答案是B,可是我觉得这里用不定式的完成时态好,表示持续到现在都没有bother Samuel Johnson,请大家指教
作者: bigcamel 时间: 2004-1-3 04:05
作者: Snazzy 时间: 2004-1-3 06:22
Good question, dreadpower!
Normally, I only trust my feelings when I meet this kind of questions. Read fast and pick the one which sounds right. I got B but reallly didn't knw why.
作者: ca3ltoys 时间: 2004-1-3 08:12
just as a certain Daxia said," if no special term told us to change the tense of the sentence, we should use the same tense as main sentence" .
作者: dreadpower 时间: 2004-1-3 15:29
作者: rabbitbug 时间: 2004-1-3 21:22
我不是很确定这样解释是不是正确, 还请大家参考, 并给予指正!
这道题选B, 因为从分号前后的大并列角度来说, 前面说的coffeine对B这个人有影响, 致使他死于咖啡因中毒, 分号后面用however, 作为转折. 很明显前后陈述的内容是同一个东东的相反的两个结果, 那么分号后面的主句应该跟分号前的保持一致. 至于后半句的定语从句中用was reported to have done, 这种形式表示到report的时候为止, 这个人还是保持这每天喝多少多少咖啡的习惯, 这个完成时不受主句限制.
作者: dreadpower 时间: 2004-1-4 20:35
以下是引用rabbitbug在2004-1-3 21:22:00的发言:
我不是很确定这样解释是不是正确, 还请大家参考, 并给予指正!
这道题选B, 因为从分号前后的大并列角度来说, 前面说的coffeine对B这个人有影响, 致使他死于咖啡因中毒, 分号后面用however, 作为转折. 很明显前后陈述的内容是同一个东东的相反的两个结果, 那么分号后面的主句应该跟分号前的保持一致. 至于后半句的定语从句中用was reported to have done, 这种形式表示到report的时候为止, 这个人还是保持这每天喝多少多少咖啡的习惯, 这个完成时不受主句限制.
我觉得这个句子里,caffeine did not 这里已经和分号前的时态平行了啊!
我在想是不是因为seem to的问题??不能用完成式?
作者: dreadpower 时间: 2004-1-5 19:37
查了一下,有seem to have done 的例句,还是不明白,为何不用完成式
作者: dansy 时间: 2004-1-6 10:32
下面几句是我收集的不定式加完成时的句子。(可能还不全)。 我也对这个问题不懂,看看大家能不能从下面的句子里看出点道道来。
(1) A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is blieved to have been the largest flying creature the world has even seen.
(2) The fear of rabies is well founded; few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical sysmptoms have appreared.
(3) Geologiests believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans, disappeared abt 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.
(4) In June, 1981, six teenagers in the village of Medjugorje, Yuugoslavia, claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who they say has continued to appear to them over the ensuing years.
(5) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred around the twelfth centry B. C, was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(6) The distinctive hereditary tartans alleged to have been worn since antiquity by memebers of the Higland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centruies.
(7) For some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation, since pigeons with surgically removed alfactory nerves have been found to have increased difficulty in homing.
The western world's love affair with chocolate is well-documented; few people have been known to taste it for the first time without requesting more。
作者: Snazzy 时间: 2004-1-6 11:05
Got a sentence from the dictionary.
I seem to have caught a cold.
作者: turtlechen 时间: 2004-1-6 12:10
作者: turtlechen 时间: 2004-1-17 04:54
以下是引用dansy在2004-1-6 10:32:00的发言:
下面几句是我收集的不定式加完成时的句子。(可能还不全)。 我也对这个问题不懂,看看大家能不能从下面的句子里看出点道道来。
(1) A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is blieved to have been the largest flying creature the world has even seen.
(2) The fear of rabies is well founded; few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical sysmptoms have appreared.
(3) Geologiests believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans, disappeared abt 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.
(4) In June, 1981, six teenagers in the village of Medjugorje, Yuugoslavia, claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who they say has continued to appear to them over the ensuing years.
(5) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred around the twelfth centry B. C, was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(6) The distinctive hereditary tartans alleged to have been worn since antiquity by memebers of the Higland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centruies.
(7) For some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation, since pigeons with surgically removed alfactory nerves have been found to have increased difficulty in homing.
The western world's love affair with chocolate is well-documented; few people have been known to taste it for the first time without requesting more。
OG 9. 9. astronomers at the palomar observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion, one they believe to be of a type previously unknown to science.
在 collins cobuild english grammar 提到(3.207):
allege, assume, believe, claim, consider,deem, discover, estimate, feel, find, know, learn, prove, reckon, report, require, rumour, say, see, think, understand
他们表示言谈,想法或发现时,后面常接 to be 或 to have Vpp
ex. the house was believed to be haunted.
ex. the primitive molecules which are believe to have given rise to life on Earth.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-17 5:06:11编辑过]
作者: cdlinlan 时间: 2004-1-17 11:21
以下是引用dansy在2004-1-6 10:32:00的发言:
下面几句是我收集的不定式加完成时的句子。(可能还不全)。 我也对这个问题不懂,看看大家能不能从下面的句子里看出点道道来。
(1) A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is blieved to have been the largest flying creature the world has even seen.
(2) The fear of rabies is well founded; few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical sysmptoms have appreared.
(3) Geologiests believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans, disappeared abt 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.
(4) In June, 1981, six teenagers in the village of Medjugorje, Yuugoslavia, claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who they say has continued to appear to them over the ensuing years.
(5) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred around the twelfth centry B. C, was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(6) The distinctive hereditary tartans alleged to have been worn since antiquity by memebers of the Higland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centruies.
(7) For some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation, since pigeons with surgically removed alfactory nerves have been found to have increased difficulty in homing.
The western world's love affair with chocolate is well-documented; few people have been known to taste it for the first time without requesting more。
仔细看了上面的句子,觉得在决定to后面的时态的时候可以把to 前面的动词去掉。比如(1) A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it has been the largest flying creature the world has even seen.
(2) The fear of rabies is well founded; few people have recovered from the disease once the clinical sysmptoms have appreared.
(6) The distinctive hereditary tartans has been worn since antiquity by memebers of the Higland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centruies.
另外,个人认为7和前面的讨论无关,是说鸽子have increased difficulty in homing. increased 是过去分词,修饰difficulty 。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-17 11:23:11编辑过]
作者: snow_mountain 时间: 2004-1-17 11:31
以下是引用turtlechen在2004-1-6 12:10:00的发言:
事实上,这个Samuel Johnson 就是英国文学史上的一个大文豪,老里八早就死了。当然不能用have done 结构 。同时,同意楼上某位说的,在有明显完成时态标志的情况下用完成时态。
作者: gmat700+ 时间: 2004-9-17 11:28
刚刚google了一下,这个Samuel Johnson 生于1709年,死于1784年。所以,对早已作古的人还是用一般时态的不定式好。
作者: 携隐 时间: 2004-9-17 21:09
还是bryony说的,没有明显的提示就不要用完成时态.ETS好心的在每个时态考点上都插了小红旗(源自MUMU心经),所有的时态都是有提示的.本题也有提示:was reported. 据说他是如何如何的,而前面这个句子是根据据说的内容得出的,既然据说已经结束于过去,前面的句子当然也结束于过去,不会再延续了. 没有report他现在如何,ETS怎会如此不严谨地说他到现在为止还没有收到干扰呢.
作者: kattie 时间: 2004-12-31 16:09
作者: 三脚猫 时间: 2005-1-1 16:40
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-1-2 22:01:00的发言:
157.Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning; furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting.
(B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother
(C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered
答案是B,可是我觉得这里用不定式的完成时态好,表示持续到现在都没有bother Samuel Johnson,请大家指教
分号前提到Balzac已经died of caffeine poisoning,是很单纯的讲述过去的情况,我觉得跟完成时没关吧
作者: jonasjin 时间: 2005-1-29 23:28
to have done 不定式 + 现在完成式 总结分享
第一个用法,也就是在GMAT中常出现的 - 用在indirect speech (report speech)- 也就是说信息提供的人不是直接的陈述者
如human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans 大全325题
human beings first entered这个观点不是这篇文章的作者这么想,而是 are thought(被认为 – 被人们认为)
因为to have 是用在indirect speech,所以经常跟在think, claim, believe 等于陈述信息相关的单词后面多以被动的形式出现. To 前面动词的事态没有限制
可以从以下的例子中仔细体会 – 例子是从CD 的贴子中借的,都是大全例的例子
it is thought to have happened
six teenagers claimed to have had vision of the virgin
it is believed to have been the largest
few people are known to have recovered
thought by some scholars to have occurred
alleged to have been worn
经典的例子是大全157题,同时包括 to have 和 to be
Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning; furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting.
(A) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother
(B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother
(C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered
(D) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to have bothered(B)
(E) in addition, caffeine did not seem to bother
做这个题的时候有些朋友可能看到没有划线部分的have drunk 后根据平行原则选C, 但这里因为seem 不是表达别人意见的词,而是做着对这件事情的看法,所以就没有必要用to have bothered 正确 答案是B. 如果我们把句子改称
however, it is said caffeine did not to have bothered 这样就可以了
而没有划线部分who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting注意一下这里的was reported 也就是 drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting 这个表述不是作者直接的而是引用别人的report 的 所以用了to have 这个形式
he is to have become the next president by the end of January
- he will have become the next 与这个意思想象,不过 will 是uncertain is to have 是certain
he was to have been next president (在过去的时点上看未来)
大家都知道现在完成式是跟time 有关,time 对是用现在完成式还是用一般过去式的一个基准。如果有明确的时间或标志词例如,since 等比较好判断,但句子里没有明显的提示时应该怎么判断呢?另外的一半的判断基准是作者是否对他所表达的东西的态度 – 是一般的陈述还是强调。 如果是一般的陈述那就用一般过去时,如果作者对描述的东西的态度是强调那就用现在完成式 FOR EXAMPLE
I didn’t eat lunch. I am not hungry 只是一般的陈述
I haven’t eaten lunch, so I am hungry 这里的前面的部分时后面句子的原因,为了表达后面的这个结果必须强调没有吃午饭的这件事情。
一个小tip : 在打开大全后(word 版面)点击上面 编辑 - 查找 然后输入关键词 have 就可以不费力气找到所有的根现在完成时有关的题了,复习的时候有效地用这个 查找功能 有很大的帮助,可以让你很轻松地找到某一个类型来复习。例如 复习比较就可以输入 than , as, rather than 等 。
举例 大全332题
His studies of ice-polished rocks in his Alpine homeland, far outside the range of present-day glaciers, led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas.
(A) in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas
(B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas
(C) when great ice sheets existed where there were areas now temperate
(D) when great ice sheets had existed in current temperate areas(B)
(E) when great ice sheets existed in areas now that are temperate
我记得很多老师讲过去完成式的时候说这个时态用在一个过去的事情发生在另一个过去的事情以前的时候用, 按照此理容易选A 因为
His studies led great ice sheets had existed
这里的led 和 1837 表明 这个propose 发生在过去(只不过这里因为式不定式的缘故看不大出来)
那么 ice sheets existed 是这个以前的事情 是否也应该用had existed 呢
然而,按照上面的我提过的方法 - 过去的时点上用一般现在时 – 来看如果我们假设我们在1837年的时点上看这个问题那么就会是
Agassiz propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets existed in now currently temperate area 因为这里是一个对ice sheets存在的一般陈述,而不是强调,所以不必要用
have existed 如果是 have existed的话,那么回到现在的时点看的时候 就应该是
led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas.
而因为就用过去的时点看正确的也是 sheets existed 所以回到现在也是用一般过去时
可能有点罗嗦,总而言之一句话,也就是把现在完成时搬到过去的时点了。其实从另外一个角度也可以理解- 陈述的两件事情没有直接的联系就没有什么内在联系 如 强调等 ,那么也没有必要用过去完成式了
1. Although the manager agreed to a more flexible work schedule, he said that it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor will know what everyone is assigned to do.
(A) he said that it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor will know what everyone is
(B) he said it had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor knows what everyone is
(C) he said that they would have to post the assignments on the bulletin board so that management and labor knew what everyone was
(D) he said that the schedule would have to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor would know what everyone was(A)
(E) saying that the schedule had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor would know what everyone had been
said that 后面不用按照indirect speech的规律 尽管said 是过去式,但后面可以跟现在时 我想可能是原话引用的意思吧 我记得还有一道类似的题。
作者: benjaminshufe 时间: 2005-3-27 13:54
以下是引用gmat700+在2004-9-17 11:28:00的发言:刚刚google了一下,这个Samuel Johnson 生于1709年,死于1784年。所以,对早已作古的人还是用一般时态的不定式好。
作者: IceOnMe 时间: 2005-4-26 00:25
another 例外?
65.. After suffering $2 billion in losses and 25,000 layoffs, the nation’s semiconductor industry, which makes chips that run everything from computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears to have made a long-awaited recovery.
(A) computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears to have
(B) computers, spy satellites, and dishwashers, appears having
(C) computers, spy satellites, and dishwashers, appears that it has
(D) computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears that it has(A)
(E) computers and spy satellites as well as dishwashers, appears to have
appear to 正好和seem to 差不多吧, 是jonasjin兄的理论攸待完善呢,还是应该把appear归到think claim那一类词中呢
作者: bt51bt 时间: 2005-6-13 10:43
作者: edwardweih 时间: 2005-8-12 00:08
此题困惑也很大, 首先是读起来C顺口, 又因为一个however强转折,就是说那个一次喝25杯的家伙应该还没死, 所以更觉得应该用have;
有强人google了说25杯早死了, 拙见是这个不应当作为判断的理由,因为ETS声明过不需要任何领域的背景知识做题, 要不这题就是考英美文学野史了.
21楼给的例子的确不是例外, 理由是此例子有比较明显的时态提示,plus所有的选项都是完成时,没得折腾.
个人倒是觉得Jonasjin的解释好像还有点意思, 薄冰语法上倒是有一条飘飘渺渺近似这个的解释,提到了现在完成时在间接引语中的使用, 不过没有提到两种时态的区别.
我手上没有章振邦的语法书, 那个应该是最深的, 哪位有的话能否帮忙查查~~
另在emule XDF Bai Yi-li语法, 不知能否有惊喜
作者: elvislg2003 时间: 2005-8-12 02:36
我觉得21楼的例子的确是个特例。我不会从时态上来考虑答案, 而是从其他语法点来考虑。
appear to 与 seem to 通常不该接 不定式的完成时
作者: edwardweih 时间: 2005-8-12 10:37
no offence, 不过楼上的可以看一下这个帖子, 里面有不少appear to 与 seem to 接不定式的例句.
作者: 岁寒三宝 时间: 2005-8-13 14:21
作者: 我爱欧洲 时间: 2005-9-21 00:50
作者: laure 时间: 2005-10-17 00:36
His studies of ice-polished rocks in his Alpine homeland, far outside the range of present-day glaciers, led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas.
(B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas
我记得很多老师讲过去完成式的时候说这个时态用在一个过去的事情发生在另一个过去的事情以前的时候用, 按照此理容易选A 因为 His studies led great ice sheets had existed 这里的led 和 1837 表明 这个propose 发生在过去(只不过这里因为式不定式的缘故看不大出来)那么 ice sheets existed 是这个以前的事情 是否也应该用had existed 呢
propose 和(ice sheets )existed的确都发生在过去,且在句中的位置一前一后;但是后者只是一个观点中的事物的行为,与前者并无逻辑上的时间前后关系。
作者: cmon 时间: 2006-3-10 01:37
作者: jjgod99 时间: 2006-4-23 02:58
问题在was reported 上面。作者这么引用,说明他自己不确定sam这个人是否真被bother了。如果说seem to have bothered了,那至少Sam看上去象是被bother了(有被bother的症状),而这点恰恰是作者无法确认的。所以,他只能用seem to bother,并借用后面的同样是道听途说的事实(一次喝25杯)来表达一种合理的逻辑猜测。非常符合作者的身份;
作者: everann 时间: 2006-10-25 19:07
以下是引用dansy在2004-1-6 10:32:00的发言:
下面几句是我收集的不定式加完成时的句子。(可能还不全)。 我也对这个问题不懂,看看大家能不能从下面的句子里看出点道道来。
(1) A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is blieved to have been the largest flying creature the world has even seen.
(2) The fear of rabies is well founded; few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical sysmptoms have appreared.
(3) Geologiests believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans, disappeared abt 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.
(4) In June, 1981, six teenagers in the village of Medjugorje, Yuugoslavia, claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who they say has continued to appear to them over the ensuing years.
(5) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred around the twelfth centry B. C, was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(6) The distinctive hereditary tartans alleged to have been worn since antiquity by memebers of the Higland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centruies.
(7) For some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation, since pigeons with surgically removed alfactory nerves have been found to have increased difficulty in homing.
The western world's love affair with chocolate is well-documented; few people have been known to taste it for the first time without requesting more。
作者: nerakuhs 时间: 2008-11-2 19:02
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-1-2 22:01:00的发言:
157.Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning; furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting.
(B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother
(C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered
答案是B,可是我觉得这里用不定式的完成时态好,表示持续到现在都没有bother Samuel Johnson,请大家指教
作者: iamyamy 时间: 2009-2-12 04:45
19 floor rocks!
作者: yuepeiyi 时间: 2009-2-21 04:01
what does 19 floor mean
作者: yuepeiyi 时间: 2009-2-21 04:04
where is 19 floor
作者: elric9 时间: 2009-7-21 16:10
作者: lijiahui0422 时间: 2009-9-7 08:26
作者: clarry 时间: 2010-4-6 13:07
- report - 别人的意见
- seem - 作者的推测
作者: kikiyuan321 时间: 2010-4-7 17:46
我记得初中老师教的时候说have done sth.是指那件事从发生一直影响到当下,本题中既然已经说是死了,中毒就不是延续性的了,只是发生在当时吧,弱弱的说,不知道对否~~
作者: wangx1102 时间: 2010-10-15 12:25
作者: hounaiwu 时间: 2011-8-19 15:34
作者: ashley0707 时间: 2011-8-25 19:47
有没有可能是at one sitting的作用?因为这个人只是在那一次喝掉了25cup的咖啡,所以并没有谁说他以后不会被bother,所以不用have
be reported to have里的have是为了强调他那一次at one sitting整整喝了25杯~!强调他做到做完过这件事(体会),但是后来谁能一直保持这个状态??O(∩_∩)O~
作者: caoqin1981 时间: 2011-9-2 17:54
作者: marque 时间: 2011-9-2 21:24
下面几句是我收集的不定式加完成时的句子。(可能还不全)。 我也对这个问题不懂,看看大家能不能从下面的句子里看出点道道来。
(1) A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and
it is blieved to have been the largest flying creature the world has even seen.
(2) The fear of rabies is well founded; few people
are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical sysmptoms have appreared.
(3) Geologiests believe that the Bering land bridge, over which human beings
are thought to have first entered the Americans, disappeared abt 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.
(4) In June, 1981, six teenagers in the village of Medjugorje, Yuugoslavia,
claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who they say has continued to appear to them over the ensuing years.
(5) The domestication of the camel,
thought by some scholars to have occurred around the twelfth centry B. C, was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(6) The distinctive hereditary tartans
alleged to have been worn since antiquity by memebers of the Higland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centruies.
(7) For some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation, since pigeons with surgically removed alfactory nerves
have been found to have increased difficulty in homing.
The western world's love affair with chocolate is well-documented; few people
have been known to taste it for the first time without requesting more。
-- by 会员 dansy (2004/1/6 10:32:00)
作者: tsqqq_ny 时间: 2012-2-19 10:00
作者: li3360065 时间: 2012-5-23 17:39
我认为这道题在have done 和did 区别。从逻辑上来说用 have bothered 是强调对现在或当时的影响,所以跟后面的非限制定语从句相照应,突出他似乎还没受到咖啡影响这个意思,而单纯用to bother 语气稍微弱,而且只是平面陈述说似乎没有影响他。
作者: riclyme 时间: 2012-9-25 06:44
jonasjin 真的是爆强贴啊
作者: cyvivi 时间: 2012-10-7 16:48
作者: rylstar01 时间: 2013-3-17 22:15
还是bryony说的,没有明显的提示就不要用完成时态.ETS好心的在每个时态考点上都插了小红旗(源自MUMU心经),所有的时态都是有提示的.本题也有提示:was reported. 据说他是如何如何的,而前面这个句子是根据据说的内容得出的,既然据说已经结束于过去,前面的句子当然也结束于过去,不会再延续了. 没有report他现在如何,ETS怎会如此不严谨地说他到现在为止还没有收到干扰呢.
-- by 会员 携隐 (2004/9/17 21:09:00)
作者: 妮妮酱923 时间: 2013-11-13 20:28
作者: BOSSWZY 时间: 2016-9-15 20:22
我觉得A 的意思是咖啡因没有伤害Samuel Johnson的健康,B 的意思是目前为止看不出咖啡因对Samuel Johnson有不利影响,但是实际上咖啡因对Samuel Johnson也有不好的影响只是现在没有表现出来,所以比较来说B 比A 更好一些
作者: Sutang 时间: 2017-5-24 02:39
作者: 小小明噢耶 时间: 2019-8-13 21:11
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