
标题: 对几道GWD题很迷茫,求助~~~ [打印本页]

作者: 原味宝宝    时间: 2008-3-8 15:41
标题: 对几道GWD题很迷茫,求助~~~

1、GWD1-Q2:By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.

A.       their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging

B.       from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges

C.       to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging

D.      in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges

Eto 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which rangesD为什么D不对 

increase in sth不是优于increase 的动词的么?B中间那的its share of 和它的前后相连我总觉得怪怪的


Although people in France consume fatty foods at a rate comparable to the United States, their death rates from heart disease are far lower in France.

A.       people in France consume fatty foods at a rate comparable to the United States, their

B.       people in France and the United States consume fatty foods at about the same rate, the

C.       fatty foods are consumed by people in France at a comparable rate to the United States’s, their

D.      the rate of fatty foods consumed in France and the United States is about the same, the

E.       the rate of people consuming fatty foods is about the same in France and the United States, the



On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.

A.      On account of a law passed in 1993, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold

B.      With a law passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold

C.      A law passed in 1933 that made it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen holding

D.     Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold

E.  Due to a law being passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold

为什么选D,  我觉得这里 Because of a law passed in 1933 making 不对啊

18. GWD17-Q18:a

Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.

A.      Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.

B.      Over the course of the eighteenth century a tripling in the average output of ironwork was due to the replacement of charcoal by coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, in addition to several improvements in blowing machinery.

C.      With charcoal’s being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.

D.      The replacement of charcoal with coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.

E.  Charcoal being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, and several improvements in blowing machinery, which tripled the average output of ironwork over the course of the eighteenth century.

D.  不对,可是具体错再哪了?

19. GWD-18-Q2 a

According to findings derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the area of the brain in which a second or third language is stored depends on the age of the language learner; whereas each language occupies a distinct area of the brain in an adult learner, language areas overlap in a young child.

A.      whereas each language occupies a distinct area of the brain in an adult learner,

B.      whereas for adults each language occupies a distinct area of the brain and

C.      each language occupies a distinct area of the brain when they are learned by an adult, while

D.      each language in adults occupied a distinct area of the brain, while

E.  each language occupying a distinct area of the brain for an adult learner, and

language areas overlap in a young child.什么意思啊~~迷糊


27. GWD21-Q27:

The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs less than 11 ounces.

A.      to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs

B.      to be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, weighing

C.      is the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer, and it weighs

D.     is the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, which is as long as a handheld computer and weighs

E.   is the world’s smallest network digital camcorder, the length of which is that of a handheld computer, weighing

为啥不用claim to be?

作者: freedomzhx    时间: 2008-3-8 17:07
以下是引用原味宝宝在2008-3-8 15:41:00的发言:


这里increase应该用作及物动词——意思为公司增加份额,如果使用increase in sth,意思上说不通——公司增加,in sth

increase [from 6 percent to 10 percent] its share [of the $21 billion book market] in the country


D: the rate of fatty foods consumed in ... 改变了意思,翻译过来是[被法国和美国消费的]食物的rate

E: the rate of people consuming fatty foods ..也是改变了意思,因为概括一下就是the rate of people,of后面不是针对people consuming fattey foods这个句子



18. GWD17-Q18:a


19. GWD-18-Q2 a

E: whereas表转折,对于成年人,每种语言分别占大脑不同的区域;但是对于儿童,语言的区域是重叠的。B的错误应该是在后面的and,如果加上and,whereas表示的转折条件句就有问题了,正确的形式是whereas ..., ...,也就是说这里面需要一个逗号。whereas针对的是题目中的分号后面部分的转折,与分号前面没有关系

27. GWD21-Q27:

E: 没有看到claim sth to be sth的使用方式


  • You know what you say is true.
  • you know what you say to be true

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-8 17:16:52编辑过]

作者: 原味宝宝    时间: 2008-3-8 22:54
作者: dianecarton    时间: 2008-3-9 01:11


19. GWD-18-Q2 a


27. GWD21-Q27:

claim做动词,最常见的三个用法:claim that/claim to be/claim to have

这道题A不对的原因跟claim to be存在与否 没关系。 A里面what跟to be 重复了,所以不选。

作者: 原味宝宝    时间: 2008-3-9 09:46

27. GWD21-Q27:

我也觉得是claim sth之后就不能再加to be了,也就是claim sth to be sth 是不对的,是这样吧?!

19. GWD-18-Q2 a


作者: freedomzhx    时间: 2008-3-9 14:38

what 跟to be是怎么重复的?

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