
标题: [求助]prep-102 难题 [打印本页]

作者: 撒旦的眼泪    时间: 2007-7-24 04:42
标题: [求助]prep-102 难题

Recent breakthroughs in technology have made it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to 35-millimeter film and to project it digitally in theaters with no resulting loss of image quality.

(A) it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to

(B) it possible to have high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like that with

(C) it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material with a degree of fidelity nearly comparable to that of

(D) possible high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like

(E) possible high-definition digital video cameras able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to that with


困惑2,it possibel that ...和it possible for sth to do sth that 在此题中区别


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-24 5:10:43编辑过]

作者: LuckiPanda    时间: 2007-7-24 09:01
困惑2,两个结构都是对的,但这题里A的are able to错了,compares to意思不对应为comparable to主动被动之别
作者: nickynicky    时间: 2007-7-24 18:15

is the answer C?

to project should parallel

作者: benja    时间: 2007-7-24 21:41

(A) it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to  这个不大好,一般用被动形式吧

(B) it possible to have high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like that with 不好

(C) it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material with a degree of fidelity nearly comparable to that of 和后面未划线部分的to平行

(D) possible high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like 不好;缺少it

(E) possible high-definition digital video cameras able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to that with 缺少it

作者: gonghao    时间: 2007-7-24 23:07

in A

it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to 35-millimeter film and to project it digitally in theaters with no resulting loss of image quality.

I think the parts underlined are not parallel

In C this problem is well-sloved

it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material with a degree of fidelity nearly comparable to that of 35-millimeter film and to project it digitally in theaters with no resulting loss of image quality.

作者: tonyakira    时间: 2007-7-24 23:12

 it possible to have high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like that with

我觉得问题在这,和后面的 to project it 不对称

作者: 撒旦的眼泪    时间: 2007-7-24 23:45


难得再认真一下,,第二个it, (to project it digitally...) 指代什么啊?

是不是 当有一个it做形式主语/宾语的时候,一个句子可以用两个不同指代的it?

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-25 1:06:36编辑过]

作者: LuckiPanda    时间: 2007-7-25 06:07
to capture material...and to project it digitally

这个it逻辑上是指material, 不过语法上似乎说指前面的35-millimeter film也可以?有歧义吧,不过C优于其它答案所以大概就忽略这个歧义了。


作者: LuckiPanda    时间: 2007-7-25 10:44
up, help~

作者: tonyakira    时间: 2007-7-25 10:46
作者: yyisme    时间: 2007-7-25 11:46

make it possible的it是习惯用语,例外,和后面的it是不对照的。

作者: 撒旦的眼泪    时间: 2007-7-25 13:10

谢谢panda 大白牙及时回答。



我记得前两天看过帖子,wei wangyan mm写的。。说强调句中,it不构成任何成分,主语从句中的形式主语it是有所指的。所以想问宾从中的it.

作者: tonyakira    时间: 2007-7-25 22:36

make it possible的it是指代possible后面的事情,绝对不会无所指代

作者: tigercaiqun    时间: 2008-3-16 23:07


有无NN确认一下: 这样算不算指代不一致的错误?


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-16 23:21:41编辑过]

作者: tigercaiqun    时间: 2008-3-17 02:06



但形式主语it指代后置的主语,所以与句子中的其他有所指的 it冲突,

OG153的C的 it是强调句的 it,所以与后面的 it不冲突.

但还是不明白这题PREP102,形式宾语 it在句子中指代后面的真正宾语,那与其他的有所指的it矛盾吗?

作者: scorpio7    时间: 2008-3-17 22:57


作者: sunyan730    时间: 2008-3-19 09:52

后面有and to project 所以前面必须有 to +动词.排除B、D

ACE最明显的区别在于are able to  、can   和后面的比较

A。are able to ....with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to 35-millimeter film(degree和35-millimeter film,比较点不对)

C。can....with a degree of fidelity nearly comparable to that of 35-millimeter film(degree of  fidelity 和degree of 35-millimeter film 比较前后呼应)

E。are able to  ....with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to that with 35-millimeter film(同理,比较点不对)


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-19 9:57:58编辑过]

作者: GMAT09    时间: 2009-6-26 08:11
作者: daffodilsjt    时间: 2010-5-7 15:06
这个句子中的it指代是一致的。make it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material可还原为 make material possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture.这样it指代在这句话中就一致了。个人意见呵。。
作者: silence05    时间: 2010-7-28 10:40
make it possible 我觉得已经有can 的意思了 因此排除了含有be able to do和can的选项ABDE
要我从代词指代不清入手太麻烦了 而且考试时肯定会错

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