Buildscape users can now better manage materials with real-time access to pricing, purchasing and inventory information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any location, <whether rooftop building site with a strong clear signal or underground parking site with no signal at all.>
A) whether rooftop building site with a strong clear signal or underground parking site with no signal at all.
B) weather rooftop building site with a strong clear signal or underground parking site with no signal at all.
C) be that location would be from a rooftop building site with a strong clear signal or from an underground parking site with no signal at all.
D) be it a rooftop building site with a strong clear wireless signal or an underground parking garage with no signal at all.
E) be them rooftop building sites with strong clear wireless signals or underground parking garages with no signals at all.
据鬼子说选DA location,后面不要加whether
B 就不用说了
C form 似乎有点问题吧?
D location 是单数么。(所以选它)
E 复数的
我语法不好 个人浅见 (也没觉得这道题很难阿)
偶是进来学习的agree and Supplement
A location,后面不要加whether
B 就不用说了
C location would be from, adding “would” changes the meaning of the original sentence. The “location” in the subordinated clause is referring to the “location” in the main sentence, using “it” will make it more clear and concise。Anyways, as ETS would say, C is wordy and awkward
D any location works the same as anyone/anybody/anything, require singular verb
E 复数的
我语法不好 个人浅见 (也没觉得这道题很难阿)
same here.
agree and Supplement
A location,后面不要加whether --why?
在Prep里面看到过wheter这种结构,whether A, B, or C 和 be it A, B, or C 我觉得意思没啥大的区别吧
Prep 21
21. Shipwrecks are more likely to be found undisturbed at great depths than in shallow costal waters, which exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and makes them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether they be
archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver. B
A. than in shallow costal waters, which exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and makes them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether they be
B. than in shallow costal waters, where archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether
C. as opposed to shallow waters along the coast, where archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and accessible to anyone in scuba gear, including
D. instead of in shallow waters along the coast, which exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and making them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, including an
E. instead of shallow coastal waters, because it exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and make them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether
不懂whether与be it的区别,不过A中rooftop building site 和underground parking site作为单数名词,前面必须加a or an, 否则应象E中成为复数名词,
C中be that location would be 错
D,E比较个人觉得D更舒服,后面的with no signal at all是正确用法,一般不说no signals,
just my two cents
这里不好意思地质疑一下你的例子:“are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether they be 你这个whether是针对 前面的ANYONE的,没说 : are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether gold gear with diamond or test gear with GMAT on it. 而且whether 完全不是判断点,你觉得呢?
archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.”
你这个whether是针对 前面的ANYONE的,没说 :
are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether gold gear with diamond or test gear with GMAT on it.
而且whether 完全不是判断点,你觉得呢?
• conjunction
1 expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives. 2 expressing an enquiry or investigation. 3 indicating that a statement applies whichever of the alternatives mentioned is the case.
Whether and if are more or less interchangeable in sentences such as I’ll see whether he left an address and I’ll see if he left an address, although whether is more formal and more suitable for written use.
— ORIGIN Old English.
: which one of the two
: whichever one of the two
这里不好意思地质疑一下你的例子:“are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether they be 我举这个例子的目的是提问的,不是想拿这个例子来说明什么问题。whether和be it...的区别是什么,到底怎么用?JJ说whether不能如何如何,我不懂,问个why,JJ你讲了那么多,还是没有回答我的point。我想是我8楼那个帖子话没说清吧 你这个whether是针对 前面的ANYONE的,没说 : are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether gold gear with diamond or test gear with GMAT on it. whether是针对anyone的,so what呢?我也可以说楼主给的题目whether是针对前面的location啊,为什么不可以? 而且whether 完全不是判断点,你觉得呢? 我同意,所以这个Prep的题我也没错。只是在这里看到类似的选项,提出来不好么?
archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.”
我举这个例子的目的是提问的,不是想拿这个例子来说明什么问题。whether和be it...的区别是什么,到底怎么用?JJ说whether不能如何如何,我不懂,问个why,JJ你讲了那么多,还是没有回答我的point。我想是我8楼那个帖子话没说清吧
你这个whether是针对 前面的ANYONE的,没说 :
are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether gold gear with diamond or test gear with GMAT on it.
whether是针对anyone的,so what呢?我也可以说楼主给的题目whether是针对前面的location啊,为什么不可以?
而且whether 完全不是判断点,你觉得呢?
我一向觉得自己英语不好的 别把我问晕了
比如LZ的例子,我就觉得如果是 any location whether ... 会比 be it ......好一点(当然可能我的看法完全是错的)
我没有质疑你不查字典,而是不在location后面加whether纯粹因为我觉得,可能会觉得用whether的比较好的理由是翻译过来:一个地点,无论它是。。。或者。。。听起来是一个比较好的句子,所以我错误觉得你也是因为这个觉得whether会比be it 好。我只是联想起来了就随便说说:觉得查英文字典很多时候对解题很有帮助的,不见得就是所谓“语法”问题。我也只是觉得查字典有帮助,可没在家查字典不来CD。
如果语法上面没有问题的话,我个人也觉得whether比be it听起来舒服点。
查了半天,好像是 whether it be可以省略为 be it,只有上有解释,但还打不开网页。
一个网页时有这段话,应该是原文,但有意思的是它用了 whether it be,见,当然也不排除ETS认为原文不规范而进行了改写 。
我倒是倾向于whether只能用于描述两者的情况,但又怎么解释上面的原文呢?而且D中的be it=whether it be(姑且先这么认为吧)
...any location的whether最好作为连词引导一个句子,感觉A中的 any location, whether sth1 or sth2.有些怪,虽然whether最为连词也可以引导并列词组。见 Longman
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