
标题: [求助]XDF 蓝皮书SC 问题,请大家多多指教 ^^* [打印本页]

作者: 曲水流觞    时间: 2007-1-23 00:53
标题: [求助]XDF 蓝皮书SC 问题,请大家多多指教 ^^*


XDF蓝皮书《商学院入学考试指导》-语法练习精选    Ssection  



S 4-14 In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16 million in civil damages for cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.

A.        cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.

B.        cars that it had test-driven with their odometers disconnected odometers

C.       its cars having been test-driven with odometers disconnected odometers

D.       having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected

E.        having cars that were test-driven with disconnected odometers

答案是Dfor是表原因,肯定是接句子,后面接having done? 有点不明白这个用法。如果damage + to + cars…是不是也正确呢?

S 4-18 The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects the preoccupations of their own time.

A.        the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects

B.        the historian writing about it will inevitably reflect

C.       a historian writing about it inevitably reflects

D.       writing about it, it is inevitable for historians to reflect

E.        historians in writing about it inevitable reflect

答案是E,后面的their也说明要用复数的historian,但inevitable是不是应该用adv. inevitably?

S 10-7 When drive-in were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4000 existed in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many.

A.        there are less than one-quarter that many.

B.        there are fewer than one-quarter as many.

C.       there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount.

D.       the number is less than one-quarter the amount

E.        it is less than one-quarter of that amount

给出的答案是C4000后省略的是 drive-in,我当时选D,如果把less改为fewer是不是就优选于C了?

S 17-1 Building large new hospital in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources, on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone.

A.      on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone

B.      on the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone

C.     solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided

D.     while the duplication of facilities should be avoided

E.      if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided

给的答案是Eif only because可以连用吗,而且还加了情态动词should?我选的Bon the ground(s) of/that  因为, ...为理由。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-23 1:10:10编辑过]

作者: seanysotime    时间: 2007-1-23 11:22



S 4-14 In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16 million in civil damages for cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.

A.        cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.

B.        cars that it had test-driven with their odometers disconnected odometers

C.       its cars having been test-driven with odometers disconnected odometers

D.       having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected

E.        having cars that were test-driven with disconnected odometers

选E是没错的,理解意思,说汽车生产商同意给$16 million 来赔偿由于“在车检时没把里程表连上”这件事给市民造成的损失。for表原因跟的不是句子,跟的是动名词。

S 4-18 The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects the preoccupations of their own time.

A.        the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects

B.        the historian writing about it will inevitably reflect

C.       a historian writing about it inevitably reflects

D.       writing about it, it is inevitable for historians to reflect

E.        historians in writing about it inevitable reflect

答案是E,我也同意用 inevitably?

S 10-7 When drive-in were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4000 existed in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many.

A.        there are less than one-quarter that many.

B.        there are fewer than one-quarter as many.

C.       there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount.

D.       the number is less than one-quarter the amount

E.        it is less than one-quarter of that amount

选C没问题,D改称fewer更错,number不可数,只能用less,D的错好像不只一处,首先我不确定number和amount可以比较马,如果可以比较,the amount 前面少了个of。

拙见 !请大家指教!

选E是没错的,理解意思,说汽车生产商同意给$16 million 来赔偿由于“在车检时没把里程表连上”这件事给市民造成的损失。for表原因跟的不是句子,跟的是动名词。

S 4-18 The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects the preoccupations of their own time.

A.        the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects

B.        the historian writing about it will inevitably reflect

C.       a historian writing about it inevitably reflects

D.       writing about it, it is inevitable for historians to reflect

E.        historians in writing about it inevitable reflect

答案是E,我也同意用 inevitably?

S 10-7 When drive-in were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4000 existed in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many.

A.        there are less than one-quarter that many.

B.        there are fewer than one-quarter as many.

C.       there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount.

D.       the number is less than one-quarter the amount

E.        it is less than one-quarter of that amount

选C没问题,D改称fewer更错,number不可数,只能用less,D的错好像不只一处,首先我不确定number和amount可以比较马,如果可以比较,the amount 前面少了个of。

拙见 !请大家指教!

作者: 曲水流觞    时间: 2007-1-23 20:23




而there be选项错误率较高,看来还是要看清楚题目啊。。。

作者: ANNA兜兜    时间: 2008-8-3 14:58

wo ye xiang zhidao

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