
标题: OG60 "be of"结构 [打印本页]

作者: ditto88    时间: 2003-10-28 11:39
标题: OG60 "be of"结构
60. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
(A)    like that of earlier generations
(B)    as that for earlier generations
(C)    just as earlier generations did
(D)    as have earlier generations
(E)    as it was of earlier generations


有没有"be of"结构的详细解释。谢谢!
作者: chenmoon    时间: 2003-10-28 11:56
感觉这里的 as it was of earlier generations 实际上是 as it was a goal of earlier generations 的省略形式
作者: ditto88    时间: 2003-10-28 16:00

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-4-17 16:56

  owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land 是动名词短语作主语,谓语用单数



作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-4-17 18:19


关于这个owning and living 用单数的问题,偶也疑惑过。 不过显然EST认为是一个冬冬。 不画线部分就有提示。

偶以前还有一个疑问, It 代owning and living 妥否? 后来想可能 owning and living 基本算名词性质的冬冬了。

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-4-17 20:31



The number and diversity of British newspaper is considerable.

War and peace is a constant theme in history.

The capacity and efficiency with which your body can perform depends on the degree of development of both your muscular and organic power through regular exercise.

作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-4-17 22:26
以下是引用tianwan在2004-4-17 20:31:00的发言:



The number and diversity of British newspaper is considerable.

War and peace is a constant theme in history.

The capacity and efficiency with which your body can perform depends on the degree of development of both your muscular and organic power through regular exercise.

我记得有道题目是the A and B+复数;一般来讲the A and the B用复数; the A and B用单数表示一个概念(如the bread and butter; war and peace, etc.); 但是好像有NN讲ETS为了避免争议,认为the A and B用复数;可到这里owning and living...怎么用了单数,虽然逻辑意思上owning and living是一个整体意思,不懂了???


owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
这里its指代对象逻辑上有,是每个young adult. 但是语法上好像没有??

作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-4-17 22:29

According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was of earlier generations

还有个指代的问题。这里it是earlier generations的东东,怎么指代了现在young adult的东东??it指代提到的东东,that指代一类东东。好像只是个effectiveness判据,请NN指点

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-4-17 22:48


2,its可能指代house's,也只能指代它,但我不知道美国人是怎么理解的。请NN指点。Help! Help!

3,"owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land "本身是一个抽象名词词组,对于年轻人和老一代人都是一样的。所以可以用it指代owning and living in ....。  as it/(owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land ) was (a goal) of earlier generations.

作者: lotery    时间: 2004-4-17 22:53

like that of earlier generations  

个人认为 有点隐含着 多代同堂的意义  

不如 as it was of earlier generations   对比清楚

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-4-17 22:56

gmat中that一般不能单独指代,要有修饰成分,如that of ...或that in....等。it一般不存在过去和现在的区分,如than it was five years ago等,但地点是要区分的,这好像是你近来的一个总结。不知我理解的对不对。

至于on its own land 我也有和你一样的问题。从语法的角度好像指代house,意思房子在自己的土地上,也许作者想表达房子是建在一片土地上,土地和房子不可分,拥有了房子就拥有了土地。如果its变成their有可能是先有自己的地,然后再想有房子(房子可能是后建的)。


作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-4-17 23:19
以下是引用jnlvo在2004-4-17 22:56:00的发言:

gmat中that一般不能单独指代,要有修饰成分,如that of ...或that in....等。it一般不存在过去和现在的区分,如than it was five years ago等,但地点是要区分的,这好像是你近来的一个总结。不知我理解的对不对。

谢谢。有道理!! 可是earlier generation是一批人,young adult是令批人。这里好像不仅是时间的区别,东东的主体所有格也变了,这样的指代允许吗??例如我的刀,你的(it)能用it指代我的这把特定的刀吗?? 彻底晕倒???

至于on its own land 我也有和你一样的问题。从语法的角度好像指代house,意思房子在自己的土地上,也许作者想表达房子是建在一片土地上,土地和房子不可分,拥有了房子就拥有了土地。如果its变成their有可能是先有自己的地,然后再想有房子(房子可能是后建的)。




作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-4-17 23:32


我是这么理解的:拥有屠龙刀(doing sth. )是我的梦想(is my goal),如同是我爷爷的梦想as it was my grandfather's,而且goal换作刀(同样一件东西)也可在某一时间归你,在另一时间归我。

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-4-18 08:46

doing sth is my goal, as it was of my grandfather

我是从平行角度用my grandfather's,因为前面没有of,只是my,所以我想后面也就没有of。个人的观点。当然of my grandfather肯定是不错的。

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-4-18 20:01




作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-4-19 09:57
作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-4-21 09:51



作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-4-21 20:16
以下是引用pumpkin在2004-4-21 10:12:00的发言:

呵呵呵 飞雪连天射白鹿 笑书神侠依碧鸳



作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2004-4-21 23:33
以下是引用ditto88在2003-10-28 11:39:00的发言:
60. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
(A) like that of earlier generations
(B) as that for earlier generations
(C) just as earlier generations did
(D) as have earlier generations
(E) as it was of earlier generations


有没有"be of"结构的详细解释。谢谢!


According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.


作者: rt316    时间: 2004-5-1 05:01



如果从我们通常的理解来看,its应该被改为their指代young adults,似乎从逻辑上更能理解,好比说:XX家的土地 或 XX的土地。从全句理解就是‘owning and living in a freestanding house on their own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults - 拥有和居住在一个自己的土地上的独立小房里是大多数年轻人的理想’,注意这里的‘their 自己的’已经被特定为‘young adults’,那么,后面的‘as it was of earlier generations’中的‘it’指代的是‘owning and living in a freestanding house on their own land’注意,这里的their还是指代‘young adults’,换言之,前辈在为晚辈的生活考虑而不是为前辈自己的生活考虑。改变了句子的初衷。


作者: vincent0330    时间: 2004-5-1 07:38

个人觉得its和it皆指带同样一个: owning and living, 不然的话, 整个句子的代词指代上不一致, 是会有歧义的.


一家之言, 欢迎指教.

作者: jetrong    时间: 2004-5-2 16:10



2。后面的IT的逻辑意义上也只能指代owning and living in a freestanding house,不仅逻辑意义清晰,而且AS引导的句子与前面主语是一个很好的对称结构。


作者: 心晴    时间: 2004-6-5 09:52
以下是引用stoneren在2004-5-1 5:01:00的发言:



如果从我们通常的理解来看,its应该被改为their指代young adults,似乎从逻辑上更能理解,好比说:XX家的土地 或 XX的土地。从全句理解就是‘owning and living in a freestanding house on their own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults - 拥有和居住在一个自己的土地上的独立小房里是大多数年轻人的理想’,注意这里的‘their 自己的’已经被特定为‘young adults’,那么,后面的‘as it was of earlier generations’中的‘it’指代的是‘owning and living in a freestanding house on their own land’注意,这里的their还是指代‘young adults’,换言之,前辈在为晚辈的生活考虑而不是为前辈自己的生活考虑。改变了句子的初衷。


解决了我迷糊了很久的问题,为什么its不指young adults。可是,这个反着退逻辑可以理解了,正着理解还是很不舒服

作者: 魚子醬秋天    时间: 2004-6-6 08:40
以下是引用JerryGuan在2004-4-21 23:33:00的发言:


According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.


According to a recent poll, (owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land) is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.

关于第二个it 我的想法跟JerryGuan 有点不同

我想 it => owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land


也符合ETS喜爱的平行结构< 请依色彩进行比对>

作者: 青鸟    时间: 2004-6-6 18:19
作者: 麻集爱    时间: 2004-6-8 22:34

看了这么大串 原来还是没有写出来为什么啊?


According to a recent poll, (owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land) is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.

==〉According to a recent poll, (owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land) is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as (owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land) was (goal) of earlier generations

这里为什么不用they 而用it 的原因是 : owning和living in是在一个对象上发生的两个动作。如果是作用在两个分开的客体上 就要以这两个动作为主语从而是they了。


作者: flowerrainn    时间: 2004-6-24 00:54


IT 并不是表达前面的HOUSE 或是LAND,而是代替前面的这样一件事(owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land)是早几代人的目标

作者: 我笨,我努力    时间: 2004-6-24 21:14

According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.

我认为是这样的,its 指,a freestanding house,因为代词第一it个不能指代人,根据就近推断,指house最合适

还原就是:According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on the house’s own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as a freestanding house was (goal) of earlier generations.

作者: vici033    时间: 2004-7-31 16:06

白勇的那本书上对这题的解释是,LIKE+N.,一般放在句首或主语后,与句子主语进行比较,作状语.放在句尾不符合习惯用法,且易引起争议.THAT 无明确指待对象.句子的基本结构为:doing sth. is a goal of sb.,as it was of sb.其中 i t 指待 doing sth.,was后面省略了 a goal.

作者: jamesliu79    时间: 2004-7-31 20:39

偶没有看过白勇的书,不过OG126题也是LIKE +N而且放在句尾,还是正确答案,因此我认为上述经验不可用,否则会做出错误判断的,还是要依据句子的意思来看,不过我对ITS的指代很不明白,另外对为何不能选A,虽然看了大家的意见还是不明白,希望MINDFREE或小安之类的NN出来给大家讲解一下呀!

作者: 心晴    时间: 2004-10-17 09:37

According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.

这里两个it为什么指代不同呢?前面指代house,后面的却指代owning...own land,怎么也算对呢?

作者: agnesqin    时间: 2004-10-17 23:31

这里求教一个问题,like 放在句尾的表示和哪一个对象进行比较,主语呢,还是紧跟的名词,或前面的名词短语的中心词。谢谢。

作者: yvrzhang    时间: 2005-4-20 01:05
有没有人知道be of 的使用规则。看了大家的讨论,都很精彩。只是没有人提及be of。be of 在GMAT中多次出现,基本上含有have 的意思。这道题没做对就是给它害的。
作者: peajack    时间: 2005-5-23 12:28
省略 (goal) of ........
作者: nyc_cfa    时间: 2005-8-11 05:35
我认为its指代的是"a majority"。单数所以用its.
作者: seraphblue    时间: 2005-10-14 13:00


作者: livary    时间: 2006-6-8 18:29
作者: livary    时间: 2006-6-8 18:30

这里的be of只是中间有省略的,还原成:it was a goal of...


作者: ruoqingwu    时间: 2008-2-23 07:50
its own land, 这里its指的是house.
美国的房子有多种形式: single family house, apartment(condo), townhouse, etc.
其中single family house是独立的房子,有its own land.
其他形式的房子则没有own land, 而是和其他屋主一起分享land.

作者: iamyamy    时间: 2009-2-11 07:21


thanks so much

作者: son123    时间: 2009-4-26 10:07

According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (goal) of earlier generations.

我认为是这样的,its 指,a freestanding house,因为代词第一it个不能指代人,根据就近推断,指house最合适

还原就是:According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on the house’s own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as a freestanding house was (goal) of earlier generations.

作者: luul65    时间: 2010-7-28 15:52
作者: rachelxfr    时间: 2010-9-20 21:08
主语是owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land,gamt中as 作“像”讲时一定后面要加句子,as+svo,如果是svo,as+svo,as后加的句子主谓宾要与主句对应
作者: 郭子钰    时间: 2011-9-11 17:56
it应指前面一句的owning and living in a .....own land.
作者: AC007    时间: 2011-9-27 02:23
it应指前面一句的owning and living in a .....own land.
-- by 会员 郭子钰 (2011/9/11 17:56:24)

作者: bbees    时间: 2011-9-27 07:21

-    that or those 不能单独做名词用,除非名词有介词或定语从句修改语   ( those at / in …)
(Do not use that or those in place of nouns, unless you modify that or those)
作者: Vivian1091    时间: 2013-7-2 12:13
麻集爱 发表于 2004-6-8 22:34
看了这么大串 原来还是没有写出来为什么啊?是这样的喔。According to a recent poll, (owning and living  ...

同意 这个解释
作者: hscryzer    时间: 2013-10-26 14:05
snow_mountain 发表于 2004-4-17 18:19
同意。 关于这个owning and living 用单数的问题,偶也疑惑过。 不过显然EST认为是一个冬冬。 不画线部分就 ...

作者: YvaineDing    时间: 2014-5-19 00:53
bbees 发表于 2011-9-27 07:21
LS,曼哈顿第五章好像应该是这样:-&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;that or those 不能单独做名词用,除非名词有介词或 ...

manhattan第五章说的是that or those indicating a new copy or copies must be modified. 这里举了一个例子:her company is outperforming that of her competitor.
like that of earlier generations 我觉得单独理解没有语法上的错误,那就要看和整个句子之间的逻辑上的问题了。og中对A的解释是phrase,without subject and verb, is not parallel to the main clause. 对于整道题的解释是The phrase is the subject of the first clause, in the correct sentence, the pronoun it refers back to this phrase and is the subject of the second clause.

我的理解是无论是like还是as,逻辑主语都必须和主句的主语相一致。like that of...中that不能指代,所以只能指代a goal,这样就跟主句的主语不符了,

作者: AnnieFFish    时间: 2016-8-19 21:59
作者: AMBER513    时间: 2019-9-28 16:27
That sentence doesn't really cut it. Here's why:

The correct choice in the original post has a very clear parallel structure: is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was (a goal) of earlier generations. Because of the strong parallelism, there's nothing else that the end phrase could possibly refer to.

In your most recent sentence, however, 'that of earlier generations' is a problem. Specifically, 'that of' doesn't have a clear referent, because there's no strong parallel structure to determine it anymore. It could conceivably stand for 'goal', 'majority', or perhaps even 'freestanding house' or 'land'. And if you go by the best possible parallelism, 'that of' seems to refer to a majority, because that's the word placed right before '...OF young adults' (which seems to work in parallel with '...OF earlier generations').

作者: AMBER513    时间: 2019-9-28 16:29
这里比较的是owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults这整个事实,而不是goal,而且这里that是不是指代goal也有歧义,所以A是不能选的

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