60. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
(A) like that of earlier generations
(B) as that for earlier generations
(C) just as earlier generations did
(D) as have earlier generations(E)
(E) as it was of earlier generations
SNOW-MOUNTAIN 版主说:不知道有没有不加逗号,但属于这种意思的情况。说说我对like 和as 的看法,自以为可以解决一切like, as 表示正如,和....一样的情况。
like, unlike, 出现在like A, B ...... 或者B....., like A 这种结构时,一定是主语比较
147. Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.
(C) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property arrangement, like other seventeenth-century colonists, rather than viewing it as
(E)Samuel Sewall,like other seventeenth-century colonists,viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than
C incorrectly places the adjective phrase like other... colonists after the word arrangement, which it cannot logically modify. C中也可看中LIKE中是与主语SAMUEL SEWALL 比啊,与答案E一样啊!
请教出现在like A, B ...... 或者B....., like A 这种结构时,一定是主语比较吗?
??解释里不是已经说了,which it cannot logically modify ,那样的比较就是不对的啊。有些就算是逻辑上可以明白到底是什么和什么比,但是结构上不对还是不能作为正确答案。
like A, B ...... 或者B....., like A 这种结构中肯定是A与B的比较。(好象说了废话!)
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