标题: [求助]885 sec 11-20 [打印本页]
作者: newbee 时间: 2003-9-23 19:25
标题: [求助]885 sec 11-20
20.Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.
(A) makes his letters as a group the rival of
(B) makes his letters as a group one to rival
(C) makes his letters a group rivaling
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of
(E) make his letters a group which is the rival of
make的习惯用法不是make sth1 sth2么?
怎么这里是make as ?
作者: mzyzhu 时间: 2003-9-23 20:10
以下是引用newbee在2003-9-23 19:25:00的发言:
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of make的习惯用法不是make sth1 sth2么?
怎么这里是make as ?
没错。make sth1(his letter as a group) sth2(the rival of ...)
作者: newbee 时间: 2003-9-23 21:08
作者: juliaPL 时间: 2004-9-22 23:48
大全答案是D, 可是白勇的书上E
Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.
(A) makes his letters as a group the rival of
(B) makes his letters as a group one to rival
(C) makes his letters a group rivaling
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of(D)
(E) make his letters a group which is the rival of
请高人指点一下, E有什么错吗, 是不是which指代的问题
可是D的确会让人有歧义产生, 第一感觉就是make sth as, ETS的最高原则不是意思表达清楚吗
作者: juliaPL 时间: 2004-9-23 00:48
另外,这里的make 是would make 的省略还是就是一般现在时,不是要求平行结构对仗要工整吗
作者: tai6996 时间: 2004-9-23 00:55
這裡講的是letters才是rival, e變成group是rival,意思錯了...
再者,此處的make是 would make的省略...
作者: horsefish 时间: 2004-9-23 01:10
以下是引用juliaPL在2004-9-22 23:48:00的发言:我该怎麽办呢,我听说LZM的语法书个别题目有错,特意搞了一本白勇的,前面已经发现一道题的答案与大全不一致,这道题也不一样,
大全答案是D, 可是白勇的书上E
Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.
(A) makes his letters as a group the rival of
(B) makes his letters as a group one to rival
(C) makes his letters a group rivaling
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of(D)
(E) make his letters a group which is the rival of
请高人指点一下, E有什么错吗, 是不是which指代的问题
可是D的确会让人有歧义产生, 第一感觉就是make sth as, ETS的最高原则不是意思表达清楚吗
D 对. make sth sth.
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of; as a group 是指信件一起是个group; E的意思是把他的信弄成一个group, 这个group是...对手, 而原题的意思是信件是..对手; that修饰powers(中心词),反正这5个里面只能挑D.
作者: juliaPL 时间: 2004-9-23 01:49
thanks, 看来研读白勇的书也得批判的来学,我一开始选的也是D,看了他的解释一直就很晕
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-13 11:50
标题: 大家是不是第一感觉就选D?
我做补充教材的时候对此题没印象,但现在做大全才发现D项很VAGUE,想请教各位NN,你们在做这道题时,是一开始就知道as a group这个语法点哪,还是看了正确选项后得到的?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-13 11:51:54编辑过]
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-14 11:18
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-15 10:50
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-16 10:56
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-16 19:23
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-17 21:34
作者: fr6102790 时间: 2005-7-18 21:14
作者: brissa 时间: 2005-10-9 03:47
作者: juningw 时间: 2005-10-19 10:28
作者: 无尾小恶魔 时间: 2005-11-6 11:40
D至少应该在as 之前有个逗号吧。要不然我怎么看得怪怪的。
作者: 1focus2pace 时间: 2005-11-10 23:28
作者: amber0919 时间: 2006-3-12 00:20
作者: xjlv128 时间: 2006-5-9 15:56
作者: katrina52 时间: 2006-5-30 22:10
为什么这里make是would make的省略呢?有这样的习惯用法吗:因为之前用了一个would, 所以后面就可以省掉?
作者: xiaowan 时间: 2006-9-26 18:44
今天又看这道题,as a group是总体而言的意思么?我怎么没查到,哪位好心人再帮忙给查查~~
作者: kingdoms 时间: 2006-11-22 15:40
作者: sosalitou 时间: 2007-6-13 12:13
make his letters as a group the rival of ...
as a group 是插入, 所以 make letters the rival of ...
作者: mixtec 时间: 2007-7-2 11:31
作者: rockmax 时间: 2008-7-17 12:05
1. Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.
(A) makes his letters as a group the rival of
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of(D)
(E) make his letters a group which is the rival of
that 应该指代 power
因此,(D) ...power that make his letter as a group the rival of the best novels of the time. 根据前面有位仁兄/mm 讲的 his letter as a goup 作为一个整体, 也就是讲 power 使Byron的 作为一个整体的信 成为那个时代所有优秀小说的
(E) ...power that make his letters a group which is the rival of // 意思为; power 使他的信成为一个(那个时代所有优秀小说的对手)整体,
D :使 信成为 对手, E : 使 信成为整体.
比较牵强的说, 根据A , 应该是: power 信成为 ...对手 .. 所以D更好些,
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 12:05:38编辑过]
作者: rockmax 时间: 2008-7-17 12:19
gmat 很妖,
ABC makes 错, 排除, 省DE
E 中 powers make letters a group,逻辑上有点牵强, 因为一个人所有的信本来就可以作为一个整体,不需要power, 排除.
只省 D, 障眼法, make his letter as a group the rival of... //as 故意蒙人,
因为没有make sth. as... 所以你说是错误或者是歧义都不行, 因为后面有个rival 满足make sth. sth. 的要求, 实际上它是对的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 12:21:05编辑过]
作者: xxxyyyzzz1 时间: 2009-4-17 17:42
有哪位NN 能讲下省略的原则吗?
另外,rival的用法中,没有rival of的说法啊...
noun, adjective, verb
~ (to sb/sth) (for
sth) a person, company, or thing that competes with another in sport, business,
etc: The two teams have always been rivals. ◆ The Japanese
are our biggest economic rivals. ◆ This latest design has no rivals (= it is
easily the best design available).
rival adjective [only before
noun]: a rival bid / claim / offer ◆ fighting between
rival groups ◆ He was shot by a member of a rival gang.
verb (-ll-, AmE also -l-) [VN] ~ sb/sth (for / in sth) to
be as good, impressive, etc. as sb/sth else: You will find
scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps. ◆ Golf cannot rival football
for excitement.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-17 17:45:17编辑过]
作者: AlienX 时间: 2009-4-18 07:45
"名詞 of 名詞"是非常常見的結構, 不見得dictionary要mention...
作者: xxxyyyzzz1 时间: 2009-4-18 14:08
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