
标题: [求助]OG11th-Diagnostic Test-42 [打印本页]

作者: seasnow    时间: 2006-2-6 09:48
标题: [求助]OG11th-Diagnostic Test-42

42. Supreme Court has ruled that public universities may collect student activity fees even with students' objections to particular activities, as long as the groups they give money to will be chosen without regard to their views.

(A)         with students' objections to particular activities, as long as the groups they give money to will be

(B)         if they have objections to particular activities and the groups that are given the money are

(C)         if they object to particular activities,, but the groups that the money is given to have to be  

(D)        from students who object to particular activities, so long as the groups given money are

(E)         though students have an objection to particular activities, but the groups that are given the money be

这道题什么意思呢?请教一下D中的so long as为什么这么用?谢谢!

作者: wycg    时间: 2006-2-6 10:45
以下是引用seasnow在2006-2-6 9:48:00的发言:

42. Supreme Court has ruled that public universities may collect student activity fees even with students' objections to particular activities, as long as the groups they give money to will be chosen without regard to their views.

(A)         with students' objections to particular activities, as long as the groups they give money to will be

(B)         if they have objections to particular activities and the groups that are given the money are

(C)         if they object to particular activities,, but the groups that the money is given to have to be  

(D)        from students who object to particular activities, so long as the groups given money are

(E)         though students have an objection to particular activities, but the groups that are given the money be

这道题什么意思呢?请教一下D中的so long as为什么这么用?谢谢!

so long as 是"只要".


作者: seasnow    时间: 2006-2-6 12:04
对,选D。为什么不是as long as呢?
作者: steveyangxt    时间: 2006-2-19 15:55

几乎相同的意思,不过感觉意思有点串味了,原意是说即使学生反对也得收, 他说即使反对的学生的钱也得收。 可惜a中代词指代不一致,否则我想选它,也不是太大的毛病嘛。

作者: handsong    时间: 2006-3-16 23:21

这句话 “so long as the groups given money are chosen without regard to their views”是什么意思啊?我怎么看着和前面的意思矛盾啊,哪位帮忙翻译一下哦,谢谢!

作者: billytang1980    时间: 2006-3-17 12:31


作者: biss33    时间: 2006-5-31 22:03
以下是引用handsong在2006-3-16 23:21:00的发言:

这句话 “so long as the groups given money are chosen without regard to their views”是什么意思啊?我怎么看着和前面的意思矛盾啊,哪位帮忙翻译一下哦,谢谢!

同问,their 指代谁呢?
作者: misiachen    时间: 2007-1-22 16:22
以下是引用biss33在2006-5-31 22:03:00的发言:

同问,their 指代谁呢?
作者: sharon213    时间: 2008-9-1 14:10

A 中的they为什么不能指代universities?

作者: yeehang    时间: 2008-9-4 21:48


作者: echo077    时间: 2008-10-19 16:37
作者: susieshen    时间: 2009-5-26 13:18


42. Supreme Court has ruled that public universities may collect student activity fees even with students' objections to particular activities, as long as the groups they give money to will be chosen without regard to their views.

(A) with students' objections to particular activities, as long as the groups they give money to will be

(B) if they have objections to particular activities and the groups that are given the money are

(C) if they object to particular activities,, but the groups that the money is given to have to be

(D) from students who object to particular activities, so long as the groups given money are

(E) though students have an objection to particular activities, but the groups that are given the money be

解释说A的时候,"It would appear that universities must give the money, but they does not have a referent. Furthermore, they is followed by their views, and in this case their must refer to groups."

现在完全昏了,代词指代的原则是什么?为什么they指代不清而their就指代清楚了?为什么their views在they 后面了their就指代groups了??晕啊~~



作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-5-26 13:47
看OG11 Italian wine那題

作者: susieshen    时间: 2009-5-26 13:58


但是还是不明白这套题里面为什么they指代不清而their就指代清楚了?为什么their views在they 后面了their就指代groups了??

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-5-27 03:24
A中的they想指代的是public universities, 可是隔太遠, 再加上這個they不是在一個平衡/從句中出現, 所以指代不清的可能很高.
their views中的their邏輯上是指代groups, 而且也是就近的noun, 所以很難會有指代不清的問題.

作者: simonhu    时间: 2010-3-20 20:47
原句是这个意思:最高法院已经规定, 公历大学可以收集学生活动资金,即便这些资金是来自那些不支持该活动的学生,只要当选择需要资助的组织的时候他们(这些学生)没有异议就行。
(暗示 先存在需要资金的group, 然后会策划相关的activities, 然后再进行集资,如果选择group的时候 学生没有意见, 那么出钱的时候 即便有不同意见,也得出钱)

所以D得their 是指 students的
作者: ningningzhang    时间: 2010-7-16 00:35
object to   sth./sb.    反对,不赞成,不同意
as/so long as       只要only if;既然,由于,就…而说 since, to the extent that
without regard to   不理会,不考虑
    例句:He was driving without regard to speed limits. 他开着车,根本不理会速度限制。


               但我不确定自己理解得是否正确,也不是很清楚,universities 和groups在句子里的逻辑关   系,不知道groups是不是指学校里的社团。希望有高手再给解答一下。

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