
标题: OG11-045,大全987没有,手敲录入,诚心请教! [打印本页]

作者: kevinZhang    时间: 2005-12-29 02:38
标题: OG11-045,instead 和 rather than

According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing”, followed by a gradual increase in business activity.

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming

答案:A. 没问题.
但是, 如果将instead换成rather是否也对呢? 两者在这样的情况下有什么区别? 谢谢指导!
作者: carolhide    时间: 2005-12-29 09:34
以下是引用kevinZhang在2005-12-29 2:38:00的发言:


According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing”, followed by a gradual increase in business activity.

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming

答案:A. 没问题.

但是, 如果将instead换成rather是否也对呢? 两者在这样的情况下有什么区别? 谢谢指导!

好象要用rather than

作者: seasnow    时间: 2005-12-29 09:43



一般but rather前面要有否定词,longman:

not ... but rather ...
used to say that one thing is not true but a different thing is true
The problem is not their lack of funding, but rather their lack of planning


作者: seasnow    时间: 2005-12-29 09:45


作者: kevinZhang    时间: 2005-12-29 10:15

谢谢seasnow MM!

不过,好象都是说but rather 的,前一般有not;这样在but的情况下就好区别了.

问题是,如果是在and instead 和and rather中选择,就象本题,前面也没有not,该怎么取舍? 还是搞不清.也许这种选择不会出现在题里,不过从GMAT的题看,对于INSTEAD 和 RATHER的应用还是有考察的,希望弄清,请继续指导!


作者: seasnow    时间: 2005-12-29 14:03
不客气, 大家讨论嘛.

就是不知道我的语感对不对啊, 如果对的话, ra t he r 在这里不能用, 因为带有主观意愿; 而这里描述的是客观事实, 所以要用instead.


作者: 赫连勃勃    时间: 2005-12-29 14:34
作者: kevinZhang    时间: 2005-12-30 01:20

rather 和 instead都表示 contrast或者alternative.



作者: 999DSCD    时间: 2005-12-30 02:07
以下是引用kevinZhang在2005-12-29 2:38:00的发言:


According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing”, followed by a gradual increase in business activity.

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming

答案:A. 没问题.

但是, 如果将instead换成rather是否也对呢? 两者在这样的情况下有什么区别? 谢谢指导!

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-30 12:48:39编辑过]

作者: goodboyed    时间: 2005-12-30 02:35

我觉得表示“不是。。。而是。。。”的对比,instead 和 not...but rather可以对换,而和rather则不可以。

我觉得区别在于not...but rather 的用法比较严格,要求完全平行的结构(因为就等于是not ... but),而用instead则没有对结构平行的要求。如上题,若改成the economy will not fall in recession that ..., but rather will come in for a “soft landing”,我觉得应该就可以了。类似的例句在Longman里还有:The local medical men did not object, but rather commended them for their cheapness.

而instead的用法则比较灵活,longman的解释是“used to say what is done, when you have just said that a particular thing is not done”。例如上句(改动后的)也能改成:the economy will not fall in recession that ...;Instead, it will come in for a “soft landing” 或 the economy will not fall in recession that ...。 It will come in for a “soft landing” instead. 这里instead可翻译为“相反的”。而我尚没有找到rather单独表示这个意思的用法


作者: 999DSCD    时间: 2005-12-31 05:04
以下是引用999DSCD在2005-12-30 2:07:00的发言:


作者: seasnow    时间: 2005-12-31 09:39
我也不sure,不过我觉得意思表达的是从过去到earlier in the year都是fear,所以用过去完成时。
作者: kevinZhang    时间: 2005-12-31 10:26

时态的问题,同意seasnow MM的说法,是过去的时间the year之前earlier持续的动作,隐含相对说这句或者写这句话的人现在的时间,所以用had没错。

作者: 999DSCD    时间: 2006-1-1 03:11


作者: wild    时间: 2006-3-10 02:50

Rather Than and Instead Of

June 10, 2005

Kanika recently asked, "When do we use 'rather than' and when do we use 'instead of'?"

The short answer is that in most cases, the two phrases are interchangeable, although "rather than" often has a more formal tone than "instead of."

The American Heritage Book of English Usage offers a much lengthier answer:

The phrase rather than consists of an adverb and a conjunction and often means "and not," as in I decided to skip lunch rather than eat in the cafeteria again. It is grammatically similar to sooner than in that it is used with a "bare" infinitive—an infinitive minus to: I would stay here and eat flies sooner than go with them.

Rather than can also be used with nouns as a compound preposition meaning "instead of": I bought a mountain bike rather than a ten-speed. But some people object to this use, insisting that than should be used only as a conjunction. They therefore object to constructions in which rather than is followed by a gerund, as in Rather than buying a new car, I kept my old one.

In some cases, however, rather than can only be followed by a gerund and not by a bare infinitive. If the main verb of the sentence has a form that does not allow parallel treatment of the verb following rather than, you cannot use a bare infinitive, and you must use a gerund. This is often the case when the main verb is in a past tense or has a participle. Thus, you must say The results of the study, rather than ending (not end or ended) the controversy, only added to it. If the main verb was in the present tense (add), you could use the bare infinitive end.

Curiously, when the rather than construction follows the main verb, it can use other verb forms besides the bare infinitive. Thus you can say The results of the study added to the controversy rather than ended it.

The overriding concern in all of this should be to avoid faulty parallels, as in sentences like Rather than buy a new car, I have kept my old one and Rather than take a cab, she is going on foot.

Clearly, it is grammatically defensible to follow rather than with a gerund, but if you prefer to avoid the controversy, use instead of with gerunds.

作者: larenwozc    时间: 2006-3-10 12:25
had 划线部分的过去完成时态不合语法规定!!!请指教.
作者: 当当84    时间: 2006-5-27 15:45
在解释当中,B选项:"rather to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically "这句话怎么理解?
作者: sendme    时间: 2006-5-28 05:41


thanks very much for leting me konw American Heritage Book of English Usage..

作者: ttfly    时间: 2006-6-6 14:46
作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-6-6 15:46

rather than 代替instead of

not 。。。but rather

do something and instead do something

作者: snowfield    时间: 2006-7-1 03:19

对答案本身无异议,但og对C选项的解释中说instead to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically不太理解。是不是因为instead没有对比才不idiomatical?这里and instead to come 和 to aviod the recession一起修饰the ability不也是一种意义相反的对比吗?去掉instead是不是就可以了呢?

关于过去完成时,我觉得严格从语法上来讲的确不好解释,seasnow mm的说法可以帮助理解,但不是太有说服力。我的理解是:描述过去曾经有过的想法的时候总是用过去完成时。不知各位是否见到过其它用法。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-2 13:31:16编辑过]

作者: Dinaxie    时间: 2006-7-2 12:22


According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing”, followed by a gradual increase in business activity.

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming

解释上说D的recession must be followed by that, 我的理解是that做定语从句的宾语时可以省略呀?请指教!

解释上说D的recession must be followed by that, 我的理解是that做定语从句的宾语时可以省略呀?请指教!

作者: snowfield    时间: 2006-7-2 13:29



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-2 13:30:04编辑过]

作者: Dinaxie    时间: 2006-7-2 17:32


OG11-77  Even though the direct costs of malpractice disputes amounts to a sum lower than 1 percent of the $541 billion the nation spent on health care last year, doctors say (that)fear of lawsuits plays a major role in health-care inflation.

amounts to a sum lower

amounts to less                             

amounted to less ,

amounted to lower

amounted to a lower sum


作者: snowfield    时间: 2006-7-3 02:11



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-25 6:54:51编辑过]

作者: coolhany    时间: 2006-7-3 16:15



Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion, one that they believe is a type previously unknown to science.

(A)  that they believe is

(B)  that they believe it to be

(C)  they believe that it is of

(D)  they believe that is

(E)   they believe to be of

Choice E is best. The pronoun that in A and B should be deleted, since the pronoun one is sufficient to introduce the modifier and the sentence is more fluid without that.

作者: snowfield    时间: 2006-7-3 17:15

上例中that从句同样是一个定语从句,修饰one;one是supernova explosion的同位语。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-3 17:21:17编辑过]

作者: 足球幽灵    时间: 2006-7-24 07:07

“og对C选项的解释中说instead to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically不太理解”


作者: snowfield    时间: 2006-7-25 07:03
gmat中划线部分的宾语从句的引导词that一般不能省略,OG11-35 (AC…have found that…)OG11-121B Claim that…, OG8 think that…,即便并列宾语从句的that最好也要保留以保持结构的清晰;(og11-137 The company announced that… and that…)。og11-77只能理解为一个特例。
作者: kathy8446    时间: 2006-8-25 00:12


另外还是不明白BCDE的rather to/instead to到底怎么not complete the sentence idiomatically。是不是要用rather than,并且instead不能接to?(要是换成instead of呢?如果能够句子结构对称的话)

作者: snowfield    时间: 2006-8-25 07:31

I don't think it will be regard as wordy not to omit the 'that' in a attributive clause. Be careful of this 'rule'.

作者: yaomao    时间: 2006-9-6 22:51





作者: 足球幽灵    时间: 2006-9-19 15:43
以下是引用足球幽灵在2006-7-24 7:07:00的发言:

“og对C选项的解释中说instead to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically不太理解”


ask again.

作者: ll_422    时间: 2006-9-20 17:50


not...but rather 的用法比较严格,要求完全平行的结构(因为就等于是not ... but),而用instead则没有对结构平行的要求。如上题,若改成the economy will not fall in recession that ...
but rather will come in for a “soft landing”
,我觉得应该就可以了。类似的例句在Longman里还有:The local medical men did not object, but rather commended them for their cheapness.
instead的用法则比较灵活,longman的解释是“used to say what is done, when you have just said that a particular thing is not done”。例如上句(改动后的)也能改成:the economy will not fall in recession that ...Instead, it will come in for a “soft landing” the economy will not fall in recession that ... It will come in for a “soft landing” instead. 这里instead可翻译为相反的。而我尚没有找到rather单独表示这个意思的用法

作者: sigrid920    时间: 2006-10-9 06:18

排开B,C,D其他的错误不说, 只看句子结构部分,去掉B,C中间的插入语为

(B) aviod rather than to come...

(C) aviod and instead to come...

(D) aviod, and rather to come...

因为rather 和instead都是副词, 而副词是不可以做为连词连接两个并列的成分的,所以(B)错. 逗号+AND后必须接完整的句子, 所以(D)不对.那么(C)呢? 看了上面的讨论,我还是不能理解(C)为什么没有complete the second part idiomatically?

作者: MaccMichAA    时间: 2006-10-9 08:15

楼上的妹妹 我的拙见如下:

C后半部分 and instead to come是idiomatic 但是前面的部分in economy's ability recession,sth. in the earler year many had feared 是unidiomatic 首先可以看出C比A wordy +ability, sth.引导的这个成分 你可能要说这个是同位语  但是我觉得用that引导的限定定语从句解释recession更好 而且还有一点就是时间状语in the earlier year的位子变化了 A句修饰的是feared C句修饰的是sth. 修饰对象的不同会造成句意的不同

愚人之见 让你见笑了 

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-9 8:19:40编辑过]

作者: MaccMichAA    时间: 2006-10-9 08:32
以下是引用Dinaxie在2006-7-2 17:32:00的发言:


OG11-77  Even though the direct costs of malpractice disputes amounts to a sum lower than 1 percent of the $541 billion the nation spent on health care last year, doctors say (that)fear of lawsuits plays a major role in health-care inflation.

amounts to a sum lower

amounts to less                             

amounted to less ,

amounted to lower

amounted to a lower sum



斗胆插一句:我对OG的理解是say, claim等等这些要加that的结构 that的省略应该是一种错 虽然罪不至死 但是也可以作为排除选项的依据 但是对于有些that限定性的定语从句而言如 one reason (that) I chose to leave这里that的省略被看作是合理的 所以绝对不能为排除的依据 that的省还是不省分为几种情况 实在抱歉 我没有对OG上的情况加以总结 所以只能提供片面之词供大家参考
作者: sigrid920    时间: 2006-10-9 09:16
非常同意楼上MM对(A)(C)选项区别的解释,但是仍使我迷惑的是,OG11上的确是说了 "instead to come"does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.我可能有一些不知变通, 但是确实是非常想弄清楚为什么,再次请教 ~~!!
作者: FlowerJay    时间: 2006-11-1 04:30

这道题我很不明白。OG10看了几遍了。从没有这道题A这种用法。首先是过去分词,其次是那个倒霉的instead(作为单一的副词确实可以这么用,但是og10里面没有用过)。 再有就是D里面的that不能省略的解释。处处都和OG10格格不入的。恳请牛人出现解释

作者: cccccc0    时间: 2006-12-4 15:31
以下是引用sigrid920在2006-10-9 6:18:00的发言:

排开B,C,D其他的错误不说, 只看句子结构部分,去掉B,C中间的插入语为

(B) aviod rather than to come...

(C) aviod and instead to come...

(D) aviod, and rather to come...

因为rather 和instead都是副词, 而副词是不可以做为连词连接两个并列的成分的,所以(B)错. 逗号+AND后必须接完整的句子, 所以(D)不对.那么(C)呢? 看了上面的讨论,我还是不能理解(C)为什么没有complete the second part idiomatically?

MM题目中的C少了一个逗号,应该是(C) aviod ,and instead to come...我的OG11里面是有逗号的


作者: yaoshuming    时间: 2007-1-17 17:52


作者: bloveecho    时间: 2007-1-28 10:30


作者: alphonx    时间: 2007-2-11 12:00
以下是引用足球幽灵在2006-7-24 7:07:00的发言:

“og对C选项的解释中说instead to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically不太理解”




作者: jellysun    时间: 2007-4-8 17:24

5.        As its sales of computer products have surpassed those of measuring instruments, the company has become increasingly willing to compete for the mass market sales
            they would in the past have
            conceded to rivals.

(A)         they would in the past have conceded to rivals

(B)         they would have conceded previously to their rivals

(C)        that in the past would have been conceded previously to rivals

(D)        it previously would have conceded to rivals in the past

(E)         it would in the past have conceded to rivals

Agreement + Rhetorical construction

When a number of words intervene between a pronoun and its referent, an error such as the one in this sentence is easy to make. The subject of the main clause is the singular noun company, which must be followed by the singular pronoun it.

A          Plural pronoun they does not agree with singular the company

B          Plural pronouns they and their do not agree with the company

C         Previously repeats the idea of in the past, the passive voice construction is weak and ambiguous

D         Use of both previously and in the past is redundant

E          Correct. In this concise sentence, the singular pronoun it agrees with the singular referent the company.




作者: misiachen    时间: 2007-4-29 13:49



作者: shero    时间: 2007-4-30 14:26
这里如果用rather代替instead是没错的,但是这题为什么选a呢,其实就是因为并列的成分是 will avoid 和 (will) come,看其他选项,都是to come 等等的不定式或者介词结构,无法并列
作者: kittymiaomiao    时间: 2007-5-1 14:54

我也对had feared earlier in the year的时态感到很困惑。谢谢牛牛的指教。我现在感觉,如果是early in the year,那么应该能用过去示,只是现在用了earlier比较级,会不会问题出在这里呢?


作者: ssl507    时间: 2007-7-13 10:04

       OG里定语从句的that经常省略,而这里没有。原因可能是这个句子的修饰成份过长,为了避免歧义。正如og所说,the original sentence successfully avoids the problems that may occur in a long sentence with multiple modifiers.

           另外,og中说rather to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically,是说(will)come本来是应该与will avoid并列, 而to come不能完成这个功能。

           我觉得这里Instead不能与rather互换,og里只有instead of 才可与rather than 互换,并且能互换的答案都是有rather than那个。

作者: sabrina56    时间: 2007-8-25 17:39

本人拙见:confidence that..此处that 引导同位语从句对前面的抽象名词具体解释,而非定语从句。定语从句一般为修似成分,修饰一个名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。此句具体化前面confidence的内容,而非修似限定什么样的confidence (e.g. strong or weak)。



(1) The plane that has just taken off is for London.  定语从句

(2) The fact that he has been dead is clear.         同位于从句

2.定语从句由关系代词或者关系副词引导,关系词在句中充当成分,有时可以省略;同位语从句主要由that引导,在句中一般不做成分;句子也可以由when, where, how, why, whether, what等词引导,充当成分

(1) The news he told me is true.

(2) The news that he has just died is true.

(3) The problem that we are facing now is how we can collect so much money.  定语

(4) The problem how we can collect so much money is difficult to solve.

3. 同位语从句和先行词一般可以用be动词发展成一个完整的句子,而定语从句不可以

(1) The idea that we could ask the teacher for advice is wonderful.  同位语

(2) The idea was that we could ask the teacher for advice.

(3) The fact that the earth moves around the earth is known to all.

(4) The fact is that the earth moves around the earth.

作者: yichousun    时间: 2007-8-29 15:45


A 从第一个that到最后,引导宾语从句修饰confidence;第二that引导定语从句修饰,修饰recession。这个that在定语从句中是做宾语成分,但连词在定语从句中做宾语是可以省略的,这里没有省略是大家争论的焦点。没有答案到现在为止。这是正确答案,大家应该没有异议吧。

B what取代了第二个that,肯定错。the economy to avoid the recession is wordy and awkful,应该没有问题,在gmat中,不一定是一定错,而是和其他选项的比较问题,和A比较,确实没有A那么清晰。那个rather没有讨论出结果来。

C earlier in the year修饰sth,在原句中却是做状语修饰feared,套用白永的一句,改变原句的重心了。instead问题没有答案。

D 问题就在省不省第二个that.没有答案,还需要多总结,这是疑点。我有好的总结会第一时间传上来。后面的rather主要是因为,逗号隔开的and 后面要接完整的主谓结构。

E时态问题到目前为止解释不是那么完美,但也可以接受。这里的担忧是指earlier this year那段时期之前到earlier this year,现在有gain了,大家恢复信心了,还要担忧吗?

作者: rain119911    时间: 2007-8-30 00:21
以下是引用kevinZhang在2005-12-29 2:38:00的发言:


According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing”, followed by a gradual increase in business activity.

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming

答案:A. 没问题.

但是, 如果将instead换成rather是否也对呢? 两者在这样的情况下有什么区别? 谢谢指导!


作者: spyder1011    时间: 2007-8-30 12:20

从NY Times的网站上搜了一下,关于rather do和instead do有所发现。先贴几个代表性的句子出来(由于句子比较长,有些是节选):

Rather do

The city's current contract with Microsoft is set to expire in 2008, although the city says it doesn't intend to stop using the company's products, but rather just reduce its reliance on them.

the desktop search changes would not be part of the beta, but rather would be added at a later date

her father was never taken prisoner by the Germans — a delicate issue because Stalin treated Soviet soldiers who surrendered or were taken prisoner as traitors — but rather was killed in battle in 1941.

These formations look so bizarre to the bishop as to seem not part of nature at all, but rather like vast cathedrals or the remnants of a monumental city.

Dean could not be questioned in person, but rather would only respond to written questions, or interrogatories.

instead do

instead do

instead do

The villagers' most popular explanation for centuries of tightrope walking is that the young men of the village grew bored with trekking for days to court women in a village on a neighboring mountainside, and instead came up with a shortcut.

who openly criticizes antiretroviral medicines and instead has promoted lemons, garlic and potatoes as AIDS treatments.

but he disagreed with leaders who want a full embargo against Fidel Castro's government and instead called for allowing travel and money to the island.

He repeated a similar message at the largely white Saddleback megachurch, telling the congregation that they should stop preaching abstinence only and instead promote condom use.

上面的句子都是NY Times2007年最新的句子,其时效性和正确性应该问题不大。总结对比了一下,发现rather和instead的确都可以直接修饰do,但是用法有所区别:

not do…(,) (but) Rather do

negative word(stop/avoid)/not do…(,)(and) instead do….

可见rather do和instead do在意思上和用法上还是有区别。


2)instead对比的往往是negtive word后面的东西,如本题,不是和avoid对比,而是和recession对比。这样instead do的内容和avoid do的内容其实是并列关系,所以用and连接,句子的重心是均匀的。

3)目前发现的例子里都没有使用instead/rather to do的,初步说明可能这就是习惯用法,就像可以说can do,但不能说can to do。这种东西可能就说不清楚了。还望大家能提供更多的论据,支持或者颠覆这种观点。

综上,我觉得B和C错在instead/rather to do是idiomatical,而D不但用了rather to do还用了and rather


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-6 2:40:51编辑过]

作者: spyder1011    时间: 2007-9-6 02:39
以下是引用kevinZhang在2005-12-31 10:26:00的发言:

时态的问题,同意seasnow MM的说法,是过去的时间the year之前earlier持续的动作,隐含相对说这句或者写这句话的人现在的时间,所以用had没错。


1)如上所述,earlier有一个隐含的比较。这道题强调的就是比较,一个转变。从这道题的题干我们可以猜测动作先后顺序是这样的:1 fear recession,2 grow confidence,3 gains in股票市场reflect growing confidence。所以在整个过程中有三个时点,其中两个(1、2)发生在过去,一个在year中,一个在earlier in the year(这里不是说在一年中较早的时候,否则用earlier this year就可以了,并且用past tense)。针对这种情况最好的就是过去完成时,OG11对过去完成时的解释是:(it)“show the order of two events that took place in the past.”

2)past tense也是可以接受的。注意比较D和E的解释,D用了were fearing,是“wrong tense”;但是E用的是were feared,OG只说了“The passive voice weak and wordy”,没有说时态有错误。如果这道题只有两个时态的比较,那大家将非常痛苦。索性的是OG也认为这是一种惨绝人寰的做法,所以在每个干扰选项里都加入了其他较为明显的错误。我认为在真实考试中这种模糊的时态成为关键因素的几率应该是比较小的,大家不必过于care。


作者: daijiajing    时间: 2007-9-11 21:28
同意楼上关于had feared的用法,不过还是不明白为什么第二个thatOG里说不能省略,第一个that引导的是同位语从句,而第二个应该是引导定语从句且在从句中做宾语成分,其实是many had feared the recession ealier in the year, 按理可以省略,不明白这里为什么说不可以省略.欢迎大家讨论
作者: spyder1011    时间: 2007-9-11 23:39


因为and instead come in for前面有两个n(pronoun),一个是the economy,一个是many。原文的意思是the economy做主语,come in for是 (will)come in for和will aviod并列,加入that引起歧义的可能比较小;但是如果去掉that,从形式上一眼望去就增加了理解成many had feared...and instead come in for...的可能性。


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 23:40:17编辑过]

作者: 剩下的果实    时间: 2007-9-29 12:44
作者: amorela    时间: 2007-9-30 00:46



instead: adv

1 : as a substitute or equivalent  *was going to write but called instead*
2 : as an alternative to something expressed or implied  : RATHER  *longed instead  for a quiet country life*

instead of

 in place of  : as a substitute for or alternative to  *chose tea instead of coffee*


instead of +noun.

sub will instead verb

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-30 0:48:01编辑过]

作者: wuyelan0214    时间: 2007-9-30 18:27


instead of  of是介词,后面要接名词,

rather than 是连词, 作为连词比介词用的到的时候要多很多,在GMAT考试中,更倾向于使用rather than

作者: dormousedzc    时间: 2007-11-11 09:49
以下是引用kevinZhang在2005-12-29 2:38:00的发言:


According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a “soft landing”, followed by a gradual increase in business activity.

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming

答案:A. 没问题.

但是, 如果将instead换成rather是否也对呢? 两者在这样的情况下有什么区别? 谢谢指导!


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-11 9:51:01编辑过]

作者: maomao521    时间: 2007-11-24 13:52
以下是引用yichousun在2007-8-29 15:45:00的发言:


A 从第一个that到最后,引导宾语从句修饰confidence;第二that引导定语从句修饰,修饰recession。这个that在定语从句中是做宾语成分,但连词在定语从句中做宾语是可以省略的,这里没有省略是大家争论的焦点。没有答案到现在为止。这是正确答案,大家应该没有异议吧。

B what取代了第二个that,肯定错。the economy to avoid the recession is wordy and awkful,应该没有问题,在gmat中,不一定是一定错,而是和其他选项的比较问题,和A比较,确实没有A那么清晰。那个rather没有讨论出结果来。

C earlier in the year修饰sth,在原句中却是做状语修饰feared,套用白永的一句,改变原句的重心了。instead问题没有答案。

D 问题就在省不省第二个that.没有答案,还需要多总结,这是疑点。我有好的总结会第一时间传上来。后面的rather主要是因为,逗号隔开的and 后面要接完整的主谓结构。

E时态问题到目前为止解释不是那么完美,但也可以接受。这里的担忧是指earlier this year那段时期之前到earlier this year,现在有gain了,大家恢复信心了,还要担忧吗?


作者: maomao521    时间: 2007-11-24 13:55
以下是引用dormousedzc在2007-11-11 9:49:00的发言:


作者: 荷叶田田    时间: 2008-3-21 14:23
作者: fcceline    时间: 2008-4-6 19:08

顶上来!也问rather 和 instead 的区别;此外,题目里come in for是什么意思?

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-6 19:11:04编辑过]

作者: cathyzq    时间: 2008-4-7 16:16

这道题型是考 THAT和并列

第一个AVOID和COME IN是并列的,这里的INSTEAD不是INSTEAD OF,没有必要去遵守什么,NOT..BUT>RATHER THANT>INSTEAD OF,可以检查一下你们手里XDF的笔记,老师如何写的就要认真去执行,第二THAT,看面的句子,THAT是FEAR后面的宾语,用THAT肯定对。XDF笔记里有THAT必须要是一种成分,否则THAT可以省略!

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come 用WHAT来指代RECESSION一个词是不是有问题?!所以选B肯定不成立

C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come


D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

XDF笔记里有时态不要乱改!WERE FEARING,很恐怖的!

E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead comi


作者: Colx    时间: 2008-5-4 16:08


   used to say what is done, when you have just said that a particular thing is not done:

Geoff didn't study law. Instead, he decided to become an actor.

If Jo can't attend the meeting, I could go instead.

作者: rockmax    时间: 2008-7-4 16:47


A, had feared

D. were fearing

E. was feared     

怎么分辨. 为什么OG中解释: were fearing "is wrong tense"?  was feared "is weak and wordy"?

作者: rhine521    时间: 2008-8-1 01:11
以下是引用rockmax在2008-7-4 16:47:00的发言:


A, had feared

D. were fearing

E. was feared     

怎么分辨. 为什么OG中解释: were fearing "is wrong tense"?  was feared "is weak and wordy

感觉 were fearing 多别扭啊,正在害怕吗?

was feared   后面有个earlier in the year 不能用过去时

had feared 是从过去一直持续到earlier in the year  ,所以用过去完成时



作者: yichousun    时间: 2008-8-10 23:59

这里并不是rather than。而仅仅讨论的是instead和rather的区别。

        [ADV] ADV with cl
If you do not do something, but do something else instead, you do the second thing and not the first thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.
        [ADV] ADV with cl/group
You use rather when you are correcting something that you have just said, especially when you are describing a particular situation after saying what it is not.
        [ADV] ADV adj/adv, ADV a n, ADV compar, ADV too adj/adv, ADV prep
You use rather to indicate that something is true to a fairly great extent, especially when you are talking about something unpleasant or undesirable.

        [ADV] ADV before v
You use rather before verbs that introduce your thoughts and feelings, in order to express your opinion politely, especially when a different opinion has been expressed.
I rather think he was telling the truth...


当然,rather than是表示对比的意思,但是选项中并没有出现。还是见柯林斯字典的解释:

You use rather than when you are contrasting two things or situations. Rather than introduces the thing or situation that is not true or that you do not want.


作者: kingtom    时间: 2008-8-27 07:39
以下是引用yichousun在2007-8-29 15:45:00的发言:


A 从第一个that到最后,引导宾语从句修饰confidence;第二that引导定语从句修饰,修饰recession。这个that在定语从句中是做宾语成分,但连词在定语从句中做宾语是可以省略的,这里没有省略是大家争论的焦点。没有答案到现在为止。这是正确答案,大家应该没有异议吧。

B what取代了第二个that,肯定错。the economy to avoid the recession is wordy and awkful,应该没有问题,在gmat中,不一定是一定错,而是和其他选项的比较问题,和A比较,确实没有A那么清晰。那个rather没有讨论出结果来。

C earlier in the year修饰sth,在原句中却是做状语修饰feared,套用白永的一句,改变原句的重心了。instead问题没有答案。

D 问题就在省不省第二个that.没有答案,还需要多总结,这是疑点。我有好的总结会第一时间传上来。后面的rather主要是因为,逗号隔开的and 后面要接完整的主谓结构。

E时态问题到目前为止解释不是那么完美,但也可以接受。这里的担忧是指earlier this year那段时期之前到earlier this year,现在有gain了,大家恢复信心了,还要担忧吗?


作者: rockmax    时间: 2008-8-28 16:53
以下是引用kingtom在2008-8-27 7:39:00的发言:


confidence in  sth.

Our first priority is to maintain the customer's confidence in our product.
The survey reveals a general lack of confidence in the police.
She had complete confidence in the young nurse.

confidence in sth. to do.. 一定错.

OG 解释中: B,the economy to avoid the recession is AWKWARD AND UNCLEAR.  

C 中, confidence in the economy's ability to...   改变句子重心.  变成对..ability 有信心了. 

作者: rockmax    时间: 2008-8-28 16:58

有个问题, :

OG解释中:D, the recession must be followed by that

the recession that many had feared earlier in the year中recession 在从句中不是作宾语吗?  不可以省略吗? 

作者: kingtom    时间: 2008-8-28 18:29
以下是引用rockmax在2008-8-28 16:53:00的发言:

confidence in  sth.

Our first priority is to maintain the customer's confidence in our product.
The survey reveals a general lack of confidence in the police.
She had complete confidence in the young nurse.

confidence in sth. to do.. 一定错.

OG 解释中: B,the economy to avoid the recession is AWKWARD AND UNCLEAR.  

C 中, confidence in the economy's ability to...   改变句子重心.  变成对..ability 有信心了. 


作者: flute    时间: 2009-2-9 23:27


reflect growing confidence that...


我觉得confidence 后面应该加上介词in才对。

作者: Mayanist    时间: 2009-2-10 02:30



作者: auflute    时间: 2009-5-18 07:15

C项instead to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically

因为instead只能做副词当修饰成分,假如改为instead to,则句子结构变为

the economy will avoid... and (will) to come...


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-18 7:18:18编辑过]

作者: deuxteer    时间: 2009-6-28 18:21

“og对C选项的解释中说instead to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically不太理解”



作者: fishlibai    时间: 2009-7-11 05:15
还是不明白为什么用 过去完成时,不过撇开时态不论,A,E 相比较,E中的with it instead coming确实问题更严重,根据优选原则,还是A好了
作者: lc837981213    时间: 2009-7-16 16:47


作者: 没办法1987    时间: 2009-8-1 23:34


According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a "soft landing,"
followed by a gradual increase in business activity.


作者: lisa0712    时间: 2009-9-1 00:20
还是没想明白。what不是相当于the thing that?这里为什么不能替代????求解答!
作者: 陈梓    时间: 2009-9-26 19:19

还没明白OG对B和rather to 和instead to  的解释

作者: zxkingsey    时间: 2010-1-26 22:49

这道题型是考 THAT和并列

第一个AVOID和COME IN是并列的,这里的INSTEAD不是INSTEAD OF,没有必要去遵守什么,NOT..BUT>RATHER THANT>INSTEAD OF,可以检查一下你们手里XDF的笔记,老师如何写的就要认真去执行,第二THAT,看面的句子,THAT是FEAR后面的宾语,用THAT肯定对。XDF笔记里有THAT必须要是一种成分,否则THAT可以省略!

B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come 用WHAT来指代RECESSION一个词是不是有问题?!所以选B肯定不成立
C) in the economy’s ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come

D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come

XDF笔记里有时态不要乱改!WERE FEARING,很恐怖的!
E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead comi

-- by 会员 cathyzq (2008/4/7 16:16:00)


作者: zxkingsey    时间: 2010-1-26 23:00
好像没有rather to 和instead to 这种用法,查Longman是没查到
D中and前的逗号应该去掉吧,正如A中一样。A do, and do这样的结构是不对的. 只有两个动作并列, 中间不可以用逗号。
作者: 优由圈    时间: 2010-6-9 16:43
作者: wtylys    时间: 2011-7-6 22:50
what 为啥不能替代“that”,怎么就没人回答了呢
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-7-9 17:30
标题: 关于rather的问题的理解
这里并不是rather than。而仅仅讨论的是instead和rather的区别。
       [ADV] ADV with cl
If you do not do something, but do something else instead, you do the second thing and not the first thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.
       [ADV] ADV with cl/group
You use rather when you are correcting something that you have just said, especially when you are describing a particular situation after saying what it is not.
       [ADV] ADV adj/adv, ADV a n, ADV compar, ADV too adj/adv, ADV prep
You use rather to indicate that something is true to a fairly great extent, especially when you are talking about something unpleasant or undesirable.
       [ADV] ADV before v
You use rather before verbs that introduce your thoughts and feelings, in order to express your opinion politely, especially when a different opinion has been expressed.
I rather think he was telling the truth...
当然,rather than是表示对比的意思,但是选项中并没有出现。还是见柯林斯字典的解释:
You use rather than when you are contrasting two things or situations. Rather than introduces the thing or situation that is not true or that you do not want.


-- by 会员 yichousun (2008/8/10 23:59:00)

  1. 朗文解释:

fairly or to some degree
I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.

He was limping rather badly.

My own position is rather different.

Abigail's always been rather adifficult child. BrE

Isn't it rather late (=a little too late) to startchanging all the arrangements?

Actually I rather like the newstyle of architecture. BrE

It was a nice house, but rather too small for a family of four. BrE

The task proved to be rather moredifficult than I had expected. BrE

would rather
used to say that youwould prefer to do or have something

I'd rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.

We could eat later if you would rather do that.

'I think you'd better ask her.' ' I'd rather not (=I do not want to) .'
would rather ... than ...

I'd rather die than apologize to Helen.

I'd rather you didn't go out alone (=I do not wantyou to go) .

rather than
instead of

I think you'd call it a lecture rather than a talk.

Rather than go straight on to university why not getsome work experience first?

Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the newrules.

or rather
used before correctingsomething that you have said, or giving more specific information

We all went in Vic's car, or rather his father's.

not ... but rather ...
used to say that onething is not true but a different thing is true

The problem is not their lack of funding, but rathertheir lack of planning.

rather you/him/her/them than me
spoken used to say that you are glad that you are not going tobe doing something that someone else will be doing

BrE spoken old-fashioned used to agree with someone

WORDCHOICE: rather,fairly, quite, pretty

Rather, fairly, quite, and prettyare all used to say that something is true to some degree, but not completelyor extremely : She's rather shy. | You should find the test fairly easy. | It took quite a long time (NOT a quite long time).|His English is pretty good.
Rather is fairly formal but can be used in spoken English,especially British English. In American English it is more usual to use pretty . In both American and British English, pretty is more usual in speech than in writing.
Quite can also be used in front of an adjective or adverb, and inBritish English a verb, to mean 'completely'. This is a fairly formal use : You are quite wrong. |I quite understand your feelings.

——简单总结一下就是:rather可以单独使用也可以和其他词连用,但是单独使用的时候不表示相反的意思,而是表示"在某种程度上说".要表示"相反"的意思的时候,必须用:wouldrather/would rather…than…/rather than…/not…but rather/rather A than B.
所以这里OG上说rather的用法不完整,因为要表达相反的话,这里要用rather than才正确.
作者: wtylys    时间: 2011-7-28 12:36
作者: vilawe    时间: 2011-8-14 20:03

——简单总结一下就是:rather可以单独使用也可以和其他词连用,但是单独使用的时候不表示相反的意思,而是表示"在某种程度上说".要表示"相反"的意思的时候,必须用:wouldrather/would rather…than…/rather than…/not…but rather/rather A than B.
所以这里OG上说rather的用法不完整,因为要表达相反的话,这里要用rather than才正确.
-- by 会员 抓抓sandra (2011/7/9 17:30:13)

作者: MiaBing    时间: 2012-9-20 14:46
what 为啥不能替代“that”,怎么就没人回答了呢
-- by 会员 wtylys (2011/7/6 22:50:58)

作者: 十字刻痕    时间: 2012-10-21 13:27
第二个that不能省略的问题也木有解答的说。。up up

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