标题: high-gmat-sc [打印本页] 作者: joywzy 时间: 2003-9-6 16:34 标题: high-gmat-sc A. C worked continuably through the 1880's and early 1890's with the sculptor A; since there are very few signed works of hers, the conclusion seems inescapable that part of Rodind's enormous production of that period was conceived and executed by C.
B. seeminly inescapble conclusion is that C would have conceived and executed part of R's enroumos production of the period.
Ans: A.
但是, A中that 从句的修饰是不是不合适、 B的主要的问题是不是使用了虚拟语气,如果改为:
seeminly inescapble conclusion is that C conceived and executed part of R's enroumos production of the period.