标题: OG20老题目 [打印本页] 作者: Will_Jeanette 时间: 2020-10-29 14:41 标题: OG20老题目 782) To estimate the expansion rate of the umverse is a notoriously difficult problem because there is al lack of a single yardstick that all distances can be measured by.
(A) To estimate the expansion rate of the universe is
a notoriously dificult problem because there is
a lack of a single yardstick that all distances can
be measured by.
(B) Estimating the expansion rate of the universe is
a notoriously difficult problem because there is
no single yardstick by which all distances can be
(C) Because there is a lack of a single yardstick
to measure all distances by, estimating the
expansion rate of the universe is a notoriously
dificult problem.
(D) A notoriously dificult problem is to estimate the
expansion rate of the universe because a single
yardstick is lacking by which all distances can be
measured. .
(E) It is a notoriously difcult problem to estimate
the expansion rate of the universe because by no
single yardstick can all distances be measured.
老题目了,我这一次再来做这道题的感觉是problem不能用to do……来描述(感觉to do这个不能拿来当作一个问题来研究,只能表行为或者目的那种感觉),但是ving(estimating blablabla)可以作为一个problem,不知道这样考虑是否正确?我是从自己对句意的感觉来判断的,求助nn们,请问能不能这样去理解?