标题: 求助OG12/21 [打印本页] 作者: 时不我待 时间: 2017-4-25 21:48 标题: 求助OG12/21 求助OG12/21 Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language.
(A) Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are
(B) Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood over the past twenty years, and are
(C) Neuroscientists amassing a wealth of knowledge about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood over the past twenty years, and are
(D) Neuroscientists have amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood,
(E) Neuroscientists have amassed, over the past twenty years, a wealth of knowledge about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood,
D The final descriptor in present tense, now drawing conclusions . . . does not fit the opening clause, which is in present-perfect tense (have amassed a wealth . . .) and seems to modify adulthood.
E Like (D), this sentence attempts to attach a present-tense descriptor to a present-perfect clause.
Got confused by D and E, here's Ron's explanation:
This sort of modifier should actually satisfy TWO requirements:
1) it should apply most nearly to the subject of the preceding clause (as you've said); and, even more importantly,
2) it should have one of the following RELATIONSHIPS to that clause:
* immediate consequence
* simultaneous, but lower-priority, actionhere, this modifier doesn't have either of these 2 relationships to the main clause, so it's used inappropriately.
When we say ""immediate consequence, we mean a consequence that is proximate, immediate, and produced as an essentially unavoidable result of the main action.for instance:
The bullet entered Smith's brain, killing him instantly --> this is an immediate and automatic consequence; if the bullet does this, then smith will be killed.
John scored 90 on the most recent test, raising his overall average by two points --> again, an immediate and automatic consequence; if john gets this score, there will automatically be the stated consequence for his average.
In the problem at hand, drawing new conclusions is not an automatic and essentially unavoidable consequence of amassing the knowledge in question; the researchers must actively go beyond just amassing the knowledge to draw those conclusions."