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[SC总结] 以OG13 17题为例—Although的省略问题—Ron大神的解答

发表于 2015-5-8 01:42:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


OG13 17题,OG12 14题
Sunspots, vortices of gas associated with strong electromagnetic activity, are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on the Sun's poles or equator.

(A) are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on
(B) are visible as dark spots that never have been sighted on the surface of the Sun
(C) appear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots although never sighted at
(D) appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun, although never having been sighted at
(E) appear as dark spots on the Sun's surface, which have never been sighted on


C    Although typically introduces a subordinate clause, which has a subject and a verb, but here there is no subject and sighted is not a complete verb.

但其实有许多反例证明although不一定后面要有subject和verb,详见BABY姐的5楼回复: ... &highlight=although


二、although用法总结(from Ron)

1."although xxxx" 在句子之前:
• if "(al)though xxxx" PRECEDES the sentence, then "xxxx" can be either a complete sentence or an adjective/modifier.
(Al)though James has never been formally trained in medicine, he is able to identify a wide variety of maladies.
("although" + complete sentence; precedes the main sentence)
also see OG SC problem #39 (can't reproduce here)

(Al)though not formally trained in medicine, James is able to identify a wide variety of maladies.
("although" + adjective-type modifier; precedes the main sentence)
also see OG SC problem #48 (can't reproduce here)

2. "although xxxx" 在句子之中
if "(al)though xxxx" INTERRUPTS the sentence, then "xxxx" should be only a modifier. in this case, "xxxx" should NOT be a complete sentence.

^^ this is something i discovered just now. despite trying, i wasn't able to make a good sentence that's interrupted by "(al)though + complete sentence". i can't guarantee that this is a "rule", though i can vouch for it with a reasonable degree of certainty.

if the interruption follows a noun, then you should have a modifier that describes the noun (adjective-type modifier):
Paula, though exhausted, managed to stay awake through her son's entire piano recital.

if the interruption follows a verb, you should have a modifier that describes the verb (adverb-type modifier):
Audrey just admitted, though inadvertently, how she really feels about her mother-in-law.

also see OG SC problem #36 (can't reproduce here)

3."although xxxx" 在句子之后
• if "although xxxx" FOLLOWS the sentence, then "xxxx" should be a complete sentence. in this case, "xxxx" should not be a modifier/adjective.

(i assume this construction is familiar enough to make examples unnecessary. if you need examples, just say so in a response)

^^ this one is what's relevant to the particular problem at hand. as with the idea above, this is another incidental "discovery" that i can't %100 guarantee is actually a "rule".


and here's the weirdest discovery of all: if "though" (NOT "although") follows the sentence, it IS allowed to introduce a modifier.
in this case, the modifier should be an adverb-type modifier
; in other words, it should describe the entire action that precedes it.

I wear swimsuits often, though never for actual swimming; I just lie out in the sun.

句子之前:可以是complete sentence或者begining modifier, 此modifier修饰逗号后跟出的主语,所以是adj-type modifier;
句子之后:只能是complete sentence.]


the basic meaning of "xxxx, although yyyy" / "although yyyy, xxxx" is...
"yyyy" is something that makes "xxxx" seem unlikely
(or, at the very least, less likely than it would otherwise seem), but, nevertheless, "xxxx" is true.

the way those answer choices are written, they don't make literal sense:
Sunspots are visible as dark spots ..., (al)though ... never sighted at the Sun's poles or equator
--> this sentence doesn't fit the template above. i.e., the fact that sunspots have never been sighted at the sun's poles or equator doesn't reduce the likelihood that they appear as dark spots.

importantly, the main clause DOES NOT just say that the sunspots appear on the surface of the sun. that, by contrast, would actually make sense here.
the problem is that the main clause describes the specific physical appearance of the spots ("as dark spots"), and thus doesn't create a proper contrast anymore.

when you read the original sentence, you should get the sense that we're mentioning two comparable, equal-priority facts about sunspots. other words, exactly the kind of thing for which we use parallelism.

FACT 1: sunspots appear as dark spots on the sun's surface
FACT 2: sunspots have never been seen at the sun's poles or equator

if you think carefully while reading the original, you'll probably come up with an interpretation along these lines. thus you should be predisposed(倾向于) toward choices that put these in parallel (with "but").



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发表于 2015-5-25 10:39:30 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-26 10:43:16 | 只看该作者
glad to hear that
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说下although 的句子中的或者什么的省略吗
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