一个娱乐产品公司的products是基于modern technologies设计的。这公司找来了一些teenagers来体验products,因为decision makers都是很老的人,他们不知道products和market是否match。然后结论就是这样请来teenagers能够使公司的products更好的meet demand of market。 ASSUMPTION题。我选的是这些teenagers是比同龄人更熟悉modern tech。选完了也觉得怪怪的但是其它选项不靠谱啊
题干: 一个风险投资公司(venture capital)决定为他投资的几家entertainment companies雇佣一些teenager, 来test ( 不是体验),新的产品。因为entertainment company的decision maker都是老人,他们lack the knowledge of the market (就是说他们不熟悉以年轻人为受众群的娱乐产品市场),结论是(原寂静这里结论应该是错了)风险投资公司的回报会因此提高。
a)forget (原寂静: forget)
b)entertainment company the decision maker unable to 学习以年轻人为受众的娱乐产品市场的趋势 (原寂静:管理人员自己没办法了解)
c) those teenagers (注意这里特指被雇佣的那几个青少年) 比别的青少年对于cutting edge (先进的)techonology更了解,更懂 《《《楼主选
d) forget (原寂静:产品受青少年欢迎就能受整个市场欢迎)
e) forget
1. 零售退货,寂静基本正确,注意第二段里面哪些产品return多哪些少比较绕。。易错。
2. 经济危机和桥梁:
原文:Somecommentators suspected the bridge’s foundations, others anunusual air pattern. The real problem was that the designers of the bridge hadnot taken into account how the footway would react to all the pedestrianswalking on it. When a person walks, lifting and dropping each foot in turn, heor she produces a slight sideways force. If hundreds of people are walking in aconfined space, and some happen to walk in step, they can generate enoughlateral momentum to move a footbridge just a little. Once the footway startsswaying, however subtly, more and more pedestrians adjust their gait to getcomfortable, stepping to and fro in synch. As a positive feedback loop developsbetween the bridge’s swing and the pedestrians’stride, the sideways forces can increase dramatically and the bridge can lurchviolently. The investigating engineers termed this process “synchronouslateral excitation”. Mostof the time, financial markets are pretty calm, trading is orderly, andandparticipants can buy and sell in large quantities. Whenever a crisis hits,however, the biggest players—banks, investment banks, hedgefunds—rush to reduce their exposure, buyersdisappear, and liquidity dries up. Where previously there were diverse views,now there is unanimity: everybody’s moving in lockstep. “Thepedestrians on the bridge are like banks adjusting their stance and themovements of the bridge itself are like price changes,” Shin wrote. And the process isself-reinforcing: once liquidity falls below a certain threshold, “allthe elements that formed a virtuous circle to promote stability now willconspire to undermine it. ” The financial markets canbecome highly unstable. Thisis essentially what happened in the lead-up to the Great Crunch. The triggerwas, of course, the market for subprime-mortgage bonds—bonds backed by the monthlypayments from pools of loans that had been made to poor and middle-income homebuyers. In August, 2007, with house prices falling and mortgage delinquenciesrising, the market for subprime securities froze. By itself, this shouldn’thave caused too many problems: the entire stock of outstanding subprimemortgages was about a trillion dollars, a figure dwarfed by nearly twelvetrillion dollars in total outstanding mortgages, not to mention theeighteen-trillion-dollar value of the stock market. But then banks, whichcouldn’t estimate how much exposure other firmshad to losses, started to pull back credit lines and hoard their capital—andthey did so en masse, confirming Shin’s point about the marketimposing uniformity. An immediate collapse was averted when the EuropeanCentral Bank and the Fed announced that they would pump more money into thefinancial system. Still, the global economic crisis didn’tease up until early this year, and by then governments had committed anestimated nine trillion dollars to propping up the system.
第二个是有一道题目问你金融危机中的rational irrationality(这是第二段被改写的部分出现的)和桥梁中行人的什么行为很像? 选择含有adjust gait的选项(调整步频),千万不要选含有(clingling和roiling的选项,扶着栏杆)那是干扰选项。