When it comes to the issue that whether a university issupposed to spend lots of money on organizing social practice in order toappeal excellent students, people have different opinions, some agree with thepreference of social practice while the others think that good students willpay more attention to teacher resources and academic ranking. On a personallevel, I consider that whether a university should expense on social practiceactually depends on the situation. On one hand, in the sake of attracting outstanding businessstudents, there is no doubt that a university ought to invest in organizingsocial practice. As we all know, there is no better way to foster businesssense than to participate in commercial activities in society. Only learningbusiness theories, students cannot obtain completely concept of business andenhance their ability of analyzing. I was a business student, what I learnedfrom professors was the theoretical knowledge, explanations of all economicphenomenon and business cases in the past. Not until I began to work did Irealize that requirements of clients are so various that I cannot deal withthem just depending on what I had learned in the university. If I had takenpart in some social practices, I would have learned more about business andaccumulated more experiences. Moreover, social practice will afford moreopportunities for students to communicate with people in formal ways. The abilityof efficient communication plays an essential ingredient in business, forbusiness are in fact negotiations among people with differentperspectives. On the other hand, according to students of sciences, nothingis more important than research laboratories which have advanced apparatus. Onthe contrary, social practice has a slight influence on their study. Becausesciences students concentrate on scientific research, they will spend a wealthof time in laboratories. My brother learned botany, he told me that when heobserved cell splitting, the accuracy of microscope straightly influenced thequality of the experiment. The more precise the microscope is, the moreaccurate the data will be generated. However, students on sciences could nottake advantage of social practice to enhance abilities of scientific research. Asa consequence, to appeal more elite in sciences, a university should beconcerned about scientific research and spare no effort to build a laboratorywith international advanced level. In conclusion, I believe that whether a university shouldinvest in social practices to fascinate great students really depends on whatthe students focus on. |