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楼主: chasedreamabc
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发表于 2014-6-6 10:17:22 | 只看该作者
我之前 被安排改你的作文,但是 太笨 了。。。。不知道去哪里找啊 亲。。。
发表于 2014-6-6 19:50:27 | 只看该作者
我是要哪里找你的 6.4 的作业咧??
 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-4 11:59:05 | 只看该作者
9.4 独立
Should all teachers be required to takecourses every five years to update their knowledge?

As is generally recognized, schooleducation contributes tremendously to the promising future of the humansociety. The overall quality of young students is intimately associated withthe teaching level of professors. In the face of the ceaseless changes in thenew age, all responsible educators should take immediate precautions againstthe backwardness of knowledge taught in classrooms. Moreover, continuousevolutions of teaching methods are also demanded. Therefore, it is imperativefor all school teachers to renew their own knowledge by taking coursesperiodically.

In the first place, the society isdeveloping at a fast speed with fresh changes showing up all the times. Knowledgeaccumulated in a teacher’s school years is far from sufficient to solve newproblems. No matter which subject this teacher is responsible for, there mightbe periodical updates and revising of contents in textbooks and teachingmaterials. The former concepts are likely to become outdated and the old waysto solve problems may prove futile. Besides, professors themselves arepowerless to renovate the past teaching plans to the best degree. Professionalconsultation is the most effective way to overcome such an obstacle.  Thus, it is a wise choice for schools to sendtheir teachers to attend different courses. Take politics as an example. Thegovernment is implementing new policies from time to time. The contents in thetextbooks might be extensively revised each year. Thus it is a must forpolitics teachers to join in related courses to update their former storage ofknowledge.

In addition, taking courses helps teachersenhance their teaching ability, thus making them more welcome by the students. Notonly could new knowledge and more advanced teaching skills be gained in class,teachers are also endowed with the opportunity to exchange thoughts with theircounterparts. Through profound discussions and attentive learning, new teachingplans with the highest standard could be completed afterwards. Normally, ateacher who is capable of teaching in an innovative manner wins the hearts ofstudents.

Finally, the access to the diversifiedchannels of learning in the information age constitutes a big challenge toschool education. Hence, it is imperative to consolidate the leading roleschools play in the holy cause of education. Granted a wide variety of means toassimilate knowledge and improve skills, modern citizens may find itunnecessary to attend school. For example, people could keep learning via theInternet. If schools are unable to provide the best teaching quality for themasses and fail to build a more advanced teaching troop, the dominant positionheld by the traditional form of education might be replaced by others.

To conclude, one can never stop the pursuit of fresh knowledge no matter whichprofessional field he is engaged in. in a sense, school teachers are in thebest position to learn and there should be no border standing between teachingand learning. During the course of taking in service courses, they are able tomake themselves better qualified to each other.

 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-5 15:33:53 | 只看该作者

The lecture and the reading passage holdthe opposite view about whether salvage logging is benefited for theenvironment and finance. The lecture believes salvage logging is harmful forthe forests, but the reading passage does not think so.

First, in the reading part, theprofessor maintains that if not remove the dead trees which suffer fires, theywill hinder growth of fresh trees. No trees can grow in a cramped space. But inthe lecture, she points that the naturalprocess of wood decomposition enriches the soil and makes it more suitable forfuture generations of tree. It is beneficial for newtrees to grow.

Second, the listening says althoughthose dead trees exactly improve the insects, it is no evidence that it is badfor trees grow. And dead trees provide habitats not only for harmful insects,but also for birds and other insects. It has a long-term benefit for theforests. This view argues that a point which in the reading, salvage loggingcan clean the harmful insects indirectly and provide forests.

Third and last, inthe reading passage, it thinks salvage logging benefits for economic by twosections. One is supplying much wood to industries. The other is offering manyjob opportunities.
However, theprofessor keeps that in damage areas, lumbers transportation is usually byusing helicopters and other vehicles which are expensive. Moreover, the jobsare temporary and outsider people can do well than locals. It has littlebenefits for the economic.

发表于 2014-9-5 21:10:44 | 只看该作者
0904 独立 修改


嗯 通篇的赞 蓝后  我努力挑了几次错粗来(真不容易!!!TAT)

As is generally recognized, schooleducation contributes tremendously to the promising future of the humansociety. The overall quality of young students is intimately associated withthe teaching level of professors. In the face of the ceaseless changes in thenew age, all responsible educators should take immediate precautions againstthe backwardness of knowledge taught in classrooms. Moreover, continuousevolutions of teaching methods are also demanded. Therefore, it is imperativefor all school teachers to renew their own knowledge by taking coursesperiodically.

In the first place, the society isdeveloping at a fast speed with fresh changes showing up all the times. Knowledgeaccumulated in a teacher’s school years is far from sufficient to solve newproblems. No matter which subject this teacher is responsible for, there mightbe periodical updates and revising  (我觉得revision更好噢~)of contents in textbooks and teachingmaterials. The former concepts are likely to become outdated and the old waysto solve problems may prove futile. Besides, professors themselves arepowerless to renovate the past teaching plans to the best degree. Professionalconsultation is the most effective way to overcome such an obstacle.  Thus, it is a wise choice for schools to sendtheir teachers to attend different courses. Take politics as an example. Thegovernment is implementing new policies from time to time. The contents in thetextbooks might be extensively revised each year. Thus it is a must (口语化表达)forpolitics teachers to join in related courses to update their former storage ofknowledge.

In addition, taking courses helps teachersenhance their teaching ability, thus making them more welcome by the students. Notonly could new knowledge and more advanced teaching skills be gained in class,teachers are also endowed with(觉得这个词用在这里不那么合适 我查了Oxford endow有两个意思 1.give or bequeath an income or property to (a person or institution) 2. provide with a quality, ability, or asset)the opportunity to exchange thoughts with their counterparts. (另外这是个不完整的not only but also 句式 从GMAT的观点来看是不大好的) Through profound discussions and attentive(这个词也是 Oxford给出的解释是1.paying close attention to something 2.assiduously attending to the comfort or wishes of others; very polite or courteous,) new teachingplans with the highest standard could be completed afterwards. Normally, ateacher who is capable of teaching in an innovative manner wins the hearts ofstudents.

Finally, the access to the diversified channels of learning in the information age constitutes a big challenge to school education. Hence, it is imperative to consolidate the leading roles chools play in the holy cause of education. Granted a wide variety of means to assimilate knowledge and improve skills, modern citizens may find it unnecessary to attend school. For example, people could keep learning via theInternet. If schools are unable to provide the best teaching quality for themasses and fail to build a more advanced teaching troop, the dominant position held by the traditional form of education might be replaced by others.

To conclude, one can never stop the pursuit of fresh knowledge no matter which professional field he is engaged in. in a sense, school teachers are in the best position to learn and there should be no border standing between teaching and learning. During the course of taking in service courses, they are able to make themselves better qualified to each other.
发表于 2014-9-5 21:28:41 | 只看该作者
0904 综合修改

The lecture and the reading passage holdthe opposite view about whether salvage logging is benefited for theenvironment and finance. The lecture believes salvage logging is harmful forthe forests, but the reading passage does not think so.

First, in the reading part, theprofessor maintains that if not remove the dead trees which suffer fires, theywill hinder growth of fresh trees. No trees can grow in a cramped space. But inthe lecture, she points that the naturalprocess of wood decomposition enriches the soil and makes it more suitable forfuture generations of tree. It is beneficial for newtrees to grow.

Second, the listening says althoughthose dead trees exactly improve (**(quantitatively)(by increasing)增加 ‹pay, yield›(by decreasing)减少 ‹fuel consumption, unemployment figures› 这是oxford解释 我觉得后面宾语跟insect不合适) insects, it(there) is no evidence that it is badfor trees grow(V.). And dead trees provide habitats not only for harmful insects,but also for birds and other insects. It has a long-term benefit for theforests. This view argues that a point which in the reading, salvage loggingcan clean the harmful insects indirectly and provide(protect?) forests.

Third and last, inthe reading passage, it thinks salvage logging benefits for economic (economic adj.经济的 economy n.经济)by twosections. One is supplying much wood to industries. The other is offering manyjob opportunities.However, the professor keeps that in damage (V. ) areas, lumbers transportation is usually by using helicopters and other vehicles which are expensive. Moreover, the jobs are temporary and outsider people can do well than locals. (和听力原文意思上有出入 附原文Furthermore, jobs created by salvage logging are only temporary and are often fitted by outsiders with more experience or training than local residents have.) It has little benefits for the economic.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-6 23:06:01 | 只看该作者
9.5 TPO15
The lecture argues against three ways that mentioned in the reading passage, which can slow the population of the cane toad, a species introduced to Australian.

The reading passage says that establishing a national fence can protect the areas that the cane toads do not control. But the professor points that their eggs can be carried by rivers or streams from one side to the other, and only a few young toads or eggs can through the fence, they can grow a species.

Second, the professor maintains that recruiting a list of volunteers to catch the cane toads which is a view of the reading passage is also not an effective measure. Volunteers often do not distinguish between cane toads and native frogs.  And they may kill both animals.

Third and last, the reading passage’s measure is using a virus to hinder the growth of cane toads. And the virus do not have affected to other reptiles. However, in the lecture, the professor points out that using a virus could have terrible consequences for cane toads in their original habitat. That is a disaster for those continents.
发表于 2014-9-7 16:59:43 | 只看该作者
chasedreamabc 发表于 2014-9-6 23:06
9.5 TPO15
The lecture argues against three ways that mentioned in the reading passage, which can slo ...

9.5 TPO15
The lecture argues against three ways that mentioned in the reading passage, which can slow the population of the cane toad, a species introduced to Australian.

The reading passage says that establishing a national fence can protect the areas (that the cane toads do not control限定修饰不太明确). But the professor points that their eggs can be carried by rivers or streams from one side to the other, and only a few young toads or eggs can through(can后面加介词?) the fence, they can grow a species(连词在哪..).

Second, the professor maintains that recruiting a list of volunteers to catch the cane toads which is a view of the reading passage is also not an effective measure. (untrained) olunteers often do not distinguish between cane toads and native frogs(在幼年时期).  And they may kill both animals. (最好加上native frogs are endangered)

Third and last, the reading passage’s measure is using a virus to hinder the growth of cane toads. And (和前面合并成一句话吧)the virus do not have (hasn't) affected to other reptiles. However, in the lecture, the professor points out that using a virus could have terrible consequences for cane toads in their original habitat. That is a disaster for those continents(最终破坏生态平衡). (内容有些简略 有时间可以把具体如何影响原产地解释一下 感觉听力说的挺详细的)

Main point: 提供了三个控制蔗蜍数量的方法
Sub point 1: 建立全国范围性的围栏
Sub point 2: 组织志愿者抓
Sub point 3: 研制某种特殊病毒,阻碍蔗蜍的成熟和繁殖

Main point: 三个方法是无效甚至只有害的
Sub point 1: 蔗蜍的蝌蚪和卵可以通过流水穿过围栏,方法无效
Sub point 2: 尽管志愿者可以抓到蔗蜍,但是可能会错抓当地濒危的原产青蛙
Sub point 3: 使用病毒可能会破坏蔗蜍原产地中南美洲的生态平衡

 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-14 12:49:50 | 只看该作者
9.11 独立    你是某门课程的大牛,朋友有问题找你解决好还是找tutor好
I would suggest that my friends shouldnever turn to a tutor.

In the first place, it costs a large sum ofmoney and is time-consuming. Tutoring for students has become a major business,especially in China, where is the profit-driven businessmen, seeing thatstudents and parents are desperate in improving their scores in exams, set upastronomical high fees for tutoring.  Typicallyin Beijing, a renowned local cramming school asks for six hundred China Yuanper hour for personalized tutoring. In contrast, I can offer a help in this subjectfor free of charge. Further, it is too time-consuming. To begin with, theregular commute takes time. The traffic of our city is dreadful, which takesendless time. Worse, traffic congestion is a constant nightmare. It is notunusual that people have to wait for hours if unfortunately caught in one. However,if I can tutor my friends instead, we can always use the classroom after schoolor in a library, which takes little enough time. What is more, to find asuitable tutor that can have a smooth interaction also takes time. Chances arethat my friends may spend some time getting used to interacting with the tutor.However, if I were to help, we would not have such a problem.

In addition, this is reciprocal that notonly my friends can improve their performances in this curriculum after mytutor, but I can also make progress in it. As a saying goes, teaching is thebest way to learn. In order to provide correct and efficient guidance inlearning, I have to make extra effort in improving my knowledge and skill inthis specific subject. Suppose I have to teach my friends English. Although Iexcel in English and have excellent performances in exams, it does not followthat naturally I am a suitable tutor. Solving grammar problems is notequivalent to teaching it. I have to read extra books or grammar to enhance myknowledge base so as to provide clear instruction and explanation. Also whenteaching my friends, they may raise numerous questions that I may not be ableto answer. This is hugely beneficial. For one thing, it exposes my weakness andtherefore I know where I need to make improvement. For another, it serves as areminder that I am actually not good enough.

In conclusion, considering the aforementionedbenefits, I would suggest that I offer help.

发表于 2014-9-14 22:05:32 | 只看该作者
chasedreamabc 发表于 2014-9-14 12:49
9.11 独立    你是某门课程的大牛,朋友有问题找你解决好还是找tutor好
I would suggest that my friends s ...


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