My background: 3 yr equity research + 1 yr small PE in New York. A MS in US and an undergrad in China. GMAT 750.
Applied 9/7. Interview invited 9/25. Interviewed 10/16. Interview report submitted 10/25. Admission 11/1.
Tips for CBSinterview: · It's a blind interview. They will only have yourresume and you should bring a copy. · Alumni said CBS don't invite a large # of interviewsas other top schools does, that said, if you are invited, you have a high chanceto be accepted. · Don't worry too much and over-prepare. This isnot a Job interview. It's a CHAT about YOURSELF.Most important thing is to practice and give out a polished answer. · Do to try to memorize an answer for a question.Just be sure about a few bullet points that you want to mention for one type ofquestions, and make sure you mention them during the CONVERSTAION. · Don't act too desperate. Let them feel that youcan still do great w/o a MBA from that school. · CBS really cares about the Yield. So need todemonstrate you are committed to CBS.
Here's the interview: We met at a Starbucks in midtown after work. about 40minutes. The interviewer is a marketing guy who works at a Fortune500 FMCG company.
Questions (allvery typical questions. nothing challenged or unexpected) 1. Walk through your Resume 2. ST and LT goals 3. Back-up plan for your career 4. Why MBA 5. Why CBS 6. What differentiate you from other applicants 7. Besides the xx association you mentioned, whatother clubs you want to join? 8. Any question for me?
Good luck!!! |