Theory: the status of European women had dropped from 1300 to 1700. The women experienced from the "golden age" to the exploitation. Though the theory has not been entirely unchallenged, yet the theory still has some influences. There were three issues which showed that such transformation did happen: women’s wage, the industry women worked in, and another one. And there were data to support the point of the theory. However, the author challenged the data with three flaws: the number of the investigated women, the scope of the investigated women, and another one. Thus, the author argues that the theory was superficial, and the data only explain the situation to a minority. The theory could not state that there had been such transformation in women’s status.
what happened during 1300 to 1700 regarding the status of women? (Stay the same, while deteriorated in some aspects.)
妇女态度下降 →作者认为没有下降(三点原因)→作者对两个人的观点看法
P1. 女性地位下降很快: 讲某个人认为Medieval时期(xx年-1500年)之后,女性的地位下降的很厉害... 很多人觉得medieval时期比successing age 妇女的地位更平等. 从"golden age" 到了被剥削...又跳出来个人说是因为economics和occupation specialized造成的... P2. 作者的反驳观点: 作者说你们用XX世纪之后的现象明XX时期的情况是不对的 作者提出有三点这种理论所依赖的证据只有三点: 1) 一些妇女以前从事的工作现在不从事了; 2) 一些以前允许妇女参加的活动现在不允许了; 3) 妇女的工资低了,权力少了之类的。 然后作者又说这三点啊是表象,这个证据放到时代大背景下一看根本就说明不了妇女权益。 作者又提了三点: 1)持续时间不长; 2)上面的变化只发生在minority的妇女上而不是majority; 3)说影响不够,在那个年代妇女的地位本来就很低; 结论:最后说,与男人相比,妇女的工资啊,待遇啊什么的确实不如男人什么的,然后说但是也不能以此说明妇女地位确实不如从前了 P3. 作者反驳两个学家的观点和指出他们的不足。 说有两个2b【Daicy和Weisny】给出证据说男女平等就是那个时候最鼎盛,然后作者说尼玛你们就没有考虑一些其他因素的不足。 题目: 1. 主旨题 challenge一个theory那个 2 作者认为妇女权益在这个时期究竟发生了哪些变化? 大部分没啥变化小部分变差了(760) 3. 问作者的证据一体现了什么? 大背景下说明不了妇女权益变差 4. 谈到Short duration高亮,说明什么? were not significant。 5. 有考作者对第三段里提的两个人的观点的看法... 6. 文章第二句话的作用? 选项有反驳第一句的观点,支持前面的观点等等~是挨着第一句继续往下写的,第二句后面就是一个however 7. 持续时间不长的作用是? 说明这些change的是insignificant的。