Bengal - born writer, philosopher, and educator Rabindranath Tagore had the greatest admiration for Mohandas K. Gandhi the person and also as a politician, but Tagore had been skeptical of Gandhi's form of nationalism and his conservative opinions about India's cultural traditions
A. same B. for Mohandas K.Gandhi as a person and as a politician, but Tagore was also C. for Mohandas K.Gandhi not only as a person and as a politician, but Tagore was also D. of Mohandas K.Gandhi as a person and as also a politician, but Tagore was E. of Mohandas K.Gandhi not only as a person and as a politician, but Tagore had also been
og对于d选项的解释 admiration as it is positioned in this sentence should take the prep. for , not of, since it refers to a person 我的问题是是不是表对某个人admire才要用for,什么情况可以用of呢。因为看og的解释不像是idiom的问题-- by 会员 vividlai (2013/3/22 20:37:37)
这个idiom的问题我之前也不知道,google了就明白了,你可以试着搜索"admiration of"。 这几个典型的例句,你理解下意思,就能明白差别。 admiration of The dancer was the admiration of everyone.His energy, vision and engineering genius must excite the admiration of any engineer - it certainly did mine.
admiration for Admiration for the way in which she put the case to us. 你这道题目肯定应该用for,因为是RT崇拜Ghanti;如果用of那就是Ghanti崇拜RT,反了。当然这道题不认识idiom也能作对,是个parallelism的问题。-- by 会员 babybearmm (2013/3/23 4:01:56)
唔0 0明白了!谢谢baby姐。我就是看解释的时候不懂OG的意思,现在明白了呢!原来还有这种反过来的用法0 0! |