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北京-- Part Time MBA--有什么好的选择?长江、北大、清华...?

发表于 2011-2-26 14:32:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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不知我这种想法,又没什么其它PT MBA可选?北大 ?清华?

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-27 20:43:15 | 只看该作者
看了很多讨论上海Part time MBA的选择,没人关心北京PT的项目? :-)
发表于 2011-2-28 01:24:10 | 只看该作者
看了很多讨论上海Part time MBA的选择,没人关心北京PT的项目? :-)
-- by 会员 mtwaterbj (2011/2/27 20:43:15)

An Assistant Professor at CKGSB can easily become a full Professor at Tsinghua and Beida. You can compare the records of Brian Viard and Jing Bing with the full Professors at Tsinghua/Beida. There is no comparison.

That is why people tend not to compare Tsingha/Beida with CKGSB/CEIBS/SAIF. There are totally different.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-28 22:13:22 | 只看该作者

发表于 2011-2-28 23:32:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-1 18:29:05 | 只看该作者
看了很多讨论上海Part time MBA的选择,没人关心北京PT的项目? :-)
-- by 会员 mtwaterbj (2011/2/27 20:43:15)

An Assistant Professor at CKGSB can easily become a full Professor at Tsinghua and Beida. You can compare the records of Brian Viard and Jing Bing with the full Professors at Tsinghua/Beida. There is no comparison.

That is why people tend not to compare Tsingha/Beida with CKGSB/CEIBS/SAIF. There are totally different.
-- by 会员 michael1999 (2011/2/28 1:24:10)

Yes and No, a common professor from Beida can easily become the Dean of CKGSB.
FYI. And I think no one in CKGSB can be compared to David Li .
发表于 2011-3-1 23:13:23 | 只看该作者
看了很多讨论上海Part time MBA的选择,没人关心北京PT的项目? :-)
-- by 会员 mtwaterbj (2011/2/27 20:43:15)

An Assistant Professor at CKGSB can easily become a full Professor at Tsinghua and Beida. You can compare the records of Brian Viard and Jing Bing with the full Professors at Tsinghua/Beida. There is no comparison.

That is why people tend not to compare Tsingha/Beida with CKGSB/CEIBS/SAIF. There are totally different.
-- by 会员 michael1999 (2011/2/28 1:24:10)

Yes and No, a common professor from Beida can easily become the Dean of CKGSB.
FYI. And I think no one in CKGSB can be compared to David Li .
-- by 会员 refish (2011/3/1 18:29:05)

Deans usually do not need to have a strong academic record but Professors do.  
In Chinese schools within the system, Deans have lots of power but in top international business schools,
faculties have more power. If you look at their academic imact, Henry Cao, Jun Liu, Mei Jianping, chen long and Zhou Chunsheng  are much better known. However, in China, David Li is well known because of his close relationship with the government and the fact he always say things that the government wants to hear.
This way he gains more power but loses independence as a scholar.
There is on exception in Tsinghua: your Dean Qian Yingyi is a fantastic scholar.

For your reference, you can check google scholar for these scholars.
In my view, scholars should be judged by their scholarship, not by media.
The following is a list of papers with google scholar citation above 100 for the various scholars.  钱颖一is the leader with 7. It is followed by 刘俊 (6), 曹辉宁(4),梅建平 (4),周春生(4),蔡洪滨(3),陈龙 (2) and  李稻葵is the last with 2. David Li is a good scholar but his main contribution is in economics, not finance.
He did publish some papers in finance journals but without much impact. Before David Li joined Tsinghua, he was a tenured Associate Professor in economics at HKUST, not in finance.

You can try on your own and do the same analysis with SAIF/CEIBS, Beida, Antai and Fudan. You will find that only SAIF/CEIBS/CKGSB can be viewed as having international standards in terms of research while schools within the system hiring people using domestic standards.

This is not to say that Tsinghau and Beida do not have any good faculties. However on average, they are not competing internationally. Some exceptions are Qian Yingyi, Cai Hongbin and Li Daokui. 体制内学校教授在中国有更多的话语权, 并不是因为他们的学术比长江/高金/中欧 教授有影响, 而是因为中国垄断的媒体资源偏向体制内学校。 在金融学界, 学术最有影响力的是高金院长王江, 可惜媒体上很少有他。

Henry Cao, 曹辉宁
International portfolio investment flows
…, HH Cao - Journal of Finance, 1997 - JSTOR
International Portfolio Investment Flows MICHAEL J. BRENNAN and H. HENRYCAO*
ABSTRACT This article develops a model of international equity ...
被引用次数:636 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 11 个版本

K Back, CH Cao… - The Journal of Finance, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT We analyze competition among informed traders in the continuous-time Kyle
~1985! model, as Foster and Viswanathan ~1996! do in discrete time. We explic- itly describe
the unique linear equilibrium when signals are imperfectly cor- related and confirm the ...
被引用次数:155 - 相关文章 - 所有 10 个版本

Inventory information 中的 [PDF]HH Cao, RK Lyons… - NBER Working Paper, 2003 -
... H. HenryCao Richard K. Lyons ... Department of Finance Berkeley, CA 94720-1900 ... Chapel Hill,
NC 27599-3490 Martin DD Evans Department of Economics Georgetown
University Washington DC 20057 and NBER Page 4. 1 ...
被引用次数:105 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 24 个版本

Information, trade, and derivative securities

…, HH Cao - Review of Financial Studies, 1996 - Soc Financial Studies
... and Derivative Securities Michael J. Brennan University of California, Los Angeles, and London
Business School H. HenryCao University of ... at seminars at the University of British Columbia,
University of Lausanne, со Duke University, Norwegian School of Economics, and the ...
被引用次数:101 -,39" target="_blank">相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 10 个版本

Jun Liu, 刘俊, 长江教授

Portfolio selection in stochastic environments 中的 [PDF]J Liu - Review of Financial Studies, 2007 - Soc Financial Studies
...JunLiu University of California, San Diego Address correspondence to JunLiu, The Rady
School of Management, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr, MC 0093, Pepper Canyon Hall, Room 320,
San Diego, CA 92130-0093, or e-mail: junliu{at} Abstract. ...
被引用次数:267 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 19 个版本

Losing money on arbitrage: Optimal dynamic portfolio choice in markets with arbitrage opportunities 中的 [PDF]J Liu… - Review of Financial Studies, 2004 - Soc Financial Studies
...JunLiu UCLA ... One of the foundational principles of financial economics is that arbitrages cannot
exist in securities markets. ... The reason for this is inherent in the corporate finance of the investment
industry in which secured lending is the dominant type of debt contract. ...
被引用次数:157 - 相关文章 - 所有 22 个版本

Paper millionaires: how valuable is stock to a stockholder who is restricted from selling it?* 1 中的 [PDF]M Kahl, J Liu… - Journal of Financial Economics, 2003 - Elsevier
... Journal of Financial Economics Volume 67, Issue 3, March 2003, Pages 385-410. ... 1. Matthias
Kahl, JunLiu and Francis A. Longstaff Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The
Corresponding ... This analysis also has implications for several areas in corporate finance. ...
被引用次数:125 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 27 个版本

Dynamic derivative strategies* 1 中的 [PDF]J Liu… - Journal of Financial Economics, 2003 - Elsevier
...Economics Volume 69, Issue 3, September 2003, Pages 401-430. doi:10.1016/S0304-405X(
03)00118-1 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright © 2003 Elsevier BV All rights reserved.
Cited By in Scopus (24). Permissions & Reprints. Dynamic derivative strategies *1. JunLiu a ...
被引用次数:117 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 39 个版本

Why stocks may disappoint 中的 [PDF]…, G Bekaert, J Liu - Journal of Financial Economics, 2005 - Elsevier
... Journal of Financial Economics Volume 76, Issue 3, June 2005, Pages 471-508. ... preferences
cannot resolve these puzzles, since they cannot generate non-participation at any level of risk
aversion, except in the presence of large transactions costs (see Liu and Loewenstein ...
被引用次数:128 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 31 个版本

An equilibrium model of rare-event premia and its implication for option smirks 中的 [PDF]J Liu, J Pan… - Review of Financial Studies, 2005 - Soc Financial Studies
... 18, No. 1 © 2005 The Society for Financial Studies; all rights reserved. An Equilibrium Model
of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks. JunLiu Anderson School at UCLA
Jun Pan MIT Sloan School of Management, CCFR and NBER. ...
被引用次数:130 - 相关文章 - 所有 45 个版本

Jianping Mei, 梅建平, 长江教授

The predictability of returns on equity REITs and their co-movement with other assets
…, J Mei - The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1992 - Springer
Recent evidence suggests that the variation in the expected excess returns is predictable and
arises from changes in business conditions. Using a multifactor latent variable model with
time-varying risk premiums, we decom- pose excess returns into expected and ...
被引用次数:184 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 5 个版本

Where do betas come from? Asset price dynamics and the sources of systematic risk 中的 [PDF]…, J Mei - Review of Financial Studies, 1993 - Soc Financial Studies
... Address correspondence to Jianping Mei, Department of Finance, Stern School of Business,
New York University, 44 West ... to decompose this beta as follows: Cov(êrf,,/J Cov(ê?/J
Cov(èe?/J Q. О ... The Review of Financial Studies / v 6n 3 1993 Equations (6) and (8) give the basic ...
被引用次数:141 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 14 个版本

Measuring international economic linkages with stock market data 中的 [PDF]…, J Mei - Journal of Finance, 1996 - JSTOR
... JOHN AMMER and JIANPING MEI* ABSTRACT This article develops a new framework for
measuring financial and real economic linkages between countries. ... Page 4. 1746 The Journal
of Finance... t+,= (Et+,- Et) E piAdt+?+j - E pirt++j - E piet+l+j (1) j=O j=O j=1 ...
被引用次数:121 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 15 个版本

Art as an investment and the underperformance of masterpieces 中的 [TXT]J Mei… - American Economic Review, 2002 - JSTOR
... By JIANPING MEI AND MICHAEL MOSES ... As a result, we have a significant increase in the number
of repeated sales compared to earlier studies by William J. Baumol (1986) and William N.
Goetzmann (1993).' For ... to those of traditional financial assets, such as stocks and bonds ...
被引用次数:104 - 相关文章 - 所有 25 个版本

David Li, 李稻葵

A Multitask Theory of State Enterprise Reform* 1 中的 [PDF]CE Bai, DD Li, Z Tao… - Journal of Comparative Economics, 2000 - Elsevier
During transition, maintaining employment and providing a social safety net to the unemployed
are important to social stability, which in turn is crucial for the productivity of the whole
economy. Because independent institutions for social safety are lacking and firms with ...
被引用次数:129 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 47 个版本

A theory of ambiguous property rights in transition economies: the case of the Chinese non-state sector 中的 [PDF]DD Li - 1996 -
... OF MICHIGAN BUSINESS SCHOOL A Theory of Ambiguous Property Rights in Transition
Economies: The Case of the Chinese Non-State Sector by David D. Li Working Paper Number
8 June 1996 Comments Welcome David D. Li, Assistant Professor of Economics at the ...
被引用次数:198 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 16 个版本

Zhou Chunsheng, 周春生, 长江教授

The illusory nature of momentum profits* 1 中的 [PDF]…, MJ Schill, C Zhou - Journal of Financial Economics, 2004 - Elsevier
Our paper re-examines the profitability of relative strength or momentum trading strategies (buying
past strong performers and selling past weak performers). We find that standard relative strength
strategies require frequent trading in disproportionately high cost securities such that ...
被引用次数:258 - 相关文章 - 所有 18 个版本

The term structure of credit spreads with jump risk 中的 [PDF]C Zhou - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2001 - Elsevier
... Figures/Tables. Figures/Tables - selected. References. References - selected. Journal of Banking
& Finance Volume 25, Issue 11, November 2001, Pages 2015-2040. ...ChunshengZhou
Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author. ...
被引用次数:289 - 相关文章 - 所有 15 个版本

A jump-diffusion approach to modeling credit risk and valuing defaultable securities 中的 [PDF]C Zhou -
... Valuing Defaultable Securities ChunshengZhou y March 1997 ... diffusion approach
predicts that the term structure of credit spreads should always start at zero and slope
upward for firms that are not currently in financial distress, but the ...
被引用次数:271 - 相关文章 - 所有 12 个版本

Credit derivatives in banking: Useful tools for managing risk?* 1 中的 [PDF]…, C Zhou - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2001 - Elsevier
...Journal of Monetary Economics Volume 48, Issue 1, August 2001, Pages 25-54. ... Corresponding
Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , a and ChunshengZhou b. ... to
others, reducing the likelihood that defaulting loans trigger the bank's financial distress. ...
被引用次数:160 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 28 个版本

Chen Long, 陈龙, 长江教授

Corporate yield spreads and bond liquidity 中的 [PDF]L Chen, DA Lesmond… - The Journal of Finance, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
... Volume 62, Issue 1, pages 119–149, February 2007. Additional Information. How to Cite. CHEN,
L., LESMOND, DA and WEI, J. (2007), Corporate Yield Spreads and Bond Liquidity. The Journal
of Finance, 62: 119–149. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2007.01203.x. Publication History ...
被引用次数:261 - 相关文章 - 所有 21 个版本

On the relation between the credit spread puzzle and the equity premium puzzle 中的 [PDF]L Chen, P Collin-Dufresne… - Review of Financial …, 2009 - Soc Financial Studies
... of the journal. Add to My Personal Archive. Download to citation manager. Request Permissions.
Google Scholar. Articles by Chen, L. Articles by Goldstein, RS. Social Bookmarking. ... The Author
2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Society for Financial...
被引用次数:100 - 相关文章 - 所有 27 个版本

Qian YY, 钱颖一,清华院长

Regional decentralization and fiscal incentives: Federalism, Chinese style 中的 [PDF]H Jin, Y Qian… - Journal of Public Economics, 2005 - Elsevier
Aligning the interests of local governments with market development is an important issue for
developing and transition economies. Using a panel data set from China, we investigate the
relationship between provincial government's fiscal incentives and provincial market ...
被引用次数:364 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 35 个版本

From federalism, Chinese style to privatization, Chinese style 中的 [PDF]Y Cao, Y Qian… - Economics of Transition, 1999 -
In 1995, China began a profound reform of its state-owned enterprises. We first describe and
characterize this progress in two areas: privatization of small state- owned enterprises at the
county level and mass lay-offs of excess state workers at the city level. Local governments ...
被引用次数:242 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 25 个版本

Why China's economic reforms differ: the M‐form hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non‐state sector 中的 [PDF]Y Qian… - Economics of Transition, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
Recently, there has been a revived interest among economists in China's economic reforms.
Since 1979, economic reforms in China have generated a significant growth across the
board: the overall performance of the Chinese economy has been better than its own past ...
被引用次数:273 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 21 个版本

Insecure Property Rights and Government Ownership of Firms* 中的 [PDF]…, Y Qian - Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998 - MIT Press
We develop a theory of the ownership of firms in an environment without secure property rights
against state encroachment. ''Private ownership'' leads to excessive revenue hiding, and ''state
ownership'' (ie, national government owner- ship) fails to provide incentives for managers ...
被引用次数:239 - 相关文章 - 图书馆搜索 - 所有 23 个版本

Federalism as a commitment to perserving market incentives 中的 [PDF]Y Qian… - The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1997 - JSTOR
... Preserving markets requires that the state * Yingyi Qian is Assistant Professor of Economics,
and Bariy R. Weingast is Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, and Ward C. Krebs Family Professor
of Political Science, all at Stanford University, Stanford, California. Page 2. ...
被引用次数:642 - 相关文章 - 所有 15 个版本

Public Versus Private Ownership of Firms: Evidence from Rural China* 中的 [PDF]…, Y Qian - Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998 - MIT Press
Why are many of China's successful rural enterprises publically owned by local
communities? Using a set of provincial data, we find that the share of community public firms
(Township-Village Enterprises, or TVEs) relative to private enterprises is higher where the ...
被引用次数:153 - 相关文章 - 所有 19 个版本

Enterprise reform in China: Agency problems and political control 中的 [PDF]Y Qian - Economics of Transition, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
The past reforms of state-owned enterprises in China delegated many effective control rights
to managers while maintaining ultimate control rights for the Party and government. The result
is that either the agency costs are high because managers lack accountability or the ...
被引用次数:128 - 相关文章 - 所有 8 个版本

Complementarities, momentum, and the evolution of modern manufacturing 中的 [PDF]P Milgrom, Y Qian… - The American Economic Review, 1991 - JSTOR
... Department of Economics (Milgrom and Qian) and Graduate ... 2 PATH DEPENDENCE IN
ECONOMICS 85 ... inputs and the variables x? = (xm?i,. . ., Xm+,n) denote the other core decision
variables, and finally on various variables outside the core group and denoted by {y'(t); 1 < i ...
被引用次数:161 - 相关文章 - 所有 12 个版本

[PDF]The institutional foundations of China's market transition 中的 [PDF]Y Qian - Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, 1999 -
This paper intends to properly account for China's two decades of market transition by examining
its institutional foundations. The journey of transition is analyzed as a two-stage process. In the
first stage (1978- 93), the system was reformed to unleash the standard forces of ...
被引用次数:154 - 相关文章 - HTML 版 - 所有 12 个版本

Cai Hongbin, 蔡洪滨, 光华院长

Capital budgeting and compensation with asymmetric information and moral hazard* 1 中的 [PDF]AE Bernardo, H Cai… - Journal of Financial Economics, 2001 - Elsevier
We consider optimal capital allocation and managerial compensation mechanisms for decentralized
firms when division managers have an incentive to misrepresent project quality and to minimize
privately costly but value-enhancing effort. We show that in the optimal mechanism firms ...
被引用次数:115 - 相关文章 - 所有 18 个版本

Does competition for capital discipline governments? Decentralization, globalization, and public policy 中的 [PDF]H Cai… - American Economic Review, 2005 - JSTOR
...Cai: Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles, Box 951477, Los Angeles,
CA 90095 (e-mail: ... John H. Cumberland (1981) argued that inter- jurisdictional
competition to attract business investment weakens environmental standards. ...
被引用次数:105 - 相关文章 - 所有 23 个版本

State corroding federalism 中的 [PDF]H Cai… - Journal of Public Economics, 2004 - Elsevier
... Hongbin Cai a and Daniel Treisman Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The
Corresponding Author , b. ... On the other hand, when β 0 <H(a, b, A, λ, K), tax collection at ... Moreover,
to finance higher corrupt consumption it needs to increase tax collection effort and the ...
被引用次数:124 - 相关文章 - 所有 18 个版本

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