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求救!强力挑战思维!看了100遍也没懂!prep1 essay2

发表于 2010-10-2 23:26:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
prep1 essay2
Essay #2.  066  (21346-!-item-!-188;#058&00066-00)

The general density dependence model can be applied to explain the founding of specialist firms (those attempting to serve a narrow target market).  According to this model, specialist foundings hinge on the interplay between legitimation and competitive forces, both of which are functions of the density (total number) of firms in a particular specialist population.  Legitimation occurs as a new type of firm moves from being viewed as unfamiliar to being viewed as a natural way to organize.  At low density levels, each founding increases legitimation, reducing barriers to entry and easing subsequent foundings.  Competition occurs because the resources that firms seek--customers, suppliers, and employees--are limited, but as long as density is low relative to plentiful resources, the addition of another firm has a negligible impact on the intensity of competition.  At high density levels, however, competitive effects outweigh legitimation effects, discouraging foundings.  The more numerous the competitors, the fiercer the competition will be and the smaller will be the incentive for new firms to enter the field.

While several studies have found a significant correspondence between the density dependence model and actual patterns of foundings, other studies have found patterns not consistent with the model.  A possible explanation for this inconsistency is that legitimation and competitive forces transcend national boundaries, while studies typically restrict their analysis to the national level.  Thus a national-level analysis can understate the true legitimation and competitive forces as well as the number of foundings in an industry that is internationally integrated. Many industries are or are becoming international, and since media and information easily cross national borders, so should legitimation and its effects on overseas foundings.  For example, if a type of firm becomes established in the United States, that information transcends borders, reduces uncertainties, and helps foundings of that type of firm in other countries.  Even within national contexts, studies have found more support for the density dependence model when they employ broader geographic units of analysis--for example, finding that the model's operation is seen more clearly at the state and national levels than at city levels.

其他的研究发现有的情况不符合模型。这个矛盾的一种可能的解释是,legitimation和竞争力超出了国家界限,然而之前的研究把分析限制在了国家范围内。所以国家范围内的研究会忽略真正的legitimation和竞争力,以及国际化产业的公司数。很多产业正在国际化,并且自从媒体和信息很容易在国家间流通,legitimation和它的影响会作用到国际上公司的成立。比如,如果一个公司在美国建立,这个信息穿过国界,减少了不确定性,并且帮助了其他国家这种公司的建立。即使在国家范围内,研究发现 当使用更宽阔的地域范围时 更能有效支持density dependence model,比如,发现模型 在州和国家范围的应该 比在 城市里应用更清晰有效。

这个模型在 ”美国范围内“ 是成立的。但在”国际范围内“不成立,因为忽略了国际化的影响,此时 ”国际范围 是 比 美国国内范围地域 更大“。
所以:地域范围大  导致 模型不成立
可是 结尾又说,模型 ”在州和国家范围“ 比 “在城市范围里” 更有效
 为什么这个时候,地域范围大 却使模型更有效呢?


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发表于 2010-10-3 09:56:06 | 只看该作者
顶 等待NN
发表于 2010-10-3 14:10:33 | 只看该作者
第二段一开头就说了两种不同的研究结果,并且作者自己给出解释认为不consistent的原因可能是有些研究仅仅局限于国内模型,没有考虑到更大范围的国际模型,因为竞争的概念在很多行业已经扩展到了国际范围。这句话给出了一个基调就是模型应该包含的范围越广越好,因此后面给出结论national level比city level更准确的反应dependency和founding之间的联系。

发表于 2012-2-29 23:04:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-1 00:31:28 | 只看该作者
#1p, The model on the national-level.
#2p, The model is not accurately consistent with the cases in International-level and city-level.
发表于 2012-3-1 17:23:26 | 只看该作者
这篇文章非常接近现在真实的考试, 一个生词都没有, 看似讲的就是普通商业的一个论题, 但我读完无感, 觉得比什么黑人女人地位, 生物天文, 但起码有不同的人出来说观点之类的要难, 在考试现场会麻爪
发表于 2012-3-1 17:42:19 | 只看该作者
花了严重超时的时间读完了, 现在看懂了,。。hrmmm。。。。
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