以下是引用sharemydream在2009-4-4 15:36:00的发言: hi,
I see that there are some people are asking the question about the MBA school in Australia and there is very limited related information in this forum. I have similar problem when I applied 1 year ago. The purpose of this column is simple: to help CDers who are interested in studying in Australia to get to know more about this school, students life, the coutry, weather and of course, the job placement.
Finally have current students to take questions. Thanks to sharemydream. 先问一个目前可能是大家最关注的问题,就是就业的问题。08年毕业生就业情况如何?而08年intake的,如果是15个月的program,目前也是找工作或者是intership的时候了,情况如何? 另外就是获得奖学金的机会大吗?3名中国学生其中有获奖的吗? AGSM 和 MBS比较,各有什么特点呢?通过其他方式联系上一个正在MBS的中国学生(08年september 入学,3 out of 45 是中国学生),跟我说这两个program都是australia最好的了,选上哪个都不会后悔。可是还是想知道各自的特点。看placement统计,好像MBS更受consulting的欢迎,不知道是否如此。 目前就这几个问题,以后想到再问吧。 谢谢。 |