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发表于 2003-10-1 20:57:00 | 只看该作者



1. 此20套题是新东方参考国外TOEFL培训资料及TOEFL部分真题而设计的模拟考题,不要太留意出题点和选项答案。
2. 时间紧张的考友,没有必要花时间于此。
3. 对于有时间,并希望扩大听力范围的人,可以此作为泛听教材,尤其是长段子。
4. 我是用了4.5天时间泛听了一遍。



1    you’ll get the hang of it, 你会掌握它的用法/方法
2    I’m not sure what I’m in mood for? 我不知道我喜欢哪个?
3    Let’s flip for it, 掷币决定吧
4    He seems to have got the hang of thing in no time, 他学东西很快
5    That will be a rare treat, 那可是少有的
6    It wouldn’t hurt to do sth. 做也没害处
7    it’s sure to pay off.,一定有回报的
8    He’s just weary, 他只是累了
9    Things are a little on hold right now, 事情有些疆住了,卡住了
10    We can try but I think we haven’t got a hope in hell, 可以试试,但毕竟还没有希望
11    I think I’ll get it a miss.,我想我不去
12    I don't want to nag at you,我不想唠叨烦你
13    from what’s been going around, 看起来
14    Gregory’s no slouch at physics, G的物理很好, no slouch: good at
15    are very cramped,非常狭小
16    But I swear, 但我敢说
17    It will be a cinch,    很容易,easy to do sth
18    hold you tongue about sb.,不要闲话某人
19    things get kind of our of hand,事情有些失手,失控
20    I’m not fussy, 我不是爱挑剔
21    there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. 没办法的事
22    It is fair to say that, 可以公平地说
23    Help me digest the day,帮我打发时间
24    Any light, so far, at the end of the tunnel? 到目前为止,有希望了吗?
25    I guess if I can only bring myself,  I’ll give it a miss.如果只能自己去,那就不去了
26    That store  folded a while back. 那个商店不久前倒闭关门了
27    You’ll have some breathing space, 有些喘息的空间
28    would not think twice.  不用重新考虑
29    He is really nuts.他是真的发疯了
30    It’s pretty fake.太假了
31    She was a bit tight-lipped about it.她嘴很严
32    It was make at the spur of the moment. 一时冲动而为
33    I heard the turnout wasn’t that good for sth. 结果不妙啊
34    Have a word with sb.=to talk with sb.
35    That’s the spirit. 那就太好了
36    rave about it , 赞不绝口
37    we’re just plain right getting ripped off.,我们就是被敲诈了
38    I’ve already taken care of it. 我已做好了
39    They are long gone.他们早就不在了
40    But I’ve got a hunch that..但我也一种预感
41    I’m feeling so restless. I’ve an inkling my migraine is coming.我感觉不安,有预感是偏头疼来了
42    they are gearing up to do sth. = they are going to do sth.
43    no sweat. 别紧张
44    I thought of going for a bite. 我想去吃点东西
45    Getting yourself hooked isn’t exactly the solution. (喝咖啡)上瘾总不是解决办法吧
46    Flattery will get you nowhere. 说好听可没用
47    Was she always so demanding? 她总是很苛刻吗?
48    dock my marks,扣我的分
49    Jerry always has had a way with words. J总是很能说的
50    I’m glad we could have this time to clear the air. to clear the air,消除误会
51    The tickets are moving like wildfire, 票卖得很快
52    what a flop ,多失败啊, It must be a blow to his ego.很打击他
53    walk before you run,准备好了再做
54    I can help chip in a few more,我能捐助一些,chip in 捐献
55    I’m not wild about it 我不是太喜欢
56    That’ the way things work over there. 那是做事的程序啊
57    are in the dark about sth. 不清楚
58    are you a miser? 太小气了吧?
59    give it a shot=have a try
60    closed for good. 永远关门
61    You must regret buying such a lemon,必然后悔
62    words does get around, doesn’t it? 话都传开了?
63    I hear the hockey game was packed. 我听说曲棍球比赛,人都堆满了
64    She isn’t keen me on always spending time at school. 她不喜欢我总待在学校
65    what a clash, 好大的冲突,比如日程安排太多
66    It really hinges on sth.=It really depend on sth.
67    that’s the kind of news I can live with, 那是我喜欢的消息
68    Children are often hooked, 小孩子们常常上瘾
69    this will be all settled without a hitch.能解决,没有问题

1    What’s ironic is that you seldom attend the lecture /It is ironic that..
2    You know yourself what it takes to do sth.
3    That's the trend these days.
4    if I didn’t have a phobia against fast rapids. phobia/恐惧症
5    I keep forgetting the lines. lines/台词
6    since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden
7    The campus is lively and close-knit, 校园是生动而紧凑的
8    I am honored to be here to do sth.
9    Was your foot I just stepped on?踩你的脚了吗?
10    This cover is torn now. Must have got the way from carrying it around.
11    With a little tape it should look like new,用胶带粘一下就像新的
12    Your debating team has reached the final
13    I’m work night shift today,今天上夜班
14    many people have the notion that.. 很多人以为….(通常是不正确的观点)
15    I grab my wallet,拿钱包
16    I hope you can provide a bit of free room in you schedule.我希望你有时间
17    the amount they ask for , 要的价钱
18    When does he want us to come back on this? 他要我们什么时候回答?
19    I promised my folks to visit them. 我答应我的朋友(亲属)去拜访他们
20    myths we need to clear up,要澄清的神话/谜
21    be propagated in history,在历史上被广为宣传
22    the word democracy had an unsavory connotation., 民主一词有让人讨厌的含义
23    defy easy definition, 难于下定义
24    That’s better than what half of us got.
25    remains intact, = remains unchanged
26    be somewhat blurry
27    with an aim only to do sth.
28    Didn’t a hotline number come with it?
29    I will give this feedback to our technician. 我把意见反馈给技术人员
30    Our apologies for you inconvenience.
31    We’ll just have to roll up our sleeves and hope for the best.
32    Do you think the behavior of sb. is a bit extreme?
33    certainly a 180_degree change from his previous style. 180度的大转弯
34    I realized I’ve no talent for drawing.我觉得我没有绘画天赋
35    you’ve no doubt heard about it.你无疑听过
36    until something unfair occurs to them.
37    it seems you were in the minority. 看来你是少数
38    key all this into the computer,输入电脑
39    ask for a express one要求办特快
40    sue him for infringement and libel,起诉他侵权和诽谤
41    It’s really too murky. 太黑了
42    You can argue with him till you are blue in the face. Where did it get you?
43    give me your seat for a sec.,让我坐下来
44    we may still have some bad blood over the last argument, 上次争论后,还有怨恨
45    was hinting too much ,暗示很多
46    have detrimental effects on sth.,
47    Have you decide on the venue for the next meeting?  venue,会议地点,
48    that’s an awfully spiffy coat for a casual party like this.对这样的非正式聚会来说,那外套也太漂亮了吧
49    gave the burgeoning U.S. economy a fresh pool of motivated cheap labor.,

1    the latest model
2    dresser/化妆台
3    sinus/鼻窦炎
4    maneuver 机动
5    give it a shot/ 试一试
6    decent guidance/正规的指导
7    progressively escalate/日益,不断升级
8    become so pervasive/变得如此流行
9    permeate/渗透
10    stress, distress/压力,痛苦
11    optimal performance/最佳表现
12    to make melodious music发出优悦之音
13    in the pursuit of
14    learning how to harness stress, 学习如何利用压力
15    rather than self-destructive
16    inseparability,不可分离性
17    canal,运河
18    plank-road,早期的厚木板路
19    was aided by sth./sb.
20    two unique features
21    student-faculty ratio, 师生率
22    information-driven economy
23    the romance or horror show, 浪漫片,恐怖片
24    my psych prof,我的心理学教授
25    Monday blues 星期一忧郁症
26    if only ,真希望
27    Dean,院长
28    loan book = borrow book
29    puffy eyes, 肿胀的双眼
30    chimpanzee, ape, orangutan, primate, 猩猩,猿,猩猩,灵长类的动物
31    tickling, 挠痒
32    deprives them of speech,
33    it’s noteworthy that…,
34    the threat of
35    occurs almost exclusively during physical contact,只发生在身体接触时
36    grooming, (动物的)修饰毛发
37    depression and chronic back pain, 沮丧和慢性背痛
38    caldera,火山口
39    in the south Aegean Sea,南爱琴海(地中海的一部分,在希腊和土尔其之间)
40    in the later Bronze Age, 后铜器时代
41    rip off ,敲诈
42    twinkle,闪烁, 眨眼
43    binocular, 用两眼的
44    constellation pattern,星座形状
45    new Republic,
46    the framer of sth., 的制定者
47    a weak and worthless fabric
48    mob rule, 暴民统治
49    stopgap measure,暂时/权益的措施
50    zigzag, Z字形
51    at dawn and dusk,在黎明和黄昏
52    dorm monitor,宿舍监管员
53    go bugs,失去理智; 发疯
54    sushi bar,寿司馆
55    convicted felons, 罪犯
56    the structure of federalism, 联邦制度
57    instinct, 本能
58    grape-vine gossip,闲话
59    The brainy student, 聪明的学生
60    originality,创意, 新奇
61    nonsensical,无意义的
62    without any hitches, 没有问题
63    heartbeat and respiratory rate
64    allay anxiety.
65    off hand, 立即
66    stereotype,  老套 cliches, 陈词
67    criminology class, 犯罪学课
68    housefly, 苍蝇
69    evolve, by natural selection, by chance, by ingenuity, 进化的三种方式
70    ingenuity, 聪明,机灵
71    nicknamed, 外号
72    a law of fluid dynamics
73    neglect,
74    vandalism,故意破坏艺术的行为
75    restoration,恢复
76    boycott, .联合抵制
77    assover, Pasch,Easter, Easter bunny/egg, hot cross bun,逾越节,(耶稣)复活节,复活节兔子/鸡蛋,十字面包
78    agan, Hebrew, Jewish,Christian,异教徒,希伯来人,犹太人,基督徒
79    leisure activity,
80    tolemy,托勒密(公元2世纪的古希腊天文学家、地理学家、数学家,地心说的创立者)
81    sleep deficit, sleep deprivation, 缺少睡眠
82    crosscurrent,相反的趋势
83    saucepan,长柄而有盖子的深锅
84    awesome,  可怕的
85    intimidate, 恐吓
86    sticky issue,棘手的事情
87    manes and paws, 鬃毛和脚爪
88    pollinate corps,给作物授粉
89    slaughter, death toll ,屠杀,丧钟
90    sanctuary, 避难所
91    trounce,痛击
92    a flat tax,平房税
93    tag alone,紧随
94    on short notice,忽然; 急忙
95    gusty wind, 阵风
96    deplete, jeopardized,  mortality, 耗尽,危害,死亡率
97    ocean food chain, 海洋食物链
98    appropriation,一笔 拨款
99    mourning, disarray, vandal, 悲恸,混乱,摧残艺术
100    after an acrimonious dispute,经过激烈的争论后
101    cookies, 饼干
102    entrepreneurs,企业家, 主办人
103    fin,an expensive delicacy in Asian cuisine,  鱼翅,一道巨贵的亚洲美食
104    student rec center, 学生娱乐中兴
105    out of the woods, 脱离危险
106    cast a cloud over sth.,投下阴影
107    subtle,狡猾的, 敏感的
108    outstanding fines,很重的罚款
109    chop suey,  (美式中国菜)炒杂烩菜
110    palatable =delicious
111    eternal love, holiness, chastity,
112    Saracens,撒拉逊人, 阿拉伯人的古称
113    alter = change
114    sewage treatment facilities, 污水处理设施
115    is popular as decoration.
116    backstab,以卑鄙的手段陷害
117    rainforest conservation.,热带雨林保护
118    spaghetti sauce, 意式面酱
119    to tighten the screw,拧紧螺丝
120    drumstick, 鸡腿,鼓槌形物体
121    second to none =  the best.
122    such a low turnout.
123    grateful students,受欢迎的学生
124    the Big Dipper, 长柄勺, 北斗七星, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor,大熊(星)座,小熊(星)座
125    taxidermy,动物标本剥制术,freeze-drying 冻干技术
126    labor cost,劳动力成本
127    aluminum foil, 铝箔
128    snobbery,势利
129    chef,厨师
130    leniency ,  宽大, 仁慈
131    fridge = refrigerator.
132    bountiful budget, 宽裕的预算
133    the recall system, 召回系统
134    the great industrial boom of the late 19th century,
135     the melting pot,大锅烩,形容美国人口构成
136    override, 不考虑, 践踏,
137    freebie, 免费赠品
138    Ecology, 生态学
139    arteries, 动脉
140    usurp,侵占
141    a lousy application, 恶心的
142    the Venus, sulfuric acid, 金星,硫磺酸
143    automobile junkyards,废车场
144    bail out,跳出
145    knapsack, 背包
146    diaphragm,  (电话等)振动膜
147    deregulation,
148    debacle,崩溃
149    mafia,黑手党
150    junk bond,垃圾债券
151    whopping bills, 巨大的费用
152    flesh,肉
153    superstition,.迷信
154    shift in trade direction,  贸易方向的转移
155    an old fogy institution,老掉牙的机构
156    flare up,突然发怒
157    laptop,笔记本电脑,notebook
158    indefensible,站不住脚的
159    in the sales rack on aisle B,在B通道的货架
160    lousy photocopies, 恶心的影印(效果很差)
161    on and off when I’m free.有空的时候有时
162    homogeneous/heterogeneous, 同类/异类
163    transparences of presentation. 提案的幻灯片
164 bryozoans, moss animal, aquatic organism, in colonies of interconnected individuals,encrust,

作者 Michael-wind
10.1, 2003
发表于 2003-10-1 21:16:00 | 只看该作者
thanks for your hard working, it helps a lot.
发表于 2003-10-1 21:56:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-10-2 17:46:00 | 只看该作者
so good
发表于 2003-10-2 23:29:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-10-5 02:07:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-8-14 22:29:00 | 只看该作者
thanks a lot
发表于 2004-8-14 22:49:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-8-14 22:53:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-9-26 16:36:00 | 只看该作者
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