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[梦之队日记] Lyn的备考日记 550-570-640(拿到offer 不再考了 完结)

发表于 2017-8-14 11:13:01 | 只看该作者

哈哈哈哈哈 看到“我的狗老捣乱” 噗嗤一声笑出来哈哈哈!一定要坚持,我觉得小分队和杨鹏长难句对我提升RC作用好大
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-14 18:46:23 | 只看该作者
NicholeNn 发表于 2017-8-14 11:13
哈哈哈哈哈 看到“我的狗老捣乱” 噗嗤一声笑出来哈哈哈!一定要坚持,我觉得小分队和杨鹏长难句对我提升 ...

哈哈 真的特别讨厌 东咬西咬的   
是呀 小分队真的必须得坚持!! 现在最大的问题就是读!!连SC 也卡到这块了 做题可以明显感觉到 总是有读不明白的。。。。而且就是这些做错
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-14 19:17:04 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-14 20:37:16 | 只看该作者


提前码楼 明日分析这篇帖子   因为说的是我最近的一个SC 很大的问题 ---没有形成解题步骤   比心 Nichole ... 057&fromuid=1081258

dustin 的方法其实就是分组 组内对比 我觉得分组后知道这两个的不断转换 在考什么是更难的

摘录自 dustin  

一點感想:(1) 解題流程固定的必要性有固定的解題流程,考試時看到SC眼睛不亂瞄亂掃,不會抓了一個點就要開始亂解,這樣做題速度才會穩定(實證,這套解題流程可以讓SC解題速度達到每題0.5~1min內),正確率也會穩定。進入考點較難判斷的高分區的時候,才不會進退失據,反而心態亂掉。就像是投手的姿勢要固定,投出來的球才不會有的時候好球有的時候暴投,有時快有時慢。SC真正穩住了,才能把多的時間跟心力分給RC和CR。

(2) 任何時候都不要單獨看一個選項,考點是從比較而來單獨看選項的時候會漏掉考點,影響正確率(比如修飾語擺放位置不同所造成的句意改變,單看一個選項根本看不出來)
RON也曾经说过 tiny differences 会变的很明显,当你对比选项的时候
(3) 考點層級很重要看到一個考點不要急著下去解,

我觉得句意是要看的,但是不是揪着语法看,而是了解intended meaning,RON说像读一封邮件,但是我觉得倘若读不懂则可以按dustin 的去做
(4) 不確定的點千萬不要硬解如剛剛的題目中,我們有好幾個判斷點跟層級可以走,
(5) 做好總結與歸納,才能培養判斷考點的敏銳度。解題流程只是一個策略,策略的細節操作還是需要實力。實力來自過去的總結是否確實。
这个很重要需要明确,当出现两个不同的时候得明白到底再考什么,比如brought 和which bring 出现得明白这是在考sentence structure 这些都是从做题总结的

嘻嘻 po道题目上来  OG18 新题 (按dustin 方法做一遍)
Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring fair and dry weather for several days. usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and
B.ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that usher in a seasonably cool air mass to the region, a broad area of high pressure building and
D.ushering a seasonably cool air mass in the region, with a broad area of high pressure building and usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will

1.长句,进行step 2
2.Continue to /doing 这个idioms 的问题 我根本分不清 因而拿别的分组  acd (and);be(modifier)
CD 可以直接delete 不平行
3.BE 组内PK
B  unsher in into .....redundancy  顺便可以delete A
4. E  然后就剩下E了

那倘若我看不出来 usher in into是redundancy呢 并且其实我之前确实也没看出来
退回之前的步骤 感觉平行是一个很好用的点

B.Gusty westerly winds will continue ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that bring fair and dry weather for several days.
E. Gusty westerly winds will continue  to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days.
这两个句子差异很大,B 表明这是两个动作
EX:he was struck on the road and late for work
表明这是两件事,late for work 和struck on road 没有关系 ,只是说这对他来说是两件不太好的事罢了,但是读这句话的意思,那两个动作显然有关系的,所以除去B
A Gusty westerly winds will continue to to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring dry weather for several days.
E. Gusty westerly winds will continue  to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days.
A and 连接 表两个动作 build 和bring 是两个动作
E的which 修饰的是pressure ,相比A 要合理很多。

注意这里的which 修饰的就是名词pressure 并不是gmat放宽标准可以修饰句子了,也不是倒装(之前在一个群里讨论,有个同学告诉我这是倒装结构 但是显然不是 倒装都不满足s-v agreement了)
我认为是因为high pressure which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds 这样的结构很不好,builds 离pressure 过远.而这一用法也在Manhattan里有写。其实根源还是correctly&efficiently ,当which 这个noun modifier 修饰过长时,主语谓语离得很远,理解起来就不efficiently(第一次做 靠which不能修饰一整句话 然后直接排除了 根本没多想 )
(图片里是Manhattan 的句子截图  与这个本质相同)

按照Dustin 方法,我确实还没大清楚句意 就做出题目了,并且这道题最开始我用读大意的方法,也读的不是太清楚。我觉得这个方法和读懂intended meaning 其实也不冲突,读懂就相当于使得过程更加顺畅。


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发表于 2017-8-17 14:02:00 | 只看该作者
噜啦啦biu 发表于 2017-8-14 18:46
哈哈 真的特别讨厌 东咬西咬的   
是呀 小分队真的必须得坚持!! 现在最大的问题就是读!!连SC 也卡 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-18 12:52:00 | 只看该作者
下午做题对于as well as 感到困惑 于是找到teddy姐姐的总结 感觉很好~~
PS 感觉大部分题 不用知道as well as的用法也是可以做的 但是确实也有个别一些题目 最好还是了解 ... d=663571&highlight=

1.As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as the solar wind.
(A) As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(B) Besides heat and light, also the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(C) Besides heat and light, the Sun is also the source of a continuous streaming
(D) The Sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous stream
(E) The Sun is the source of not only heat and light but, as well, of a continuous streaming
The ecosystems of barrier islands are extremely vulnerable--whether from natural processes like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or the ever-increasing pressures of development.
(A) whether from natural processes like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or
(B) whether from natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or also
(C) to processes that are natural like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, and also
(D) to processes that are natural ones like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, as well as to
(E) to natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, as well as to

3.Early administrative decisions in China’s Ming Dynasty eventually caused a drastic fall in tax revenues, a reduction in military preparedness, the collapse of the currency system, and failed to make sufficient investment in vital transportation infrastructure.

the collapse of the currency system, and failed
the collapse of the currency system, and failing
and the collapse of the currency system, also failed
the collapse of the currency system, as well as failing
and the collapse of the currency system, as well as a failure

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-18 17:08:17 | 只看该作者
NicholeNn 发表于 2017-8-17 14:02
哈哈才回复完我也遇到了语意理解问题,发现你这块也说了。而且有的时候SC的句子比RC还难理解,RC还能靠联 ...

是呀 我昨天遇到一道prep题 生词都不认识 然后做错了 但是查完之后 意思很清晰 其实是很基础的题目 就是没读懂意思
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-18 17:29:53 | 只看该作者
最近记性差的很 先把baby姐推荐的这篇文章贴上来 明天看一下谢谢 Dustin和Nichole推荐嘻嘻  先贴上来 否则可能又忘记了
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-19 12:30:30 | 只看该作者
关于 comparison  ~~~
comparision 一直都不太好  在一位前辈的贴子里找到了关于RON的解释 先去整完Manhattan 11章 过来弄这个贴子
Manhattan Prep GMAT Forum - en Ron's Advice on Comparison and Omission
我的理解是: 不要想着还原 不要想着还原 不要想着还原 单纯当平行来做题——选美比赛
摘录:[size=14.0098px]most importantly—
[size=14.0098px]for this exam, learning to WRITE comparison sentences is a complete waste of your time.

[size=14.0098px]don't forget that the problems are multiple-choice!
[size=14.0098px]rather than learning to write these sentences from scratch, you can just compare the answer choices, "beauty contest" style.

[size=14.0098px]needless to say, this is a hundred million zillion thousand times easier.
[size=14.0098px]• to write these sentences correctly on a consistent basis, you need the equivalent of a professional writer's/editor's skill set.
[size=14.0098px]• to judge "beauty contests" among answer choices, on the other hand, all you need is the simple ability to say "this looks more like X than that does".

[size=14.0098px]it's bad to waste time and effort in the first place--but even worse when you're wasting it on a technique that is way, way harder AND doesn't work as well as what you should be doing.

来自NN vivian
如果把as... as...和higher than 这两个所谓的“idioms”看作a pair,理解没有问题,因为看到第一个as,后面只能搭配as;同样,看到higher等比较级,后面只能搭配than。not so much后面只能搭配as。这是死规则。

这里是comparison和parallelism一大不同之处。both...and在parallelism看作是a pair,both和and后面的所有单词都自动归为parallel structures。但是as... as...两个as后面的成分不一定一致,注意是可以一致,但大多数情况都不一致。


1/ identify the right-hand element (= the one that follows the comparison signal)
2/ ask yourself whether this element SHOULD be part of the comparison, according to context/common sense. (There are no "omissions" here. if the stuff following the signal isn't actually compared to something else, the sentence is wrong.)
3/ if so, try to find something that matches it on the other side. if you find such a thing, you're good.
judge "beauty contests" among answer choices, on the other hand, all you need is the simple ability to say "this looks more like X than that does".

下面几道题是在 练习的时候选错的比较题
Unlike a typical automobile loan, which requires a fifteen-to twenty-percent down payment, the  lease-loan buyer is not required to make an initial deposit on the new vehicle.
A.the lease-loan buyer is not required to make
B.with lease-loan buying there is no requirement of buyers are not required to make
D.for the lease-loan buyer there is no requirement of
E.a lease-loan does not require the buyer to make

unlike a typical loan ,the lease loan .....
应该是typical loan 和leasee loan 进行对比

On a glacier in the High Himalayas, a Japanese zoologist has found a species of midge that is unlike any other known insect in its spending its entire life cycle in the snow and ice of a glacier.
A.that is unlike any other known insect in its spending
B.that is unlike any insect known as it spends
C.that, unlike any other known insect, spends
D.unlike any insect known because it spends
E.unlike any other insect that is known, spending

这道题目 并不是考察对比的
不过 a species of midge 是和any insect 形成对比的
C 是最好选项 只有将unlike XXXX 处理成插入语 才不会引起误解 并且本题本来就是后面的部分修饰midge 
后文spend .....snow and ice ...明显知道这是修饰midge 的  但是in its spending 会让人搞不清在修饰什么 BDE 的关系不对
B 同D 
D people find midge because it spendes its entire life cycle in the snow ..... 这两句话没因果关系啊
E  people find midge ,spending  ....comma ing 用的 不对

Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.
(A) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.
(B) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, which they admit they lack, many people are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
(C) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, analytical skills bring out a disinclination in many people to recognize that they are weak to a degree.
(D) Many people, willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills, are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
(E) Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.

ABC 分在一组  delete AB  应该是skills 之间的对比 暂时保留C
DE  many peopel have a disinclination 没有 people  are disinclined to 好  
      recognize 的应当是一件事  不情愿承认他们的分析能力很弱
    delete E
CD 对比
C 选项 analytical skills  bring out a disinclination to recognize  that .....  nonsencial
然后再看D 真的很不错 愿意承认一件事..不愿意承认一件事.......虽然在形式上不平行 但是语义上确实很好的平行

In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
A、In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
B、In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing its trade deficit by $500 million.
C、When compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing their trade deficit by $500 million.
D、Compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing the trade deficit by $500 million.
E、Compared to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States record exports to Mexico caused a $500 million decline in the trade deficit with that country.

那么能和trade imbalances 进行比较的是什么呢 ? US trade deficit  答案A 就出来了

In Holland, a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United States.
A In Holland, a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United States.
B In Holland they spend a larger percentage of their gross national product on defending their coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.
C A larger percentage of Holland's gross national product is spent on defending their coasts from rising seas than the United States spends on military defense.
[size=14.007px]D Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product defending its coasts from rising seas than the military defense spending of the United States.
E Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.
直接先找到比较的部分 然后就可以直接delete ABCD    E 就出来了(单纯按照vivian 给的步骤做的)当时在做这道题的时候还觉得难 于是乎瞎选了一个 但是现在看看 其实这个题目跟我前面错的基础题 1,4差不多 先找比较的部分(先从 比较marker 后面找起  类似于平行) 然后看看比较是否正确 哪个更“美”[size=14.007px]

[size=14.007px]关于D  RON的回帖
[size=14.007px]Yeah. "The military defense spending..." is a noun; there's no analogous noun in the other half of the comparison.
[size=14.007px]Even if you were to change the first part into a noun form ([size=14.0084px]...on defending its coasts...[size=14.007px]), you'd still have a nonsense sentence; in that case,[size=14.007px] you'd be implying that U.S. military defense is an item in the Dutch national budget.

帖子里 有个同学提问 见截图1 我跟那位同学一样会想把比较当省略 然后想着还原 (我一直以为是要还原的啊 而且以前看一些解析 也会还原 但我就是学不会 我以为是我脑子有问题呢 。。。额  )
RON说  不要put back in 当平行做就好了

ron讲的关于不要put back in 的帖子(已截图 见截图2
Manhattan Prep GMAT Forum - en According to a 1996 survey by the National

[size=14.007px]According to a 1996 survey by the National Association of College and University Business Officers, more than three times as many independent institutions of higher education charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year [size=14.0084px]than those that charge[size=14.007px] over $16,000.

A. than those that charge
B. than are charging
C. than to charge
D. as charge
E. as those charging
先delete ABC吧  
[size=14.007px] [size=14.007px]more than three times as ....than ???
在delete E 明显D 更好 也懒得考虑什么语法规则 在选美比赛中D赢了
[size=14.007px]more than three times as [size=14.007px]many institutions charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year as charge over $16,000.



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发表于 2017-8-19 17:08:30 | 只看该作者
噜啦啦biu 发表于 2017-8-18 17:08
是呀 我昨天遇到一道prep题 生词都不认识 然后做错了 但是查完之后 意思很清晰 其实是很基础的 ...

是的,发现最近错的很多原因其实就是阅读不过关了。。PS. 看到你提正确率,刷题检验的时候把熟悉题从分子分母里先减掉再计算的正确率会比较准~
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