作文: 考了6.3那个库的机经里的9. 投资房产 【考古】 V1: In real estateagent brochure, a real estate agent mentioned the below:
Now is the perfect time to buy a housein our city. Over the past five years, average home prices in our region havenearly doubled. But average stock prices in the national stock market haveactually declined over the same period. So homeowners have seen an increase invalue for their housing investment during the last five years that far exceedswhat they could have made by investing in the stock market. Our city’s residentcan surely achieve a similar profit over the next five years. Furthermore, ifresidents invest in a home, they can enjoy the use of the home while its valueincreases, whereas money invested in stocks would not contribute to theirquality of life in the same way that owning a home would. Therefore, all theresidents of our city should invest their money in a home. (by smile7564) 基本上是原文,我写了两点: 一all things are equal过去价格上涨,不代表未来还有优势 二casual oversimplification即便房地产市场比较乐观,难道不存在其他更优质的投资领域吗,所有的人都投在房子上太绝对了 阅读: 考到机经:二十二、【考古】专利法 二十七、【少考古】wasp黄蜂 考到一个墨西哥民族在美国的社会地位的问题。 有三段,一屏半,第一段很长,完全不记得了。第二段是说哪个种族的人,对墨西哥民族进行压制。第三段好像是说这个民族和其他民族相互渗透,共同发展。实在想不起来了。 逻辑: 机经有的:危楼(第二个),农药(第三个), 小孩写作中的创造性比表达性更重要,创造性写作可以激发很多idea,即便没有词汇和表达能力也没有影响。问哪个可以加强。 狗主选的是小孩相对成人思维更open。题目没有完全读懂,不是很肯定。 数学: 大概中了七八个。可还是有算错的, 机经我只看了一遍,看两遍应该更好。 求助求助:这样尴尬的IR成绩要重考吗? Q50,V27,650,IR2分 大龄在职狗,拿到这个成绩实属艰难。可是IR没发挥好,脑子一片空白,只有2分(最高考过6分)。请问IR重要吗?要不要重考,求助求助  