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[面试经验] 面经分享 MBA 2017 - Chicago Booth/Wharton/Stanford GSB/HBS/Berkeley Haas/MIT Sloan

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发表于 2017-4-8 09:45:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
抱歉面经放晚了,只能造福今后申请的小伙伴了。这次一共申请了六所学校,Chicago Booth / Wharton / HBS / Stanford GSB / Berkeley Haas / MIT Sloan,都在R2,非常幸运全部拿到了面试。一直都从CD上受益良多,想分享一下面经,希望能给以后的申请者带来帮助。



Chicago Booth (In with $)

On campus,45 mins, 2nd year student

Why MBA?
Why Booth?
What extracurricular activities do you plan to get involved?
What contributions can you make to the Booth community?
Tell me a failure example.
What is your biggest weakness?
Tell me a time you inspired others.
Tell me something about you that is not already in the resume. (这个题之前没有准备到,现场卡了一下)

个人感觉Booth非常看重和学校的fit以及你对学校的了解。建议尽可能熟悉和你career goal相关的资源,比如哪几门课,哪些club,哪些比赛,哪些活动。也尽量能从多个角度阐述你能给Booth带来的贡献。

Wharton (Waitlist)

On campus, 35 mins + 10 mins, 2nd year student

Team based discussion: 设计一个leadership venture的活动。

1 on 1: How I felt about the TBD? / What clubs are you interested in Wharton?

这次遇到了几个consulting和ibd的口才超级棒的队友,压力山大,我没有发挥好。感觉TBD随机的因素比较大,因为你很难预测你的队友是什么样的人。对我来说就是做好coordinator/facilitator的角色,时刻不要忘记push the agenda and make real progress。35分钟真的非常快就过去了。。如果房间里有白板尽量利用起来,做总结的时候会非常有用。

Stanford GSB (In)

Off campus, Alumni, 1 hour.

Biggest achievement.
A challenging experience.
Tell me a time when you were blocked from reaching your goal.
Any question for me?

校友是硅谷知名公司c-level所以我很紧张,四个问题问了一个小时,每个问题都挖掘的非常深,follow up了非常多的细节,尤其感兴趣其中做的很多决定的motivation是什么。我觉得要注意的是在讲故事的过程中要体现出self reflection和self awareness。面试会要求在10天之内完成,我周三收到面试通知,周四给我发邮件match了一个校友,然后那个校友居然让我周五就去面我也是醉了。。。

HBS (Waitlist)

On campus, AO, 45 mins.

Opening: 5 mins
- Weather in Boston
- Have you visited school before? What do you think of it?

Company and Industry: 25 mins
- use plain words to explain what you do at [company A].
- follow up: explain what are the "computer vision problems"?
- follow up: seems computer vision problems are universally available, how did you find them?
- follow up: how long do you spend in each stage?
- follow up: you mentioned you need to find the intersection between technology and business. How do you keep up to date with the latest industry news?
- why AI is so important to your company?
- what are your company’s competitors?
- in the field of AI who are the leaders?
- follow up: why not those AI startups?
- follow up: we focused mainly on companies in US. what about AI companies in China such as Alibaba? are they threats?
- follow up: what do you think of AI companies in India? (听到这题我也是倒抽一口凉气然后开始瞎掰。。一边说一边想下一个问题是不是会问我对Brazil的AI公司怎么看。。)
- what do you think of the Snapchat IPO? do you think it is worth the value? why? (这题很牛,Snapchat就在我面试的前一天上市的)

Other personal questions: 15 mins
- what is the best quality that accounts for your success so far?
- what do you do outside of jobs?
- clarify a detail on the resume.

可能因为我是非传统背景(engineer),非常多的关于我的行业的问题。问题很多,节奏很快,和我在class visit的感觉非常相似。感觉AO通过这样的面试形式来考察你能否顺畅简洁的在case method中贡献出你的观点。对未来的申请者有一点要注意的是,尽量早选面试时间,空位很快就会被选完。

Berkeley Haas (Waitlist)

On campus, 1st year student, 45 mins.

Walk me through your resume.
Why MBA, why Haas.
What is your biggest weakness?
Tell me a time you were a leader.
How would your colleagues describe you?
How would your friends describe you? (我在前一题把准备过的赞美之词一下子说完了,所以此处又卡了一下。。)
What type of leader do you want to become?


MIT Sloan (Waitlist)

Hub city, AO, 40 mins.

Is there anything new to your application?
Tell me a time that things did not work as expected and how you had to inspire the team.
Tell me a time you worked with multiple teams.
What is your career goal?
Why MBA? Why Sloan?
What resources do you think Sloan can help you?
What did your friends at Sloan tell you about the student body?
Anything else you want to share?
Any questions for me?

本来听说Sloan是完全不管career goal的,没有想到面试的时候也问到了。总的来说面试的节奏和问题都是比较正常的。最后问我本科有没有上过微观经济学,我说没有我本科是学EE的,囧。。。
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发表于 2017-4-8 10:07:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-4-11 18:29:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-5-4 17:21:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-5-5 10:00:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-6-2 23:19:56 | 只看该作者
thanks for sharing
发表于 2017-6-3 17:06:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-7-31 03:31:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-27 11:26:49 | 只看该作者
好几所也是我的梦校,希望今年申请能跟楼主一样拿到面试,offer. 感谢分享!
发表于 2017-8-28 01:45:20 | 只看该作者
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