大家好,这里是德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 (University of Texas at Dallas) 供应链管理硕士项目(MS in Supply Chain Management) 的官方答疑帖。我是小米,也是这个专业的在读学生,很高兴为大家服务。大家有任何关于项目本身、课程设置、入学要求、奖学金等方面的问题欢迎留言。
SCM硕士项目(MS SCM Program) http://jindal.utdallas.edu/isom/operations-scm-programs/ms-scm/
1.关于UTD MS SCM 项目 • The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (MS SCM) is a 36 semester credit hours STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program (18-24 months) at the Naveen Jindal School of Management. The program focuses on the management of business activities such as product development, sourcing, production and logistics, and the management of resources and related capabilities the organization needs to accomplish its strategic objectives.
• Enjoy 36 months of OPT/employment (international students) (36个月的OPT, H1B抽签机会是其他专业的3倍)
(学校提供CPIM - Certified in Production and Inventory Management的课程, 作为UTD的学生报名这个班只要$850的优惠价)
• Participate in reputable supply chain case competitions
(学院CareerCenter有专门为学生提供的求职培训课程, 有专业的老师教大家如何准备简历跟面试,对学生找实习和求职非常有帮助)
(项目有丰厚的奖学金 - 州内学费以及$1000奖金。每学期有自费出国短期实习可报名参加,同样提供奖学金)
2.关于UTD商学院 NAVEENJINDAL 在U.S.News2016 Best Business Schools Rankings中UTD商学院排名33
• No. 3 for Best Supply Chain& Logistics Programs in U.S., eduniversal (2015 - 2016) • No. 23 for Best Supply Chain & LogisticsPrograms Worldwide, eduniversal (2015 - 2016) • No. 10 for Supply Chain Management Programs in U.S., Gartner (2016)
3.商学院针对SCM有六大协会: • Association for Operations Management (APICS) - North Texas Chapter ( APICS致力于加强学生对专业知识的理解,学生将有机会与专业人士互动以及去相关公司参观)
• Institute for Supply Management (ISM) ( ISM致力于向本专业学生提供与供应链管理相关知识投入实际应用方法的链接)
• Supply Chain Leadership Council (SCLC) (SCLC是由供应链管理专业学生创建的组织,目标是帮助本专业学生进行知识细化及职业拓展)
• The Student Association of Lean and Six Sigma (SALSS) (SALSS是ASQ旗下达拉斯地区的组织,致力于为研究生及本科生提供关于Lean Six Sigma最前沿的知识及专业平台)
• UT Dallas - INFORMS (INFORM是面向运筹学、经营管理学以及商业分析的学生组织)
• Institute of Healthcare Improvement Open School: Dallas Chapter (IHI Open School致力于帮助学生理解医疗卫生组织如何为患者提供更高质量的服务)
4. 关于Dallas The Dallas area ishome to leading supply chain companies that are all run complex supply chains and constantlylooking for qualified professionals to manage them. In 2011, Texas rankedsecond in Top States for Business by CNBC,providing our students with significant opportunities for internship and jobplacement. - Dallas has over 900 advanced technologyfirms - Ranks 9th in USA for largest metropolitanarea - Ranks 5th in USA that has the most companyheadquarters - Ranks 2nd in the USA that has the most top500 companies
有很多公司总部都位于达拉斯: ExxonMobil, AT&T, JC Penney,Kimberly-Clark, Texas Instruments, SouthwestAirlines, Fossil, Ericsson, FedEx,UPS, HP等等。毕业学生就职于i2 Technologies, Sabre Holdings, JC Penney, Blockbuster, Frito-Lay, PepsiCo, Lockheed and Raytheon等企业。DHL, FEDEX等知名物流巨头都会来学校招人。UTD周围有900多家国际公司,达拉斯也是全美第九大经济开发区和公司总部设立的排名第五的城市。就业方面对国际生来说较有吸引力。
5.申请要求 • 申请材料: ①成绩单原件、毕业证、学位证(中英文版)
②GMAT/GRE官方成绩单 ③托福或雅思成绩 ④简历 ⑤至少一封推荐信 ⑥个人陈述 (Personal Objectives Statement)
• 在申请阶段,所有资料均可以通过网申在线提交,扫描件请提交10MB以下的PDF格式。若选择直接邮寄请邮寄地址如下:
The University of Texas at Dallas Admission and Enrollment Services 800 W Campbell Rd Richardson TX 75080-3021 • Admission Committee只有在申请者的所有材料交齐之后才开始审核,建议尽量提前提交网申并上传材料。如果在网上申请提交完成之后需要重新提交简历或推荐信等文件,可以直接将文件邮件至: JSOMGRAdvising@utdallas.edu (请务必将以20开头10位数的UTD-ID以及姓名等申请有关信息写在邮件中,确保资料正确归档)。
• 录取之后,官方成绩单原件, 包括毕业证学位证(信封密封,密封处盖章),需在到达UTD之后,交到Office of Registrar注册。也可以在到学校注册前把成绩单学位证寄到UTD,地址同上。
• 申请截止日期: Term | Priority Application and Documentation Deadline (Complete Admissions Application File Due) | Regular Application and Documentation Deadline (Complete Admissions Application File Due) | Fall Full-Term | January 15 | May 1 | Spring Full-Term | May 15 | October 1 | Summer Sessions | October 15 | March 1 |
• 注意每一轮的录取截止日期。一般来说,第一轮和第二轮的录取几率较高。在官网上的国际学生的截止日期,一般都是指最后一轮的录取截止。所以立志申请奖学金的同学,请及早做好申请
• 对于申请奖学金,最佳的时机在第一与第二轮, 如果同学们在GMAT取得680及以上的分数,即可以被视为奖学金的有力申请者之一。 当然,每年的GMAT要求也在水涨船高,所以同学想申请奖学金还需要做好更多准备。
• 奖学金的使用机制(以dean’sscholarship为例):
• 请注意,奖学金需同学们自行申请,学校不会自动给予考虑。夏季入学无法申请奖学金。