大脑分区 P1:两个对立观点 19世纪,神经科学(neuroscience)有个争论(debate)。颅相学(phrenology)鼻祖Gall认为,脑部每个区域的功能都是独立(independent)的、局部(localization)的,脑中不同区域(regions of brain)决定人的不同特性(personality traits),例如某区域控制听,某区域控制说;但是, “颅相学”遭到了后人越来越多的质疑。(巴黎科学学院认为Gall的研究方法不科学。于是,学院请求实验学家Flourens来验证Gall理论的正确性。)Flourens认为Gall是伪科学(pseudoscience),且认为大脑是以整体(holistic)的方式发挥功能的(function as a whole),并不像Gall所说的那样,是由于个别特定的部位支配的。
P2:Broca临床实验支持Gall、Wernicke临床试验支持Gall 人脑功能分区早期的范例为法国外科医生Broca所发现。Broca发现自己手里患有语言障碍的病人全部患有左脑损伤。(左脑损伤部位后来称为Broca语言区,其后很多工作证明Broca区对语言的重要性)。与此同时,德国医生Wernicke的一个临床病例也发现了大脑左半球还有另一个重要的语言区域,有着控制语言理解的技能。(现在该区域就叫做Wernicke区,该区受伤会产生严重的理解力缺失。)
P3:Godlee手术继续支持Gall、第6个科学家在Gall的观点基础之上提出修正 Gall的理论始终不怎么被大家认可。1884年,Rickman J. Godlee医生做了世界上第一例脑肿瘤(brain tumor/ cerebral tumor)手术,该手术证明,大脑如果一部分受到损伤,控制语言的能力就没了。第6个科学家发现大脑不同区域会有association,信息会先由primary part 接收,再传入另一个区域处理这些信息,比如一个脑损伤的人有视觉障碍,他vision primary session区域受损,他无法识别眼前的动词,但当他用手触摸眼前的东西的时候他就能识别出来了。该理论总结就是:某些区域的损伤是会影响到多种functions,所以其实大脑虽然有localization,但又是互相配合的。(人脑功能分区并不意味着功能区域是固定的。事实上,部分区域损毁后,其他区域可以逐渐代偿。)
P1: Franz Joseph Gall is the founder ofphrenology. Phrenology, “science of the mind” assumed that mental functions arelocated in certain brain. Galls major theory was that different sections of thebrain had localized faculties. Even though Gall’s phrenology was popular withthe people of the 19th century it was widely criticized by the scientificcommunity. Pierre Flourens was perhaps Gall’s biggest critic. Flourens’research led him to the conclusion that removal of the cerebrum, while leavingthe reflexes intact, abolishes thought and volition.[10] Moreover, he concluded that the cerebrum as awhole, and not limited portions of it, is responsible for all thought andvolition. He localized various functions in the other major parts of thebrain--the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata, for example--but he said thateach part, in its turn, functioned as a whole. This theory was directed against phrenology, of course. For yearsthereafter, Flourens's view that the cerebrum functions as a whole prevailed,strengthened, if anything, by being in opposition to the phrenologists.
P2: It was not until 1861 that Paul Broca(1824-1880) the French surgeon and physical anthropologist, showed that theloss of speech in one individual was due to a lesion centering in the thirdconvolution of the left frontal lobe.[11] This was the first successful challenged to Flourens's doctrine of theunity of the cerebrum; Broca had found alocalization of function within a specific area of the cerebral cortex. More orless at the same time, a German neurologist, Carl Wernicke, discovered asimilar area in the temporal lobe, which, when lesioned, led to sensory deficitin language, i.e., the patient was unable to recognize words, although he orshe could hear sounds quite well. Wernicke thought that this area (which wasnamed after him) was connected by fiber systems to Broca's area, thus forming acomplex system responsible for understanding and talking.
P3: On November 25, 1884, Mr. Rickman J. Godlee performed thefirst recognized resection of a primary brain tumor. (暂缺)(第6个科学家暂缺)(Although phrenology is not considered areal science in modern times, the idea of brain mapping or neuroimaging is.Using modern techniques like MRI, scientists have explored different regions ofthe brain and their association with not only physical functions, but alsodifferent psychological traits. Experiments have examined which areas of thebrain “light up” when affected by outside stimuli. Lying, depression, criminalbehaviors and other traits are all believed to be linked to certain regions ofthe brain.)
补充知识: 1、 颅相学(phrenology)是什么? 答:颅相学有2层含义:第一层,大脑中的不同区域控制人体不同机能;第二层,可以通过观察一个人的头颅骨确定人的心理与特质。
2、 Gall是伪科学(pseudoscience)吗?为什么? 答:Gall的颅相学(phrenology)中的第一层含义不能被说是伪科学,想必大家从小就学习以下知识:大脑分左右两个半球,每一半球上分别有运动区、体觉区、视觉区、听觉区、联合区等神经中枢。这个是科学的;Gall的颅相学(phrenology)中的第二层含义显然就是伪科学了,类似于中国的面相术,面相术是通过一个人的面貌判断该人的性格、命运,而颅相学是通过看一个人的头颅以及头颅上的凸起区域判断判断该人的性格。
3、 文中出现了几个科学家? 答:文中共出现了6位科学家。 第一段科学家:Gall、Flourens 第二段科学家:Broca、Wernicke 第三段科学家:Godlee(也有构筑说该手术在第二段末)、Sb.
4、6个科学家观点之间的关系? 论点1:大脑不同区域决定人体不同机能 | | 论点3:大脑不同区域功能是不一样,但不同区域间不是完全孤立的,是有联系的 | | | | 实验支持者:Broca、Wernicke、Godlee |
| 论点3主要是在论点1的基础之上修正和改进 (该观点是当前学界主流观点) |
5、问题部分(注意反噬!不懂反噬的,自己去CD搜,所有答案正确性未知,批评性看待。其实你如果看了上面,本文框架完全了然于心了) Q1:题目有主旨 就是trace development吧 有个干扰选项detail history anddevelopment of a discredited thoery应该不对
Q3:问如果holistic理论正确的话(就是F的理论) 那哪个对 感觉选由于脑部受伤而导致的impairment不由受伤region决定而由amount还什么决定
Q5: 问20-50年代的科学家有什么共同观点(第三段开始)
Q6:the localization operationin 1884的目的在于
PS: 希望后面考试的小伙伴能记忆下第5个科学家出现在第2段末,还是第3段初;第6个科学家的名字,来完善下这篇文章~题目也多多益善~ 本构筑过几天考,希望这篇文章对在本次库考试的小伙伴有帮助,也给自己攒点RP~